Aln's Training Journal (OLD)

Rest day. Torri Edwards botched my predictions with her breakthough PB, seems like Arron isn’t a championship performer, another 4th. If the American’s had sent the right people (Gaines), they would have swept the medals. White looks set for a double as Block clearly isn’t in shape to challenge her. My predictions for the women’s 200 is 1) White 2) Edwards 3) Block. I was very impressed with Darrell Brown, I’ll have to update my predictions, I never thought my final prediction would be this 1) Brown 2) Chambers 3) Montgomery 4) Greene 5) Collins, but I think any of them can be in any of these positions, should be the best final we’ve seen in a while … Boldon might also slip in … let’s see what he does in the semi. Men’s 200m. : 1) Kenteris 2) Capel 3) J. Johnson

80 9.9
80 9.5
80 9.4
150 17.8
150 18.6
150 DNS
150 DNS

I have ostitis pubis … it’s killing me. I’m going to cut all track sessions on the cinder track, I think that’s the main cause, when I train there it leaves me with sharp pain in my hip/groin, I think it’s because I have to use so much strength to accelerate well. Up to now that hadn’t been a problem because it would only hurt on those days, but since Thursday the pain hasn’t gone away. I’ll go to the doctor this Thursday and see what I can do. It took me 30 minutes of soft accelerations to warm up, then I messed up in the 150’s, I should have stayed jogging during the 12 minute rest, instead when I went for the second rep I had cooled down a lot and it had started hurting like hell. I had to abandon. The positive thing was the last 80, my initial acceleration was awesome and then I eased in the last 50 or so meters … so at least there was something positive in the session, I felt like I could have really pushed it in that last 80.

My (and everyone’s) mens 100m. prediction were so off. What can I say, at least I predicted right that Brown would strike, but the big names were total no shows. Campbell a medalist, LMAO! 10.07 winning the WC, what a joke, the new rules have ruined the 100m., hopefully these pitiful results will make the IAAF reconsider and put sane rules back in place, these stupid rules ruined one WC already!

80 9.5
70 8.3
60 7.3
80 9.4
70 8.5 (into headwind)
60 7.3
50 DNS
50 DNS
50 DNS
50 DNS

Had to abandon again, I couldn’t get started again once I cooled down after the second set. Despite that the work was decent, I was accelerating poorly because of the pain but felt (and was) very fast down the stretch starting to decelerate 5-10m. early in every rep … so that’s positive, my top speed is there and it’s pretty high … once I’m fine I should be doing the 80’s around 9s.

300 39.1
200 26.7
300 40.3
200 26.1

Change of routine, shorter and with less rest,it worked well as I was able to stay warm by jogging in the rests. We were aiming for 2 or 3 sets, but after the second one we decided the work had been good enough and cut to see if tomorrow I’m better. I was feeling great on the track, I was jogging in the 200’s, the first 300 is a new PB, and I eased down a lot in the last 100. Target times were 40 and 27. The pain has gone down a bit. After some discussion with my coach we’ve concluded that it’s almost certain that the problem is I’m lifting too heavy for my structure. We’re cutting down weight by 20-30 kg in the heaviest reps … until I strengthen my upper and middle body this will be a recurring problem, I won’t be able to lift as heavy as I can, so we’re designing a plan to target these areas. We’ll reevaluate in a week, but given the days in which the pain had been occurring or had been the worse in the past few months you can see a clear pattern, ie Tuesday’s and Thursday’s is when I always did heavy 1/2 squat and then I’d be in pain in on the track and I always thought it was the cinder track that was causing the problem. Let’s see what happens, hopefully we’ve gotten to the bottom of the problem.

We went to the hill for the last time in this preparation phase, but I only did jogging, stretching and some technical work (very low %). Yesterday I rested. The pain has died down a lot, if I’m lucky I think that by next week I’ll be close to 100%. I won’t do weights till Tuesday … I was debating whether to do a light session tomorrow, but I’ll just hold off and see if we get over this problem. We definitely hit the problem right on, and luckily it appears we have acted appropriately. The only problem is that I might get too fast a little too early because of the extra days of rest and the fact I’ve unloaded a ton of volume from not doing weights in over a week. Let’s see what happens next week, my track work should be excellent.

