Alright, what to work on ?

So thats gonna be my new routine for sprint improvement. i will mention that i am not a proffesional sprinter or anything, i’m a basketball player in origin, but since the 100m really makes my heart pump hard, I decided i want to improve it and hopefully go sub 11 one day.

So far I have been training WSB style, my stats are 460 deadlift,
a 180 kilo box squat (400lb) and 110 kilo powerclean.
I am jumping 42" off a run if it means anything, 6’2" tall and 235lbs of body weight. 19 years old, i did alot of 30m sprints as a part of my power and strength program, im in the 3.9-4 range for these.

After reading CFTS and consulting forum members i modified the WSB routine to this:

Mon High CNS stress track work/ ME sq/dl
Tues Tempo
Wed High CNS stress track/ME bp
Thurs Tempo
Fri High CNS stress track/DE sq/dl
Sat Tempo
Sun rest

Mon High CNS track/DE bp
Tues Tempo
Wed High CNS track/ME sq/dl
Thurs tempo
Fri High CNS track/ME bp
Sat Tempo
Sun rest

Mon High CNS track/DE sq/dl
Tues Tempo
Wed High CNS track/DE bp
Thurs Tempo
Fri High CNS track/ME sq/dl
Sat Tempo
Sun rest

My question is what to do in each CNS track session, obviously the CFTS volume is a little too high for me i think, can anyone give me some basic guidelines about what doing every time, not just a routine, but a little sense behind it so i can make further adjustments myself ! thanks ahead guys and sorry for the newbie question, a direction for a similar post would be even better !

i would do acc on mon/fri, max v on wed OR max v of ur lower dym and acc on other days, keep vol 360<

Thanks !!
Care to expand and give an example for a nice specific plan for accels and max V ?
what about working in the 130-150 range for endurance ? do that on wednesdays and call it a day ?

20x med ball throws
20-30 jumps

3x20 efe
3x20 fef
20-40 jumps

5x30 resisted
5x30 normal
20x med ball throws
20 jumps

i would let your sport and tempo take care of the endurance for basketball.

Alright, i see its more like an acceleration improvement routine. notes taken.

Any more examples and opinions feel free guys !

My work is pretty similar with some 20m flying runs (20m build-up) at the end.

I like to intro efe and fef before any flys.

Hey Tam, whats efe and fef ?
And what kinda med ball throws are you usually doing ?

easy fast easy
fast easy fast

over back
squat throw
1-2-3 hop throw and accel

Perhaps during these efforts, concentrate on Arm technique, hip height and relaxation. Dont focus on being powerful. CF made mention of these at the seminar and its better to sacrifice a bit of power and effort and perfect these qualities.

bold, how do you concentrate on hip height? Thanks

Things to think generally different for each person. Pushing your hips forward, short ground contact time, higher knees, Dorso flexion of feet, any one or combination of these whilst thinking “hip height” can help you achieve better hip height. However, it all starts with correct arm action - getting the arm action correct might set the hips up high. If you thinking about what needs to be done, you should notice if its happening or not. ONce you get hip height, you’l be like, “oh, i just got hip height, i must be doing something right”.
If you look on the Vancouver graphs, you’ll notice weeks where the speed is only run out to 20m then held from there. This is an ideal time to practice and perfect this technique.

I hope you understand… If not, ill try better. :wink:

Isn’t efe essentially a fly.

it depends how u perform the run and how you view it. To me no bc when you are performing the efe at the beginning stage you dont have the skills to reach the velocity you will in the later stages when you intro flys, also the distance for the efe are usually shorter distances and some people are a lil more aggressive with the first segment versa a fly its a gradually accel.

Ok good. Point taken.

Can you give an example of a tempo workout for a 100 meter guy?

300 pushup and situps.

Pushing hips forward = tilting pelvis up? Thanks good post

Never thought of it like that, but yeah, that sounds about right. A mental thought to do that is, think of squezing the butt checks together.