Aln's Training Journal (OLD)

If you see the times slow dramatically stop the workout. Also I wouldnt be running timed 60’s in a sore state anyways. Have to be very careful you dont injure yourself severely. Take a couple days off and then do light tempo on grass and flexibility work for a few days.

Bundle up with tights/long johns etc. try to wear something warm that wont restrict your movements. Also extend your warmup if necessary.

Good luck

I took a day off yesterday … the weather has improved a lot, after Sunday’s rest day I hope I’m much better … I guess I’ll see then and reevaluate. I did soft 300’s Wednesday, I’ll do 300’s tomorrow again, mostly technique work and keep the impact down. What can I say, one does the best one can do.

Indeed, I’ve been warming up alone to extend my warmup. Heh. I with there was a magic potion to get rid of the problem instead of all these little things one does to try to make it better.

Soft 300s. First one in around 49, next three in around 45.5, 8 mins rest. Too cold to do anything intense.

Rested yesterday.

3 x 10m.
2 x 20m.
60 from blocks 7.1
200 28.0
200 27.2
200 23.2

Something really weird happened today. I was beyond explosive in the blocks. I was popping forward like a cork and really using the blocks. It came out of nowhere. I don’t want to get optimistic too early, so I won’t say anything concrete, let’s see what happens the next time I do blocks. If I’m able to do this on a regular basis I’ll be able to run a good 100m. I got a bit carried away and did a full 60m. from the blocks, but I ran poorly. Just about everything went wrong. I cut my acceleration early and for some reason I went swinging my whole torso from side to side throughout the last 50 or so meters … no idea why that happened. I tried to remain relaxed and maybe loosened too much and lost control of my body or something. Weird. The next thing was supposed to be 5x200 in 30s … the first two I couldn’t regulate at all, the first one I thought I was jogging and was going to do 30s and still did 28, then the second one I thought I went even slower then the first one and it was 27.2 … I came to the conclusion my coach must have gotten confused with the times, it’s impossible I had them that slow. I did one more but at 99% and called a day. I didn’t accelerate very well but I was blazing fast in the second half of the curve, then I relaxed a bit in the straight instead of driving 100% all the way or trying to increase the pace a bit at the start of the straight. This was positive as I’m around where I thought I am. With full rest I’m in 22.6-22.7 shape, so by whenever our coach has planned the peak, I should be in sub 22.5 form, which is the goal.

September 20
300 42.1
300 41.8
300 42.6
300 42.8

Rest was supposed to be 8 but I pulled for a 15yo teammate who’s going to nationals for his category and had to do 3 had 300’s (for him).

September 21

September 22
200 25.8
200 25.1
200 24.2
200 24.8
200 25.1

Technique work. 3rd and 4th reps were a beauty technically, the 4th I felt the loosest and smoothest and tallest I’ve ever felt in a rep … I hope I can find that point more often now and at higher intensities.

September 23
Warmup up then couldn’t do anything, I had hard 60’s, but I couldn’t warm up or get moving. Then did weights.

September 24
10m, 20m, 30m
10m, 20m, 30m
10m, 20m, 30m

150 16.9
150 16.8
150 17.2

The work was very weird. I ended with such pain I couldn’t jog or even walk by the last one. I was accelerating nothing, so I can’t understand why the times are good. I was doing them with a teammate who was doing them at 17.4-17.5 full out and I was coming out of the bend a few meters behind and blasting out 10 meters ahead in the straight, and I wasn’t feeling like I was running well in the straight either. So my top speed at the moment must be quite high although I felt clumsy, tight and like my technique was all broken down. I guess this is positive, there must be room for significant improvement. If I were accelerating well I would be doing the 150’s below 16.5, a new PB by 1/2 a second.

