5x5 in the Max phase

Thanks for your response!

Since I’m doing one Hip Extension and one Knee Flexion exercise, both with slow eccentric phases and explosive concentric phase, I feel that Leg Curl has it’s place for fixing this.
I feel that it’s crucial to fix this if I dont wanna pull hamstrings and if I want to run a lot faster since I’m currently using my Quads for sprinting.

How about doing this then:

  1. Clean Pulls 3x6
  2. Good Mornings 4x8
  3. Bench 4x8
    Short circuit:
    a) Split Squat 2x8
    b) DB Military 2x8
    c) Leg curl 2x8
    d) Chins/Rows 2x6/2x8 (alternating each training day)

If only do sprints and then only Hip Extension exercises in the weight room for the hams, how would this affect em’ (in a medical and injury view)?
And also, I do need hypertrophy for them and leg curls do help for that. It’s not like they’re useless!