Alexandros Training Journal DECEMBER 2003

Okey here is my training journal:

It is divided in to three parts:
alex_december2003.xls - the program…
weights_december2003.xls - weights (it’s not complete though my weightlifting is more complex then this but this is the base)
alex_diagram_december2003.xls - the diagram of my time in different speed etc.

Every month I get a new program…

Yes I know the translation from swedish/english is not that great.

And about training journal, everybody can say, do 10x"flying 30m", but what is the meaning of it… You would probably learn more of doing some fosfat-series. Everything in my training journal is logical and there is a meaning behind everything.

The dreaded “seven days a week” scandinavian schedule!
Just joking…

How do you cope with working-out for seven days a week, every week?

Hehe :slight_smile: btw I’m greek and the “philosophy” of the program is greek :stuck_out_tongue:

We have some rest days in between some of the months… And the pre-competition/competition period is less work-out (“rest in shape”)…