I’ve always been reluctant to take anti-inflamatories but today I finally decided to stop messing around and bought some of the injectable good stuff. If I don’t get rid of the pain in my upper leg/hip it will ruin my season. I’m already not going to be able to perform at my best, my acceleration is a disaster again. It’s a shame because a month or two ago we were really fixing the technical problems there and I was beginning to have a decent start for my strength and speed level, now we’re back to mediocre. But most of all I’m totally unsure when accelerating … I guess it’s impossible to accelerate hard and focused if your frickin’ mid section and leg hurts when you lift your leg. Having the first anti-infl shot today … goddamn I hope this stuff works. I’m at around the level I hoped to be at (mid 22’s) despite accelerating very poorly, if I can at least get rid of the pain and accelerate without worry good things might happen. If I lower my 150 to 16.5 the implications are obviously very good and that seems possible (22.0?). Let’s see how things play out. Not much I can do about this till vacations and preseason when I can get it properly treated.

September 25 - rested.

September 26
Couldn’t do anything. :frowning: :frowning:
Took my first anti-inf shot yesterday. I’m better but I couldn’t do anything on the track today. Only did my hurdle mobility circuit, jogged and stretched. Then a quick and light gym session. I’m going to begin to carefully plan a midsection routine and hurdles mobility routine for everyday, like that I at least do something useful when I can’t run.

200 23.4
200 23.4
200 25.0

Good work today, what can I say I’m fast right now. The first two were at like 95%, I never had to push it, the last one my coach said to take the intensity down and focus on technique since they were all supposed to be at 24 and the first two were too fast the work for the day was in. I ended up fine, at least I can walk today, although by the 2nd and 3rd reps I could feel that fu–ing pain beginning to trickle down my upper thigh and the inflamation beginning to build up. I’m taking another anti-inf shot tomorrow in the morning. Hopefully I’m ready for a full week of training after this shot … let’s see on Monday (X <- fingers crossed). I’ll arrange an appointment with the doctor and start therapy next week too … hopefully I can still salvage the rest of the season. In two weeks we have a big meet (with Brazilians there to kick our a–es) in Rosario … two weeks after that we have the National Cup of Clubs (the second most important event of our outdoor season after Nationals) and then two weeks after that Semana del Mar, the most important “international” meet held here … hopefully I can achieve the minimum mark and participate (22.4 in 200m … in 100 it’s 10.8 … the 100 is very doubtful … I’m not worrying about it). The season is shaping up, hopefully I can get to 100% and post some serious numbers up … even not being 100% I’m on track to achieve the goals for the season … so if I get better only good things can happen.

Good training man, you’ve got will and determination.

I hope everything works out well for you, just don’t overtrain yourself.


I’m doing what I can, at least I’m having time to reflect after training 9 months non-stop 6 times a week. I guess I’m actually lucky by the timing of the injury, since I was able to complete the basing period. What matters is that I get past this and am ready to go for our November-January basing period. All that matters are Nationals next year, after another basing period if I keep improving like I (and my coach) think I can improve I’ll be in business (with a sub 22.00 you can make the final here, with a sub 21.50 you’ll be among the top 3-4). Hopefully everything works out. Nothing is worse then injury preventing you from training and reaching your goals.

On Monday I called the doctor’s office and luckily got an appointment on the same day. So I went to the doctor at 6PM and couldn’t get a hold of my coach. Since there is a track there (it’s a medical center inside a club) I thought I could do my work there, but I couldn’t get a hold of my coach so I ended up taking the day to rest.

Tuesday was my first therapy session, only did my warmup, stretching and weights.

Wednesday I thought I felt good, I warmed up, as soon as I put a foot on the track I realized I couldn’t do anything because of the pain. I did some blocks (only 1 x 10m., 1 x 20m., 1 x 30m.), then tried to begin the work, I had 4x60m. and 2x150m. (at 100%), a total disaster. 1st 60 7.3, 2nd 60 7.6, 3rd 60 7.8, 4th 60 8.0. There I decided it was worthless to do the 150’s. I was going to do them in 19 if I did them and that’s useless so I called it a day and did some mobility.

