accuracy of body composition measurement using BIA

How accurate are the BIA machines that hook a lead to your hand and one to your foot? I know the $60 hand held ones are garbage, but this machine was $2000. Any info would be greatly appreciated


With calipers I am between 4 and 5.5%.
Anytime I do something with bioelectrical impedence whether it be the scale or the thing that goes on your foot and hand (which I used in my ex.phys lab) I have always been around 13% on many occasions.
I dont think I am 13%. That is me in my avatar. You be the judge.

damn man! what did you do with your muscle length??? your contractile part of muscle is shorten 30% than it was before you did your training, am I right?

magnitude of your circular measure made me think that… but you have disproportion of your contractile part and tendon part, that’s for sure.
[need precise pic to be sure]

What are you talking about? In my avatar?? Thats my Forearm dude.

You’d probably be good at running on your hands.

machines in prace range of $2000 to $4000 are comparable with some MRI methods or other reference high expencive methods.

multifrequent BIA aparature with phase angle measuring are very usable for everyday body composition monitoring.
if you know what you do you will have great
comparations over time and great stats.

in my working expiriance (over 3 years of personal training with recreatives, semi pro and pro sports) german Nutri Guard BIA makes no mistakes if you standardize your aquauring.

my faculty graduation paper was on comparing BIA with Mateigka… ask for more if you need…