A journey back to the gridiron

So I’ve decided to start a journal to chronicle my return back to football. I’m going to be joining a semi-pro team come September/October and hopefully with some luck - and a lot of work - I could maybe take it past the semi-pro level. Follow along and post any tips/advice you may have.

I’m 24 years old, 5’8’’ and 185lbs currently. Very, very lean. My training template is as follows: Monday - Speed, Tuesday - Upper weights, Wednesday - Tempo, Thursday - Speed, Friday - Lower weights, Saturday - Tempo, and Sunday is an “off” day but I usually try and get in about a 45-60 light walk through town.

Here is video of a 420lb Floor Press I hit on Tuesday: [video=facebook;650813273405]http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=650813273405&comments[/video]

Here is a link to my FB page if you want to view the video in a bigger format: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=58406255

6-22-2011: Weights

  • Incline Treadmill Walk x 20 minutes

  • Deadlift (deloaded) 315lbs x4sets x5reps, no belt. The previous two weeks were 405 & 425 for 5x5, no belt. I find that I need to back-off in the deadlift after 2 weeks as opposed to 3-4 weeks in the bench or squat. The plan for the next two weeks is 440 & 455 for 5x5, hopefully.

  • Light Barbell Shrugs 4x30

  • Light Band Pull-through 2x15

Pretty quick and easy workout today.