Today (Thursday 2 October) I did track over at the club where the medical center is. since I’m going to therapy Tuesdays and Thursdays I’ll begin doing what I have those days there. The track is an old cinder and some sort of seashells, but they are pulverized and it’s basically sand now. It’s a very soft and slow track. I think it’s going to do me good to train here. Anyway, did the work I was supposed to do yesterday. Some technical difficulties with the timing and measuring.
60 couldn’t time it
60 couldn’t time it again
60 7.3
60 7.3
150 19.0
150 16.9

I felt ok, a bit sloppy in the first reps before I got used to the track, and also because I hadn’t done anything in so many days. I think the lack of training is beginning to have negative effects now because I’m losing the notion of the track. I felt so sloppy accelerating today, like I wasn’t used to the movements and angles all of a sudden. The first 150 was hilarious, when I was about 20m. from the finish I was thinking (damn this 150 sure seems long), then I got a bit scared when I saw the time, but when I went back to the start I noticed I had started like 15 meters back from 150m. Since the track is totally unmarked I had put a little mark before the 150, I went and did a couple accelerations and then when I went back I started at a mark which I thought was the one I had made. Anyway. That’s the story. Nothing is marked on the track except 0, 100, 200, 250 and 300. Before the second I remeasured twice, 50 m. from 0 and from 300 to make sure, I was surprised at the time because I didn’t feel particularly fast. What I notice is that when you train few times a week you begin to lose touch with the track, I feel like don’t have the same feel as when I’m continuously training, I go and can’t get comfortable in any rep. Had therapy right after the track (the track is 20m. so within 2 minutes I was on the bed having magnetotherapy). Then jogged, stretched and closed the day doing some bench press 8,6,2setsx4,2x2. The track work wasn’t brilliant but at least I was able to put some work in on the track.

Rested Friday.

50 6.0
50 6.2
50 6.1
200 23.3
200 23.8
200 24.0

Sunday Rest.

I got a shot Thursday night and Saturday night, I hope these are the last I need. I think this thing is getting better. Let’s see what happens next week. Saturday I did the work on a cinder track, so the times were good considering the track. In the 200’s I wasn’t leading so I had to stay behind the leader and that’s why the last 2 were a little slow, but the work was good anyways, the focus was on staying relaxed and technically right in the straight. Again I keep feeling like I am going at 95% or less, in particular in the first one I had to slow down many times in the curve to not run over the guy leading. For some reason he slowed down notably at the end of the curve so we were on pace for a faster time, so that a rep where we should have posted around 23.0 on this track and I felt I wasn’t pushing it at all, is good news. Next weekend is the big meet, we’ll go there with 0 meets under our belt but we’re looking good despite the injury and lack of racing. Good things can happen in the 200. I suppose there will be no middle ground since it’s the first race of this competitive period, I’ll either blast away and feel great and post a low 22 time or run tense and poorly and post a low 23 time lol. The 200 is on Sunday. On Saturday I’ll run the 100m. heats, since the level is going to be very high (for local standards :smiley: ) I surely won’t make the final (10.70-10.80 will be required looking at the field), but I might make the “B” final (the consolation final lol) if I run 11.30 or better. If I make the B final I definitely won’t run it, I have to run the 4x100 relay that day too. If I run heats, B final and relay I’ll have warmed up and run 3 times. I certainly don’t want to test my ostitis pubis like that, already running twice Saturday will test it enough and what matters for me is the 200. Ideally I’d only run the relay, but since I run the anchor leg in my relay (I’m in our “B” relay, our “A” relay has all 10.5x-10.7x guys and will compete for a podium spot I’m sure) I won’t get to practice blocks so that’s why I’ll run the 100m. heats, I don’t want to to go completely green into the blocks on Sunday. What can I say … good things can happen … let’s see how things play out. I’m excited about this despite carrying this damn injury.

Warmed up, practiced a few baton exchanges, blocks, then couldn’t anything because of the pain. Had to do 4x60m. with 5 minutes and 2x120m. with 12 minutes, started the 60’s, did 7.3, 7.6, 7.8, 8.0 then decided it was not even worth doing the 120’s. Did some hurdles mobility at the end as consolation to think I did something useful.

Monday I was rolling in pain the whole night, I went to the track, was in pain during the warmup, then gawd knows for what reason as soon as I started the track work I was feeling damn good in the acceleration.
60 7.2
60 7.0
120 13.5
120 13.6
On cinder track, so the times were good. Went to therapy right after. Did bench press in the gym to end the day.

