9/11 Conspiracy documentary - MUST WATCH!!

The top 15 reasons to doubt the official story of Sept. 11, 2001

* Disclaimer
  Background Issues: The Abiding Truth Deficit
* 1) The 9/11 Commission Fraud: Conflicts, Collapse and Cover-up
* 2) The Hundreds of Still Unanswered Questions, the Scores of Documented Lies
  Motive Issues: Cui Bono - Who Profits Most?
* 3) Instant Fulfillment of Neocon Wish List
* 4) Political Bonanza for Bush/Rove team
* 5) Scale and Diversity of Profiteering
  Means and Opportunity Issues: How to Make it Happen
* 6) Ignored Foreign Warnings
* 7) Quashed Domestic Investigations
* 8) Incapacitated Oversight
* 9) Disabled Air Defenses
* 10) The Amazing Disappearing National Chain of Command
* 11) The Pakistan Intelligence Chief Who Loved Everyone At Once
  Aftermath Issues: How to Keep the Lid On
* 12) The Bitter Fight Against Investigations
* 13) The Amazing Disappearing Evidence
* 14) The Amazing Disappearing Demand for Accountability
  Wildcard Issues: Just How Stupid They Think We Are
* 15) The Ripley Believe It or Not Sideshow of 9/11 Miracles
* Epilogue: For the 9/11 Legacy Victims Still Dying in New York 

There are literally scores of substantial reasons to doubt, reject or ridicule the official 9/11 story. However, their relative importance in spurring people to disbelief still largely depends upon subjective factors like professional knowledge and personal experience. Engineers, for example, are often driven to 9/11 skepticism by the inexplicable WTC collapses, investors by the apparent insider trading and huge war profits of the aftermath, pilots by the novice hijackers’ astounding aerial skill, veterans by the suddenly dysfunctional national air defense system, journalists by the stonewall secrecy and investigation phobia, civil servants by the total disinterest in accountability, libertarians by the anthrax-assisted stampede to rubberstamp the repressive “Patriot Act”, etc, etc. Others are simply insulted to incredulity by the number of coincidences we are asked to believe to make the official story seem true. (See “The Coincidence Theorist’s Guide to 9/11” for a brutally funny walk through that particular fairyland.)

In other words, our Top 15 reasons to doubt the official 9/11 story currently listed here are not meant to be definitive. They are simply important things for ordinary people to consider when facing the crimes of 9/11 and pondering how little we really know. Please stayed tuned as we continue to revise them based upon new revelations and your help.
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  • Why the Fight for 9/11 Truth and Justice has Really Just Begun
  1. The 9/11 Commission Fraud: Conflicts, Collapse and Cover-up

The evasions, deceptions and misrepresentations of the 9/11 Commission Report

- Given the Commissioners' conflicts of interest, and their determination to consider only incompetence theory, exclude whistleblower testimony, rewrite timelines to excuse official lies, tolerate unsworn witnesses, and ignore most of the victim family questions, this report has been rightfully characterized as the biggest cover-up since Iran-Contra and the JFK Warren Commission Report.

    * References: David Ray Griffin: A National Disgrace
    * Michael Kane: The Total Failure of the Kean Commission
    * Nicholas Levis: The Rice/Zelikow Connection
    * Peter Lance: Cover-Up
    * Harpers: Whitewash as Public Service -- How The 9/11 Commission Report defrauds the nation 
  1. The Hundreds of Still Unanswered Questions, the Scores of Documented Lies

When waking up really hurts…

- For many, the most troubling aspect of 9/11 these many months after the 9/11 Commission closed up shop is how ignorant we still really are. Although the Commission was to provide the full and final explanation of the tragedy, they never even addressed let alone answered more than 70% of the victim family questions that Commissioners initially promised would be their "road map." Vital questions about surviving "hijackers," the bizarre WTC 7 collapse, the bin Laden/Pak/CIA relationship, the Afghan gas pipeline, known Bush/Cheney/Rice lies, which US parties, corporations and agencies profited most from 9/11, and countless more all remain unanswered to this day.

Although this ignorance abides, we have discovered many instances where our leaders flatly lied. Consider Bush insisting he saw the first WTC strike on television, Rice saying the August 6 "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in the US" presidential briefing contained only "historical info," Cheney's incessant Iraq/Al Qaeda linkage mantra or the dozens of other examples listed Here!. This pattern of deception went unchallenged by the public and mainstream press, and soon extended to the Iraq war marketing effort and most neocon policy spin today. The quite apparent lesson is that if you can repeatedly get away with 9/11 lies, you can now lie with impunity about damn near anything.