180 23.2
150 19.7
120 14.7
180 23.1
150 20.2
120 15.2
180 23.3
150 20.8
120 15.1

On grass with spikes. The pain has died down even more. Hopefully by Monday I’m close to 100%. Accidentally we did an extra set … last week we had 3 sets of this so me and my training partner thought it was the same thing. The 150 was clearly mismeasured, we were probably doing 5+ extra meters, that’s why it’s so bad in proportion to the reps in the other distances. It was a weird day, I’ve clearly unloaded a lot of the volume, I feel so light, I felt I was going at 75% today, it was ridiculous. Let’s see how the work goes next week, the 80’s and 150’s on Monday HAVE to be very fast, 9.0-9.3 in the 80’s and 17.2-17.7 in the 150’s, there is no excuse for a poor track session if the pain is gone, I need to begin to move full-out. There is a competition next Sunday and there will be 200m. … I’m drooling over the prospects of running, but my coach probably won’t have us run for 2 or 3 more weeks.

80 9.3
80 9.1
80 9.2
150 17.5
150 17.5
150 17.4

VERY positive work, I felt bad technically (I felt like I was sitting down but those observing said they didn’t see anything wrong) and kind of like I couldn’t get into good form, I couldn’t get comfortable and tall after accelerating and the acceleration wasn’t very good either, so the times were great considering this. The second 150 I eased in the last 10m. so that was probably worth 17.3. Anyway, the targets for the session were met, so excellent work. I’m probably at ~11.2/22.7 at 100% RIGHT NOW … and we haven’t even raced yet, so this is very positive, we’re definitely on our way for an improvement of .2-.4 on my 100m. PB and .4.-.7 off my 200m. PB … statistically … now let’s see how things work out. I can’t wait to race and get faster. The hip pain has died down more, not 100% yet, but I think I’ve gotten over the major problem. Not sure what the heck to do tomorrow, I haven’t done weights in a week and a half so I need to do, I was thinking of only going to 150kg 1/2 squat, 120kg deep squat, 110kg front squat … that’s a 30kg. reduction from the last time I did … I really hope that’s enough I don’t want the pain to come back … maybe I’ll do 140, 110 and 100 tomorrow just in case … sigh … quite a shame this happened, now we have to work to strengthen the rest of my body like that this doesn’t happen in our next loading phase … nothing I can do now, I’ll have to work light during this max strength phase … sad because I had progressed so much … on the other hand I should be happy I was able to progress this much, now at least I’ll focus on working light and maintaining, the base of strength I have right now is more then adequate.

Weighted sled
1 x 30m. x 25kg
1 x 30m. x 30kg
1 x 20m. x 35kg
1 x 20m. x 40kg
4 x 30m. x 30kg

80 10.1
70 8.3
60 7.5
80 9.8
70 8.4
60 7.3
50 6.1
50 6.2
50 6.3
50 6.3

I’m sick of this pain, bad session, hurt a lot, the cinder track definitely seems to add to the problem, because I felt fine and very fast in the weighted sled and 30’s, but as soon as I put a spike on the cinder track it hurt. Asked my coach about this weekend … we’re not running yet … I assume for 2 more weeks.

Rest day. Did my normal warm up and stretching, then worked on upper body in the gym, nothing for lower body.

It rained very hard all the day, decided to rest. The track was probably a swimming pool so I decided to take the day off. Was very tired too, I probably would have gotten sick or something if I trained.

60 7.1
60 7.1
60 7.0
60 6.9
60 7.5 (ooops, relaxed a little too much :wink:
60 7.2
60 7.0
60 6.9

Also practiced some block starts, I felt great and very fast there. I was decelerating 10m. before 60m. in most of them, and this was bad technically, very poor hip height. Once I get back into good running form I’ll easily chop .2-.3 off these … so this means I’m probably at around 6.6 at 100% … whew … now let’s see how things go in these next few weeks.

250 32.7
200 23.7
150 17.4
250 35.0
200 25.5
150 18.0

On grass with spikes. The first set I felt incredible. The first 250 was probably worth 31-31.5, but I got caught in a hole in the grass and almost fell during my acceleration. The 200 was the best rep I’ve done of anything in the last few months, my hip position was finally as high as it should be, I felt so tall and relaxed, I was flying through the grass. Then in the second set I died … I cooled down too much and couldn’t get moving again. Things are really looking positive and I’m feeling very fast … I think we run 100 next week, if not the next week we’ll open our season for sure.