Rested. Felt tempted to training, but then decided to rest. I felt good like if I could have done something that day.

Felt good, as soon as I tried to do an acceleration I knew I wouldn’t be able to do sh–. Couldn’t do anything today. Had 6x60m with 5mins @ 100%. I can’t understand how the fu-- this works. One day I’m shot and go to the track and I’m able to do the work, another it seems like I’m fine then I can’t do anything. Did bench press as a stimulus for the CNS as last recourse as we compete on Saturday, and going without doing anything since Tuesday would be far from ideal.


11.91 (+0.7)
The heats started at 4:25 PM, had to be in the callup chamber at 4:00. My heat didn’t actually go till 4:50, the first 3 took forever.
Disaster strikes. I tripped up in my first few steps. I think the reason was that I tried to rush out of the blocks. I ended up not using the blocks very effectively, LMAO - and not using the ground much either. Fortunately I didn’t fall flat on my face and was able to get up. But this made me stand up completely upright by 8 or so meters into the race. So not only was I completely upright but already 5-6 meters behind the leaders barely 10 meteres into the race. Once I stood up the next 50-55m. were good, I didn’t lose any more ground and was still only about 6 meters back at the 60m. point, but here I completely lost form, for some reason I leaned my torso forward. Then at 80m. I straightened my form out again, but by this time the leaders had taken another 5 meters, I just relaxed and coasted in the last 20m, nothing I could do by this point. I wish I had a video of this to post like that everyone has a good laugh. This was one eventful 100m. LOL. Considering everything that happened 11.91 wasn’t very bad. I was aiming for sub 11.50 at the least and sub 11.30 if I ran well. I probably lost .4-.5 secs in the trip up, so discounting that my speed is about where I think it is, 11.50 will be no problem in my next meet, 11.30 is within my possibilities. Hehe. Well, I can’t possibly trip again in a race can I. What I noticed is that after I set up my blocks and did a practice start I also did a sloppy start in which I didn’t trip as bad as in the actual race but came out too low and without using the block, rushing my steps I guess. That was precursor to disaster I should have noticed. Next time I’ll be more attentive. The most positive thing of the race is that I was relaxed throughout, I didn’t tense up anywhere and was able to fix my form when I lost it. I really feel I can run a good race now. My acceleration is a disaster, but my form afterwards has definitely sunk in, I’m able to run in good form and not tense up anymore. Obviously I wasn’t able to get even into the B final with this time. The wait till my heat went didn’t help either, tough to stay activated with such a long wait. Next stop was the 4x100m.

44.2, for some reason the photo finish was unmounted before the 4x100m - sigh.
1f2, 4th place overall (there were two finals and then the times ordered for the final placings).
Here there a ton of problems with the organization. Originally there were 8 teams so only one direct final was going to happen, but a team signed up at the last moment and they had to split the races into two direct finals with 4 teams in one and 5 in the other. 10 minutes of chaos ensued in which the lanes were changed multiple times. We ended up in the second final, which really screwed us. We won our final by over 10 meters. I ran a blazing anchor leg, widening the gap from about 5m. to 10+m. Since our coach and everyone in our club was running the relays (4 of the 9 relays were ours) we had no one to time us, and the 3rd place team got .2 secs manual better then us, so we might have been screwed for the place in the podium, the 3rd place team was a local team. Anyway, back to analyzing the running. The exchange was OK. I started a bit early (our 3rd leg runner was 2 meters before the mark), so I did like 2 steps then decelerated/coasted for a fraction of a second and then started accelerating again. I calculated well and the exchange was made without problems. I felt excellent and extremely fast over the whole 100m. Technically excellent, smooth running. This was the highlight of the weekend as my individual runs were sloppy. The relays were scheduled for 7:20 PM but they didn’t start till around 8:10 or so something. This killed me because I had to do gawd knows how many accelerations, skipping, etc to keep activated. By the time our series went I could barely do accelerations because of the pain. I didn’t even know if I was going to be able to run with the pain. But once I got the baton I suppose the adrenalin took care of everything, I didn’t notice anything, couldn’t feel any pain or anything. I guess this made a huge difference in how I ran. In the individual races I think about the pain and how it’s going to affect me all the time, here once the relay gun went I had to totally concentrate on our runners and completely forgot about myself.