    * References The original 400+ Family Steering Committee questions that Commissioner Gorelick said would be the Commission's "road map"
    * FSC co-founders Mindy Kleinberg & Lorie van Auken rate the Commission's performance
    * A fine compendium of administration 9/11 lies, some aforethought, some afterthought, some cobbled on the fly.
    * Rep. Henry Waxmann picks up the pattern downstream in his "Iraq on the Record" database of 237 subsequent Bush official lies about Iraq.
    * For more specific indictments, see:
          o "NORAD Lied about 9/11" : Senator Mark Dayton
          o Lies A Sixth Grader Would Not Accept by Michael C Ruppert
          o An Open Letter To Condoleezza Rice: "You Are a Liar" by Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of Housing
          o FBI Whistleblower Says Rice Is Lying - Bush knew al-Qaida was planning attack by Andrew Buncombe, The Independent [London, UK] 

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Who really profited from a crime and had the capability to ensure its success? These are the first questions an honest cop or prosecutor asks when investigating any serious offence. What does the Commission’s consistent evasion of these issues say about its own integrity and intent?


  1. Instant Fulfillment of the Neocon Wish List

For a huge military buildup and Middle East energy control

- In September 2000, one year before 9/11, the Bush team's neocon think tank PNAC (Project for a New American Century) published a plan for global domination called "Rebuilding America's Defenses". (Top Bush Administration figures like Cheney, Perle, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld et al. were signers of PNAC's Statement of Principles.)

Their plan called for a huge boost in defense spending, full spectrum dominance over all nations and regions (including outer space), long term petro-resource control with permanent Middle East bases, and a preemptive war policy against recalcitrant states. However, they openly conceded that such a huge "transformation" would take forever "absent some cataclysmic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor."
  1. Political bonanza for Bush/Rove team

Instant irresistable power in Congress, media and the polls

In 1999, two years before the September 11 attacks, presidential candidate George W. Bush was already talking about the political benefits of attacking Iraq, according to his former ghost writer, Mickey Herskowitz. Bush: "One of the keys to being seen as a great leader is to be seen as a commander-in-chief. My father had all this political capital built up when he drove the Iraqis out of Kuwait and he wasted it. If I have a chance to invade... if I had that much capital, I'm not going to waste it. I'm going to get everything passed that I want to get passed."

Bush's former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill recounted that at their first Cabinet meeting in January, 2001, Iraq oil concession maps were circulated and discussed and that Bush baldly told them to "find me a way" to take Iraq.

Herskowitz recalls in wonder that after the September 11 attacks "suddenly, he's at 91 percent in the polls, and he'd barely crawled out of the bunker..."
  1. Scale and Diversity of Profiteering

So much gain for so few so fast

- Besides the millions in profits still unknown traders made the week of 9/11 betting on a WTC and United and American airlines catastrophe, our massive military responses generated billions for Halliburton, Bechtel and Carlyle related corporations. (During just the first 2 years, Cheney's 433,000 Halliburton stock options jumped to $26 million in worth.) The emergency also immediately blacked out coverage or investigation of Rumsfeld's September 10th acknowledgment that money was hemorrhaging from the Pentagon. "According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions," Rumsfeld finally admitted. But hey, we can't look into this now, it's "War on Terror" time!

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  • The persuasiveness of the official “incompetence theory” rests upon the valid public perception that the government screws up a lot. The challenge to would-be 9/11 “facilitators” would thus be limited to identifying and disabling the few key areas that might be working well. In light of which, consider:
  1. Ignored Urgent Warnings

“You can’t wake up a man who pretends to be asleep” - Chinese adage

- In the months before 9/11, over 23 documented warnings of coming attacks from eleven foreign governments (including Presidents Putin and Mubarak personally) were received and ignored, many specifically mentioning the use of planes, symbolic urban targets, and Washington &.New York. The administration never explained what ever became of these alerts and the 9/11 Commission apparently forgot to ask.

During the same period the Federal Aviation Commission received 54 terrorist hijack warnings, including some that mentioned the "preferability" of domestic flights for hijacker who wanted "to commit suicide in a spectacular explosion."
  1. Quashed Domestic Investigations

See/hear/report no Al Qaeda evil or we’ll shut you down…

- FBI field probes into Al Qaeda activities were routinely quashed or obstructed, and after 9/11 the headquarters' officials most responsible for the interference were promoted to higher posts. (Attorney General Ashcroft simultaneously downgrades terrorism as a Justice Department priority (below accounting and prison reforms) and tells acting FBI director Tom Pickard "I don't want to hear about it [terrorism] anymore.")
  1. Incapacitated Oversight

