I’ll take your word on it. I agree, there is not much chance of him taking 100m gold in Indy let alone Osaka. Still, there’s still nothing wrong with him running 100’s and he has done so in past years when he has gotten off big jumps. Who knows if he has a good chance of making the team in the 100? Even if he does not make it, running 100’s will just serve to sharpen up his speed for the lj as long as he isn’t neglecting his event specific jump work.
If he does well enough at nationals, he can still get in the 4 x 1 pool if he is not top three in the 100. Maybe it’s not the way he envisions his chances for two golds but it could be one and probably his best chance. He does need to concern himself, though, with Saladino(sp?) in the lj.
yeh exactly. I actually dislike how few (usually none) sprint races most jumpers get involved in, certainly early season i’d expect to see more. Most of the best jumpers (long) ever have been hybrids (eg, lewis, phillips, howe, and more besides). And purely for interest sakes is another reason.
I agree he should run the 100’s, just I don’t believe he can win a medal at Worlds (or gold as he said he wanted to), though he’s certainly getting quicker. Was that a PB for him?
I was waiting for the Carson 400m since Steff’s last race…in Feb!!! He has been talking it up a bit, and I really wanna see him run!! So disappointing to learn he didn’t race, but nobody said anything as to why…
I think he’ll medal at Worlds, but watch out for LaShawn Merritt, I think he’s gonna bring something special this season.
I agree Wariner needs to dip under 20 for the 200m and Steffenson needs to run at least under 20.3 before he continues running his mouth so much (he’s got a PB of 20.7blah!). I like the guy, don’t get me wrong, but come on, 20.7?
Same here, I’d like to see some of these guys branch out a bit. Competing in a sprint offers an opportunity for speed development that sprint training only can probably not provide. Larry Myricks and Mike Conley would run sprints as well though probably more 200’s than 100’s.
I agree, he probably can’t medal(least of all gold) in Osaka but I wonder if he were to put more effort into the area, as he is apparently doing now how much better could he be. In other words he has not had all that many races from which he could determine just “where” he really is. Still, he does not need to lose sight of his lj-especially with some of his inconsistent approaches and, at times, awkward landing technique.
As far as being his p.r., I’d say it would be but of course it was not a legal wind. I think his best with a legal wind is around 10.15 or so.
Always tough to know what’s really going on but it’s worth remembering that an athlete has a certain number of years to shield assets after retirement in athlete trust accounts, so there’s no big rush to announce a retirement!