23.67 (+0.5)
Not bad but certainly not good either. I made some major tactical and technical mistakes. Didn’t have any luck either. I had a horrible lane draw yet again, having to run from the outer lane. The two best guys in my heat were in the two lanes right inside me. I was thinking since hearing the lane draws how those other two guys would run the curve, so I ended up standing up immediately after the start to look over like an idiot. I guess it was a newbie mistake from lack of experience. I need to begin to run my own race. As one can imagine they both blasted past me before the middle of the curve. My coach was looking from outside the track right around there and shouted some tips, which was bad as I ended up focusing on what he said and never accelerated to 100%. I pretty much cruised the last 150m. at the same speed. I was relaxed and smooth but this was no good as I never got to my top speed. I pretty much ran exactly like the 200’s I’ve been doing in training. Low 23’s manual. I think was missing a 200 at 100% in training before this and I wouldn’t have made these stupid mistakes. The thing is I came out of the blocks expecting to run the curve soft and run a blazing straight but I ended up running a soft curve and relaxed straight … not a formula for good times. A very disappointing 200 as I was in shape for a good time. There is nothing worse then going to the competition and not even reaching top speed, it felt ridiculous. Of course I didn’t say anything to my coach but the things he shouted didn’t help either, that was around where I had to take the throttle from 95 to 100% and I ended up forgetting to step up thinking about what he said. Oh well. First race of the season. Now I’m HUNGRY. Goddamn. This will never happen again. Geez. Running a race at less then 100%, what a stupid thought, I’ll never think that again. Unless I’m in a weak heat I have to run 100% from the blocks, not sure what I was thinking. I guess that is the problem, I wasn’t thinking anything. I had no clear game plan. I kind of went out there to run and ran exactly like I have been running lately, like a training rep and even at the same intensity. Of course I didn’t even make the “B” final to try to correct my errors. Time to go back to the drawing board and make sure I make none of the mistakes I made this weekend again.

3x40 90secs
3x60 2
3x80 3
3x60 2
Did them all with a flying start, focused on techinque, too much pain to go full out.
Started off with some baton exchanges and blocks, did them all with sneakers.
All with a flying start. Felt good, except that I can’t start from a standing start, accelerating kills me. Once I was moving though I was very fast and smooth.
Warmed up then couldn’t do anything.

Tomorrow we compete, I think I’ll run 100 and 400. Or maybe I’ll only run 100 and right after it we’ll do time trials on our own. Really I should only run 400 because I’m in shape for a decent 400, but I’ll have to see what my coach prefers me to do. I hope the 100 doesn’t tire me much. As always I have no idea how I’ll be maybe. Maybe I won’t be in pain and be able to run fast (low 11), or I could be in pain and not be able to break 12 lol. Let’s see what happens. I’ve modified a few things and I’m optimistic I’ll improve. I’ve completely cut abs out of my routine and switched from heat to ice. The ostitis pubis itself seems to be under relative control, I feel it there but the pain hasn’t been that much to make me stop. On the other hand all the inflamation I have in my abs is what’s been killing me now. No idea where it’s originating from, let’s see what happens cutting off abs and applying ice.

aln, I don’t normally post on people’s training threads, but I’ve been reading your journal, and I find it dismaying.

Why on earth are you training at such enormous volumes, and competing so much, with inflamed abdominal muscles and osteitis pubis? I know we all have twinges and aches as athletes, and often return earlier than warranted to training after an injury. But you are writing about pain that keeps you up all night, that sometimes prevents you even from jogging, that you are taking anti-inflammatory injections for. Why do you keep on training and competing?

This is not healthy, it is definitely not smart, and as you may have noticed by now, it is not helping your times either. If I were your coach I would ban you from the track or the weight room until the pain is completely - not partially, completely - gone. Only then would I allow you back, and put you on a gradual build-up program.