Somehow Cheney’s Counterterrorism Task Force’s need for a 4-month “recess” and Bush’s ranch improvement plans trump the “Summer of Threat”

In May 2001 Cheney takes command of the Counterterrorism Task Force but never convenes a single meeting until September 8th. (Counterterrorism "czar" Richard Clark is gradually taken -- in Cheney's words -- "out of the loop" and ordered to focus on cyber-security instead). In August 2001 Bush responded to the "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in the US" presidential briefing by vacationing for three more weeks in Crawford and cutting a lot of brush.
  1. Disabled Air Defenses

“Fixing” Rules that Ain’t Broke & Inserting War Game Noise

- In June 2001 Rumsfeld rewrites the NORAD/FAA air emergency response protocols to require his office's permission in the interceptor launch authorization chain. In the year before this revision the NORAD/FAA emergency response had worked flawlessly 67 times. On 9/11 the system missed four out of four.

- Three overlapping air war games were scheduled and run on September 11th that diverted NORAD air assets to Alaska, simulated an East Coast hijacking, and inserted phantom objects into FAA radar screens that confused air controllers on the ground. See more on war games here!
  1. The Amazing Disappearing National Chain of Command

Everybody was somewhere else, out of touch or far too busy to respond…

- If we are to believe the 9/11 Commission's account nearly 40 million Americans were watching the attacks on TV before word ever got to our Secretary of Defense or the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. George Bush heard much earlier but was busy with a pet goat story and stuck around the school for photo ops for a half hour more. The behavior of our top defense officials on 9/11 morn remains inexplicable to this day. See Gail Sheehy's "Who's in Charge Here?" and George Bush's "Interesting Day."
  1. The Pakistan Intelligence Chief who Loved Everyone at Once

One degree of separation between their bombers and our spooks

- In early September, three weeks after wiring $100,000 to "lead hijacker" Mohammed Atta, Pakistan Army Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) chief Lt Gen Mahmoud Ahmed was in Washington conferring with George Tenet and breakfasting on 9/11 morn with the new CIA chief Porter Goss. After his peculiar web of friendships surfaced he was encouraged to step down, but he has never been subpoenaed or even questioned about it by the 9/11 Commission or journalists to this day. But then we must remember that the Commission Report did conclude that, "Ultimately the question [of who funded 9/11] is of little practical significance" and thus assure us that the classic investigatory follow-the-money technique is now obsolete and we shouldn't trouble our little heads with such details today.

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  1. The Bitter Fight against Investigations

What we don’t know can’t hurt them

- The Bush administration repeatedly refused and resisted attempts to launch investigations and consistently underfunded and obstructed those that managed to get underway. The National Transportation Safety Board which ALWAYS investigates every airplane crash was totally shut out by the FBI and told to stay away. The 9/11 Commission was given less than a quarter of the funds of Clinton's Whitewater investigation, and many high official (including Bush & Cheney) would not testify under oath. The FBI anthrax inquiry lost all momentum once the strain was identified as a US military brand. And Ashcroft urged all federal agencies to ignore all the Freedom of Information requests that they possibly can.
  1. The Amazing Disappearing Evidence

Lost, Missing, Destroyed or Classified into Neverneverland

Short sampling: The FBI claimed all four WTC black boxes were destroyed and missing (but rescue workers claim that three were found), the FAA air controller tapes were systematically destroyed within hours of the attack, the WTC steel was immediately shipped abroad before it could be tested, the last three minutes of the Shanksville crash tape have never been released, and all court cases regarding the attacks have been denied access to vital evidence because of "national security concerns" 
  1. The Amazing Disappearing Demand for Accountability

Welcome to New Matrix Politics where miscreants are rewarded and truth-tellers damned

- Although the government's entire 9/11 fable and its Commission apologists depend on the incompetence defense, no one in any agency has ever been reprimanded, let alone fired or punished for that same murderous level of "incompetence." Although to be fair, neither has the government ever successfully prosecuted ANYONE ANYWHERE for their role in the attacks. American whistleblowers who have come forward with proof of government misconduct and deceit, however, have been quite efficiently fired, persecuted, and discredited in the public eye. 


  1. The Ripley Believe It or Not Sideshow of 9/11 Miracles

A carnival of unconfronted contradictions and curiosities

- Brief sampling: The symmetrical demolition-like collapse of the 47-story WTC building without any major fires or damage (also pronounced inexplicable by the FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Agency] investigation team); the five surviving "hijackers" who still noisily protest that FBI claims about their murderous suicides are premature at best; the magic hijacker passport that floated through the WTC fireball and building collapse to land totally unscathed in the New York street below; the miles of debris from Flight 93 in Shanksville, a plane that supposedly flew straight into the ground; the WTC first responder testimony that "there were bombs going off all around" - so many odd mysteries, so much still left to know...


