A new beginning

Goals to accomplish on Monday December 8.

  • 5x300 @ 36 w/ 5 min. rest
  • 4x20m starts

Trying to turn up the intensity, it’s real cold now (cold for New Orleans anyway) so if I can put up those time in these conditions, I can go well under my goals for the year easy.

Are you being coached or are you running without one and are you running alone or do you have a group, partner, etc.

Just out of curiosity (actually for either of you) how cold is cold in New Orleans?

Im in Baton Rouge and its the same temp just about except it rains more there but around this time the high might get up to the mid 50’s on warm days maybe the mind 60’s and low could be anywhere from 30 to 20 degress.

All this is farenheit.

Huh, I didn’t know it got into the 20s and 30s in New Orleans.

I 'm alone right now, no coach and the rest of the group isn’t going to be out there til the end of the month. Well yesterday it was around 40, couldn’t tell you the average for the rest of the week, but it couldn’t have been much higher. I’m glad I don’t live in New York, I wouldn’t even make it to the track.



What the hell that is warm, sometimes its has been 1 degrees when i have trained, and belwo freezing. I live in the UK UK UK UK

You are talking Celcius Cool not F :slight_smile:

oh yeh! oh yeh

You also have to remember that to us that is cold because we’ve been around weather like the 90’s - 100’s for most of the year so its hard to adjust.

Results from Monday-

300m avg. 37.04

Yesterday I felt awful, nothing went how it was supposed to. I struggled through all the 300’s, the goal was to go 36 or better for all of them, none were better than 36.4. All 4 of my starts were horrible, somone timed me on one of them it was embarassing. I knew something was wrong when I couldn’t get up for work. Just got back from the ER, turns out that I have the flu. Never had it before, so I just thought I was just out of shape. So the closest I’m coming to a track for the next couple days is watching the 2000 olympics on tape.

Thursday December 11:


Very short day, I’m not back to full strength yet, so I’m not going to overdo it. I’m not sure with whatt intensity these 150’s should be run, so if anyone has any ideas, feel free to share.