Listen, why don’t you consider this: Call it quits for this season, take a month or two off from track, and let your body heal properly. Don’t jump back into 100% training but start from a couple of light, easy sessions per week and build up gradually from there. Forget about strength or speed loss. Strength levels can be easily regained, especially at your age. As for speed, well a two month layoff is not going to drop your times from 11-something to 13-something, and you may find that, with the pain gone, you run much faster.

Think about it.

Hey i understand what your saying, i have also been reading his training journal. But if this guy is training throught his injuries i admire him alittle bit.

I rekon he should lower his training until he heals.

Thats what i did!


11.4 (NWI)

A considerably positive competition. The 400 was very slow, but I’m not disappointed at it. My heat was lousy, the first place guy did 51 and I was second, then the rest entered in a pack at around 56-57secs. The guy that was first was in lane 2 and I was in 3 and he flew past me already in the first curve and I let him go and stayed speculating with the rest, then at around 200m I stepped up a gear and began to pull away then at 300m I changed another gear and left the others in the dust. The first 200 must have been ridiculously slow, 27s I’d estimate, then the guy that was first had his split called to him by someone and they shouted 38, and I passed 300 about 20-25 meters after, so I probably passed in 41 or so, way too slow for a good time.

The 100 was very good though. I was already about 5 meters behind everyone after 10 meters (lol, I’m serious - my first 4 steps were completely flat footed) because I couldn’t accelerate sh–, but once I got rolling I felt good and was very fast. I ended up 3rd in my heat, first got 10.6 and 2nd 11.1. I was back 6 meters from the 2nd place guy at around the midpoint of the race but here I started eating up his lead and chopped off at least 3-4 meters in the last 30. So if I weren’t losing 1/2 a second in the first 10 I’d be around or under 11 flat manual. That’s all I need to know, next year when I’m healthy and after another another preseason I’ll be an animal. If top speed-wise right now I’m around a high 10’s guy I will be even faster next year in all aspects. 10.5-10.7 next year? Looks realistic as long as I’m 100%. Now I just want this damn competitive period to pass fast like that I can take a break and get healthy for the preseason. The main thing is that I feel very relaxed in the competitions now and am able to run how I want. That’s a significant step. In particular, today was the first time I’m able to use my top speed in competition and be able to begin to run people down even after a poor start. I guess this will be a positive experience in the long term because of this, I’m really seeing the toughest side of the races, having to come from behind, after this, when I’m fine it will be a joke to come from behind if it’s possible.

I’ll have to think about it, but I think today’s might have been my last 100 of the season, I might only run 200 and 400 in what’s left of the season. It’s really not worth running 100 like this, in the 200 and 400 on the other hand there is not so much of a problem with a poor start. What I might test is running a 100 progressively instead of trying to come out hard and my body putting the brakes when it feels the pain. I think I’d lose less ground in the first 10 meters coming out smoothly and slow then trying to come out normal and having to pop up on my first steps. Anyway, the only reason there can be to run any more 100’s is to keep practicing coming from behind and staying composed when one is behind. On the other hand, I liked the 400 I ran today and want to see where we get with a few 400’s under my belt. I can run considerably under what I ran today, the question is how much. I want to find out. I’m setting the goal at first at 52, after another 400 or two we’ll have a clearer idea of what I’m capable of there.

I had to finally make a decision. I completely stopped. It was now or it would be too late. I’ve rested 4 days already, I’m getting optimistic this might go away by the weekend as it’s feeling better now. There was no other way to get rid of this, even training once, twice a week I was still inflaming this every time I got on the track, then I’d get a little better and inflame it again, a neverending loop of stupidity. I’ll go directly and compete Saturday in the National Cup of Clubs. We’ll reevaluate Monday and then decide whether to take another week. I can’t wait for Saturday, if I’m painfree for the first time in months it will be unbelievable, I’ll have to fly to celebrate. Goddamn they’ll have to put a force vest on me to contain me if I’m painfree. Of course there is also the possibility I’ll take time off and as soon as I’m back the inflamation comes back, but I guess we have to try this. Hopefully, just hopefully it works. Once the inflamation is gone for good we then need to begin to work on the reasons why it originated to make sure it doesn’t come back.