For the 9/11 Legacy Victims Still Dying in New York

Despite the current mountains of circumstantial evidence, many Americans still find it hard to believe their leaders would sacrifice thousands of innocent lives for political or economic ends, even ends as grandiose as PNAC's plans for global energy control and worldwide military dominion. To those who still find the passage from incriminating facts to suspicions of guilt a difficult crossing, we ask that they consider the hundreds of 9/11 first responders, cleanup workers and WTC area employees, residents, and children now dying needless painful deaths in the city of New York. These are not victims of foreign terrorists, but of administration lies, which current studies now estimate will kill more people than the attacks themselves. These lies were orchestrated by the Rove-dominated White House Council on Environmental Quality, which blocked EPA air quality warnings, falsified or suppressed pollution reports, and voided OSHA protections for workers on the ground. The thousands of lives this deceit will cost were also sacrificed for political and economic ends, but this time simply for the trivial goal of getting the Stock Exchange up and running again.

So here is the question that must finally be confronted: would the same men who willingly sacrificed thousands of lives for a Wall Street PR stunt be unwilling to sacrifice an equal number to solidify their rule and dominate the world?

For documentation, see the Sierra Club's August 21, 2004 report, "Air Pollution (and Deception) at Ground Zero." This is the most comprehensive and damning study to date on this creeping mass homicide, and documents the horrific toll of the asbestos, PCBs, dioxin and many other carcinogenic and genetic toxins that blanketed lower Manhattan for months after the attack. In its own words, "This report explains how the federal administration's reckless disregard for the toxic hazards generated by the attack had disastrous consequences for many people who served on the front line of terror response and lower Manhattan's recovery... [and] demonstrates why the federal government's failures cannot be excused by ignorance or surprise."

See also 9/11 Pollution Could Cause More Deaths Than Attack by Geoffrey Lean, The Independent (UK), September 12, 2004 and the heroic work of the WTC Environmental Organization, which is representing stricken victim families both in suits against the EPA and in the Citizens' Complaint to the NY Attorney General demanding an immediate criminal probe into 9/11 as a whole.

Good post. No one can wake the man who pretends to be asleep, couldn’t be better illustrated than by the Moussaui trial where an FBI agent called his superiors about this guy SEVENTY TIMES and couldn’t get a search warrant till AFTER the attack.
Charlie Sheen has apparently come out with a statement about 9/11 but I havn’t seen it.

LOL, There is so much you don’t understand. Maybe if you were a part of the same organization/s that Bush is currently a part of you can see how easily certain events can fit together, especially with Bush. I am not going to explain why or how bc first of all you wouldn’t believe me and second of all even if you did you still would have your doubts unless you have been a part of his organizations, organizations such as the; Freemasons, DKE, Skull and bones, and those are just the ones I know of. Again unless you have been a part of these organizations you won’t understand. Watch The Skulls the movie, its almost 100% reality.

I won’t even get into the masononic symbols which were on pirate ships thus indicating that freemasons were once pirates but now there crimes are much more organized and much harder to unveil.

Stick to 9/11. Save the other theories for somewhere else

Read my follow up commentaries sir. I, upon actally watching the documentries/Alex Jones, have changed my opinion…nearly 180 degrees. YOU HAVE VALID POINTS!

Charlie, check out www.prisonplanet.com for vids and articles about Charlie Sheen’s statements. This site is run by Alex Jones who is the man who was interviewing Charlie Sheen when he made his comments. Here is one of the specific links showing CNN video:

Sevastocrator, great post but please include your source when making a post if it is not your own.

Dharlie Sheen has big balls to go public. I fear he will pay for this as he’s an easy target. He better hire a driver for all trips anywhere to prevent the inevitable trumped up DUI that can be used to kill credibility. This is not personal paranoia, this was actual legal advice given to a friend’s father when he faced charges in California, later proven to be entirely false. That’s just the start.

It will perhaps add to the conspiracy that the link at the beginning of the thread is now parked/dead!

Mr. Sheen is urging everyone to challenge him on the facts and he gets an overwhelming wave of ad hominem attacks. Such replies usually appear when people seem to be desperate or just plain dumb. I hope it’s the former, although it’s sad to se mainstream media invoke ignorance by meaningless insinuations.