Flash competition lol :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

24.7 (-3.1)

I went to watch a meet this morning and ended up competing out of nowhere. No warmup and only some stretching between some accelerations and skipping, then into the blocks. I got there less then 15 minutes before the start and since my coach or noone from my club was there I decided to run. Heh, I hope my coach doesn’t find out, he’ll get mad :mad: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: . Let’s say I just did a 200m. rep as my active rest day :rolleyes: . Lots of headwind, rain and cold temperature, I’m just glad I didn’t pull anything. I got screwed with the lane again, I got lane 7, the outermost one since there were only 7 guys in the race, so I had no one to “catch” in the curve. This is the 3rd 200 in a row I get the outermost lane, hopefully I’ve run my bad luck in lane draws out and when I really begin to compete I get better lanes.

The first 100m. I went pretty soft - no one to catch in the curve, (lol I probably did them in 13seconds) then the last 100m. I shifted a gear up and began to catch some guys and ended up 4th in my race (came out of the curve over 10m. back from first and 4m. back from 3rd). Overall I liked how I ran, given the fatigue from the training yesterday I felt good, my form felt good all along and I was relaxed all along and I was able to shift gears without tensioning myself and begin to catch everyone in the straight (I tied for 3rd - they gave the guy 24.5 and gave me 24.7 despite the fact we came in together … damn manual timing, 2nd was 24.2 and 1st 23.8). The guy in first has a 22.8 PB the guy in 2nd 23.0, so this was positive, I felt that with appropriate rest and a better lane I would have mowed them down. If I had run the curve hard I would have blown them away in the straight. In conclusion it was a positive outing, a low key meet (there were only two races - 14 competitors in total) where I was able to test my form and now I’ll be much more relaxed for the real races. All the races from next week on are huge, with 8-10 heats or so and everyone running 100% … and all the big dogs there. Next Saturday there will be a 100, I hope we run there. An important observation is that I need to focus more on running my own race. I noticed that when I came out of the curve I focused on catching the third place guy and I was watching him the whole straight … while I should have been focused on just doing my own thing. Something to have in mind. I’m glad I noticed this, in my next races I should just focus on an object in the end of my line or something, thinking about it, I was also doing this in April-May, I would always focus on someone ahead of me and try to catch that guy instead of running my own race which would be more effective. Hopefully now that I’ve noticed this I can correct it for the next races.

Heh, a little bit of deja vu :eek: , I just checked my journal, and my last 200, in May was identical, unbelievably, the same guy won with the same time and I got the same time and position in my race too, and the wind was also identical (-3.0 to -3.1 today), and I also got the outermost lane. Lol. Talk about deja vu.

Yaaaaawwwwwwwnnnn. :o Absolutely boring day. It was freezing so we didn’t do any intense work, only 5x200 at 75-80%. Hopefully this is the last cold of the winter and we can begin to work fast again. I just saw the clip of the Edmonton 2001 final, Maurice green is unbelievable there. When you take that into perspective it almost ridicules your normal athlete, I mean I admit it’s ridiculous to think of ever getting even close to that level. He probably passes 60m. in 6.1h and 80m. in 7.8h, ROFLMAO, I can’t even do less then 9.0h in 80m. … geez anything under 8.6 is outright incredible, 7.8 is ridiculous, another frickin’ league, normal people can’t do that, no matter the training or supplementation. Hehehe. But since I’m so hardheaded I’m going just going to go ahead and keep training - wasting my time - and see what I can do :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: I guess that’s how much I like the sport, who cares about world class, I’ll be happy if I lower 11.3h and then 11.2h and 11.1h and 11.0h and 10.9h and 10.8h and 11.00 … I guess if I lower 11 electronic someday I’m happy … I guess to do that I’ll need an 8.7h 80 … I wonder how fast that is.

Didn’t train either day, too much work, too little sleep, no time. I’ve missed 4 training days in the last 2 weeks after missing 1 in 9 months, despite the fact we’re now in the easy phase … just speed and few reps, at least no one can talk shit like “he doesn’t like to train with pain”. I guess I have the right to relax, I’ve trained well for a long while and have simply changed goals … for the first time I’m not worried at all about my times, I’m satisfied with where I am an let’s see how the competitions go … at least it’s clear I’ll never be a 10.50 sprinter so I better not lose focus of the other things I’m doing in my life … like studying. Funny how my parents tried to hammer this in for an year to no avail and now that they don’t say anything anymore I came to the conclusion myself. Sprinting is just something I like doing but should not demand as much attention as I was giving it. These past few weeks I’ve also felt much more relaxed when training, like I’m really having fun now, it’s not all this work towards a goal … now it’s just fun and relaxing anything else is secondary. I ran out of my multivit about 2 weeks ago and didn’t buy anymore … I think I’m feeling the effects, because these past few days I’ve felt mounting tiredness and weariness despite no significant changes in my schedule. I need to reorganize my whole schedule or I won’t make it to the end of the year with the workload I’m under … I need to train earlier like that I go to sleep earlier.