Did some bench press on Wednesday as a CNS stimulus. Stretching every day. Jogged and stretched today. There is some localized inflamation right around my right hip bone, but the rest has gotten better I think. Tomorrow is the big day. Hopefully I run well, this might be might last electronic 100 this season so I better make good use of it, it will be my legitimate/rankable PB of the year. With some luck I’ll run twice (at least make the B final). If the inflammation has improved considerably I’m aiming for 11.20-11.40. If once I get on the track it’s still there I won’t even worry about the time, I’d be happy with 11.50-11.60 in that case. I don’t know if we’re going to run the 4x100 relay. My coach got all mad because the “A” relay is all messed up, 2 guys injured, or well he’s not sure they’re injured, he thinks they’re scared. They were aiming for around 42 electronic and would have been in the fight for the top podium spots. But since that relay is messed up he doesn’t want to show up with our other relays and everyone think our B or C relay is our A relay. Actually we don’t really have a B or C, we’ve got 3 relays that could be around 44-44.5 if they run well then 2 other relays in the 45-46 region, so we were going to have 6 relays in total.

Saturday October 25
11.74 (+1.3) 6h3 lane 1
4x100 DQh2 lane 6
Today was a black day in my track club’s history. Unbelievably all 4 of our men’s relays got DQed. Including our “A” relay which was heading for a 2nd place finish until they dropped the baton in the last exchange … man that was the most agonizing dropped baton in history, our 3rd leg runner ran for about 10 meters in the zone with his arm outstretched and our anchor runner was touching the baton with his fingertips but could never get a grip on it, then finally they had to drop it before the end of the zone. The worse part was that my relay didn’t really do a DQ, we got 2nd in our heat/direct final (the times of the two heats were ordered). I ran anchor and the judge at my pass said we passed before the start of the zone, which didn’t happen. Furthermore I almost ran away from our 3rd leg runner and had to slow down a bit before the OTHER end of the zone to get the baton. But we didn’t protest, it was pointless, we weren’t even close to the fight for the podium (the first heat had at least 3 very good relays). The judges probably got confused because our two other relays in that heat dropped their batons in the last pass. The relay that won my heat got 44.48, so my relay probably ran around 45.30-45.40. What’s sad is that this is the only thing I ran well in the weekend, and won’t even get a mark for it. I grabbed the baton 15m. back and cut half the distance by the end. My first 60m. were blazing, I cut about 6 meters in the first 50 of the straight but then I lost form a bit trying to push it more as I saw the distance to catch the guy was running out and I couldn’t cut much more in the last 40 meters and then relaxed the last 10 meters in when there was nothing to be done. Regardless it was a very good leg. In the individual, I’m not going to say much, not a bad run considering my physical shape, no point in worrying about the mark. Yeah, this is the bad news, despite a week off no progress was made, actually on Sunday I think the pain got to the worse it has ever been.

Sunday October 26
24.16 (-2.6) 4h2 lane 6
Not much I could do in terms of the times here, the headwind was terrible. Everyone ran around a second slower then they normally do, so I guess this was worth a low-mid 23 electronic without the wall of wind. So overall I dropped the 100 and 200m. marks about .2 secs from the previous competition which is not bad.

Only warmed up and stretched. Did some bench press.


My first real training session in weeks.

10m then 20m x2

120 didn’t time
150 16.6
120 didn’t time

A totally weird day. I was blazing in the blocks today, coming out first in every single time including the 50 despite the pain. The 150 was spectacular, somehow I accelerated excellently, and blazed past everyone (I was in lane 1). What can I say, this is Russian roulette, now I just need this to happen in a competition day, if I feel like this in a competition day I’ll scorch a low 22s 200. Tomorrow I’m going to the normal doctor and on Friday I’m going to get a second opinion from a traumatologist, I’m also going to have an MRI late this week or early next week at the latest like that we stop screwing around and finally see what’s going on. This weekend we run 200 then next weekend we travel to Rosario and will run 100 there (there will be heats and finals there), then the weekend of the 15-16 November we end our season. We go to Mar del Plata for the major international tourney of the season and that will be our last competition. The week after that we already start our preseason since next year we have to be flying by March (the most important tournaments of next year will be in April, including 2 stops of the South American Grand Prix).