ACL Injury-Help!

ACL’s take a minimum 6 months to graft. What graft did you get? Appears most doc’s recommend patellar for male athletes s and hamstring double bundles for female athletes (at least in my area).

I have seen it in every instance rehab does not address force absorption at all. Everything is force production.

I use a screen that I have not had an ACL case pass right out of therapy. It took several weeks of work to get into acceptable ranges.

Also, at your recovery so far, I would think you could start to work it harder on the strength side of things. Hard to say everything I have done in the past. I just had NFL guy coming off knee issues, and was babied for 7 months in therapy. Doing squats with bands for 2 x 20 reps isn’t going to help this guy get back to taking a pounding on Sundays.