60 7.4
60 7.3
60 7.2
60 6.9
60 7.4
60 7.4
60 7.2
60 7.0
60 7.4
60 7.3
60 7.2
100 11.6

Technique work mostly, I did the first 3 of each set at a relaxed pace and worked technique, then turned a notch up in each last rep to see how I transferred technique adjustments. I’m slowly ratcheting my hip height up to where I want it to be, I also worked a lot on my arm action, extending the range of motion as my arm motion is extremely short (it’s normally already short and here I shorten a lot more) when I go at a high intensity. What I noticed is that I’m not completing my recovery phase when I go at a higher intensity and that’s a major factor affecting economy. By the 3rd rep in each set I was able to adjust and running at the same intensity I was posting .2 secs faster just by virtue of the technical improvements.

80 9.3
80 9.3
80 9.3
120 14.0

Not a good day, but not that bad either as I was able to work more on some technical aspects. Also did blocks before. I had a second 120 to do but called it a day, it was too cold to continue.

120 13.5
120 13.6
120 13.5
120 13.6

Good day. Didn’t time the 50’s. My acceleration is outright poor for the power I have at the moment, I don’t seem to ever get it right, on the other hand after my acceleration I’m really moving fast and feeling smooth. Hip position is getting better and I’m feeling much taller. The problem definitely was that I was not completing the recovery phase by rushing my steps. By doing this I was shorting the range of motion of both levers, my arm action becoming extremely short and my overall mechanics getting extremely inefficient. With the current technical improvements I feel I’m 100% ready to run a very good 200. Seems like the same thing as last half season will happen, I’ll run a 200 considerably better in proportion to my 100. I’m probably in 11.2-11.3 shape in 100 right now but could post a sub 22.5 200 I’m sure. We were supposed to open our season next week but the damn tournament has been cancelled, I think I might go to a nearby city and run there. In particular what I’m feeling is that there is a lot of room for improvement technically that can be done immediately and have an effect on my times. As to the acceleration … the ostitis pubis is always bothering, I don’t think I’ll be able to accelerate freely and at 100% till its gone, it’s too much of a distraction. For the moment it seems that a good acceleration will be more of a thing of chance … if I accelerate well in a 100m. I might post a serious time (sub 11 manual). I’m sick of the cold weather … I really hope this is the last cold of this winter … I’m absolutely sick of it. Heh. I guess those are the notes for the day.

Skipping C 10m. fast 10m. relaxed 10m. fast 10m. relaxed x2
Skipping A 10m. fast 10m. relaxed 10m. fast 10m. relaxed x2
Acceleration focus on technique 10m. x1
Acceleration focus on technique & stride length 10m. down, next 10m. begin to rise slowly
Acceleration focus on technique & stride length 20m. down and relaxed then next 10m. increase frecuency
Acceleration focus on technique & stride length 30m. as hard as possible without a breakdown in technique x2

10m. x2
10m. down, rise slowly next 10m. x2
20m. down x2
20m. down, rise slowly next 10m.
30m. hard x2

50 (on curve)
50 (on curve)
250 33.0
250 33.0
250 33.6
250 36.6 (on grass)

Positive work in the blocks, but once I got to the track work I was hurting all over. The big problem is that it’s freezing every day and once I get cold I can’t get moving again and my abs/pelvic region begins to hurt. The cold turns the track into rock and I forgot to bring my mid-distance spikes (with the heel) and had to do the 150’s with speed spikes … which killed my feet and calves and left me aching everywhere.

60 7.1
60 7.1
60 7.1
60 7.3
60 7.4

Done in the cinder track. It was freezing and I was too sore to touch the synthetic track. I felt powerful in the acceleration, but as the reps went on began to feel pain in my inner upper thigh … this is bad … it means the ostitis pubis has taken a turn for the worse. Let’s see tomorrow what happens. I was decelerating 5m. before in all the reps … in the last one I decelerated 10m. before 60m. so the times were good for doing this on the cinder track. Hurt too much to do weighted sled and weights … and I only did 5 reps and was supposed to do 8. Well. I’m doing what I can while being cautious. Nothing I can do about it and there is no way I’m completely stopping now. I think once the fu–ing weather becomes decent I’ll be fine, but the cold kills me. It makes this hurt more, begin to hurt faster, makes me cool down too fast … well … screws everything up. I’m sick of this stupid weather … it’s spring goddamn … we shouldn’t be in the 30’s F.