Watch closely how a mainstream news show (Fox) refers to the Charlie Sheen case: Incorporating such terms as bizarre ranting and raving in the introduction, then having two commentators attacking him while one is just defending the argument of open debate (Ellis Herican). Finally, one commentator is referring to Sheen as a nut and then continuing that a lot of liberals are nuts while the other is referring to Mr. Sheen as the entity of Hollywood, and, how Hollywood hence is detached from mainstream America (all this by one man’s opinion?).

Watch the other male commentator and try to extract any information from his comments besides insinuations. Then watch closely Betsy Hart and look out for anything else than connotations to Islamic terrorism and Hollywood.

Here’s the link: http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/march2006/240306hannitycolmes.htm

Did any of you find anything of substance in that “news” clip? Are they really arguing whether someone is allowed to question authority?

You will see a steady stream of drivel about Sheen and anyone else who speaks out about the obvious questions. Remember what they did to weapons inspector Scott Ritter? When he came out strongly to say there were no weapons of mass destruction before the invasion, he was arrested on Child pornography charges, which were never heard about after he was discredited.
A steady repetition of the official position overwhelmes discussions of fact every time and the Bush administration and its Neo-Cons are counting on it.
Remember the “mushroom cloud” arguement by Rice et al? Now the reason for the invasion was to save Iraq from Saddam- and it always was. When caught out in one lie, they seamlessly move on to another.
Anyone, like Helen Thomas, who gets to brass tacks in a question is marginalised as a cranky old lady asking an unfair question. Again, what was unfair or untrue in her question?
Cell phone records are being released this week from 9/11 (see CNN). Anyone wonder how they could be released? How were they not received in the first place unless they were blocked?? Why are there so few? Were these the only ones they could find that went along with the official position?

where did the site go???

The official website for the film is:


You should be able to find the video on google using this link or just type “loose change 911” into video.google.com


I watched the film “V for Vendetta” today. It appears to be a metaphor for the entire situation… as I’m sure the Wachowski Brothers meant it to be that way.

Apparently Prof. Jones will present a paper regarding the WTC-building-collapses on April 7 2006. Here’s the draft: http://www.physics.byu.edu/research/energy/htm7.html

The 14th picture is particularly interesting (Chapter 9. Rapid Collapses and Conservation of Momentum); the upper 30 floors seem to be “one big bock” and fall off the building (topple over) – like a kid dropping the top ball of an ice cream cone – yet somehow, despite that angular momentum, it falls straight down “through the building”? :confused:

Check this out…



Nervous indeed! Given the premise of this thread, one might conclude that this is setting the stage for something further to solidify the neo-con position as defenders of America. Rumours are circulating on the net about a nuke being set off around Galveston over this Easter by the Bush crowd. Let’s hope this is all BS, or at least that there’s enough out there to scare them off.

Actually, there is motive for it too.

Just recently, a big debate has started up about immigration and border security. Setting off one of those in Texas would give plenty of motive to close those borders.

Also, I am against illegal immigrants. I feel they are criminals by entering this country illegally, and should be treated as such. We can’t just enter a country with no papers, neither should they be able to do it. Also, illegal immigrants take jobs, raise taxes, and are here “illegally”, making them criminals. The whole debate about letting illegal immigrants in here is stupid. There not called “illegal” for nothing.

How do they raise taxes? How in fact can you be worried about taxes if you support welfare and/or social security, the two greatest hogs on the gov’t and the most worthless IMO.

I feel that if opportunities for welfare and other socialized programs were not available, less problematic illegals would be present (at least, problematic from an economical standpoint). Get rid of the socialist benefits (including the current minimum wage on top of what I already stated) and I think you can see some good things. This country is, after all, based on immigration from all sorts of countries. If immigrants are willing to work jobs most of us won’t (including cleaning up shit, picking tomatoes, etc.) then more power to them–it’s a hell of a lot more than quite a few of our current citizens are willing to do.

Simple, illegal immigrants dont pay taxes, yet use our services. This includes medical, public schools, safety services, etc.

I agree with you on the welfare stuff. I think that it is lame to punish working citzens for people who abuse the system and don’t try to better their situation.

Another program you should add to that is social security. The reason social security was made, back in the day, was to force people to save their money for later on, because the government found that citizens couldn’t do it on their own. Now, their not even sure it will be avaliable in the future, because the government would take money from the system for other things, and not do the math, among other things.

I don’t need to be paying for someone else who can’t save there money and dont need the government to help me save mine.

As far as illegal immigrants doing the crappy jobs, that is true, but it doesn’t have to be that way. The government should regulate the amount of people immigrating into this country. If we need workers from that area, the USA will raise the quota. Again, it isn’t called “illegal” immigrants for nothing.

the Bush administration WANT’S illegals. They work for peanuts for the wealthy and keep wages down.