a D1-AA summer football program..

so basically i got up early for no reason… im really bored… and heres my 1-AA college football summer workout… we are on week 10 btw… this is MONDAY , i will post the others later when i have more time…

this is the RUNNING for skill positions:
dynamic warmup

ladder drills 14 total reps

2 feet x2
hip twist x2
scissors (1x each direction)
forward ickey x3
backwards ickey x3
tango from bottom x2
lateral icky x2

cone agility drills 4 reps each

10 yard box (sprint, shuffle, backpedal, sprint)
M- pattern
10-5-10 agility
3 cone drill

then cool down and flexibility


start off with rotator cuff work

then do core exercises… then… the lifting begins…

(basically each exercise is supersetted with something)

bench press
x8 70%
x3 80%
x3 85%
x2 90%
x2 95%
(supersetted 3 sets of 15 weighted calf raises)

hang cleans
x5 70%
x3 80%
x2 90%
x1 95%
x1 97.5%
(supersetted necks and figure 8’s)

single incline DB

(supersetted with 3 sets of 10 clap pushups)

lateral raises
(supersetted 3 sets of 10 pullover skulls)

so that is mondays workout…

what do you guys think of it?.. it goes …

monday tuesday thursday friday… all hard lifting and all there are sprints

What does the rest of the week look like?

why superset bench w/ calf raises? why do figure 8’s supersetted after a lift and also when you already did agility before you lifted. I think core should be last IMO.

here is tuesday…

dynamic warmup

stair workout (25-30 staris)

  1. sprint every setep
  2. right foot
  3. left foot
  4. both feet hops
  5. sprint every other step
    repeat 10x

position conditioning drills… (basically patterns if you are a receiver…)


cuff work

core work

then… 2 sets of 6 vertical jumps

power clean

x5 70%
x3 80%
x3 80%
x3 85%
supersetted with 3 sets of 10 pullups

x8 70%
x5 80%
x3 85 %
x3 90%
x3 92.5 %
supersetted with 3 sets of 8 barbell rows

barbell lunge
( 6 times each leg)
supersetted with heavy romanian deadlifts)

glute ham
supersetted with seated 1/2 curls

then flexibility training at end

wednesday we are off…


dynamic warmup

seated arm drill x2 50% x2 100%
standing arm drill x2 50% x2 100%
wall cycle drill ( 10 reps each leg)
ball drop starts position stance x5
ball drop starts speed stance x5
10 yard starts from speed stance x3
60 yard build up sprints x5 total
4x40yd dash

then plyos: repeated vertical jumps 2x6
tuck jumps 2x6
tap vertical leaps 2x8
skaters 2x6

then cooldown/flexibility




incline bench press
supersetted with 3x8 calf raise

push press
supersetted with neck and figure 8’s

DB close grip bench
superstted with laterall raise 3x10

standing DB press
superstted with barbell french press 3x8


dynamic warmup

stance,starts, throw/catch, etc…

300yd shuttle 2x (5 min rest)
skill: 61, 64
big skill: 64, 67

gassers x6 reps(sprint width of field=1rep)
25 seconds rest

position conditioning drills…(patterns )


then lifting…



hang clean
x5 70%
x3 80%
x3 80%
x3 80%
supersetted with clap pullups or pulldowns 3x10

front squat
supersetted with DB rows 3x8

DB step ups
( 8 times each leg)
supersetted with “21’s” and x1 towel hang

supersetted with DB hammer curls 3x8

well thats it… by the way i play at Villanova University and we play in the Atlantic 10. going to be a freshman in fall.

I just looked over the lifting. Looks ok. Pretty basic. I like the exercise choice, however it seems that there is not an even balance of pushing and pulling. Some sort of horizonal row and vertical pull in my opinion would make the program have a little more balance.
Some of you may think the Oly. Lifts and the Deadlifts ARE the pulling. While I also believe they are pulling they are in a different plane of motion than the pulling I am talking about.

I got a good laugh at one part of the workout. Does it really differentiate between “hang cleans” and “power cleans”?
I find it hard to believe that Villanova (a former H.I.T. school, if I’m not mistaken) is really having its football players do actual full squat style cleans from the hang!
I have a hunch that this program uses the phrase “power clean” to mean a power clean from the floor, and “hang clean” to mean a power clean from hang.
It’s just embarassing that a college strength coach would refer to the lifts in this manor…

Sorry about the rant; that part just irks me!

I have refered to that myself until I learned the “correct” terminology a few months ago and now it makes sense. I think at least 80% of strength coaches refer to it that way.
It should read Powercleans from the Hang or Just Powercleans which would mean from the floor correct? Just another way the Western World has bastarized popular training principals (or at least the names) of the East.

PS. I called you last week but you weren’t in. I am going to hit you up when I get back from USATF Level II so we can chat.

Yeah, you’re right; many are somehow taught the wrong way in the “western world”.
For the uninitiated, in the olympic lifting world, the terms are:

Clean = full squat clean, bar starts at floor
Power Clean = a clean from the floor, bar is caught in 1/4 - 1/2 squat

Hang clean = a full squat clean, the bar starts anywhere from below the knee to mid thigh. Descriptive terms like “below knee” are used to tell the athlete where the bar should start.

Hang power clean = a clean caught in the 1/2-1/4 squat position, the bar starting at any of the various heights mentioned above.

Also of note - A clean from plinths, or stands, is not a hang clean!

This message was sponsored by the committee to bring back the old Soviet Sports machine :smiley:

I look forward to speaking with you…

uhh im not really sure… i just thought power clean was started at the floor and hang clean was started at your knees…

and we just got a new strength coach this year… this is his first year i think.

I guess for time efficiency for the athletes.

why should core be last? a lot of athletes ignore core or just are lazy at it because they do it at the end of their workout… but at the beginning you can work it equally as hard

Your right, a lot of guys where im at skip core work at the end. However for those of us that do all that work, I think its been very beneficial. If we were to do it before hand I think it would just be a little overkill as we already do a lot of mobility warm ups. Save that little bit of extra strength for the heavy weights.

i mean i feel like we overdue it to be honest… these workouts are intense and the running there is not an easy day in it. but as the weeks go on you get used to it.

why is 1/2 squat clean a “power clean” and does it make a difference which one i am doing in training for football?


Most football programs incorporate the “power” versions of the OLs because the technique requirements are less.