A few ideas.
Place the clean pulls ahead of the good mornings as there is usually a higher skill and speed requirement for those. Then go bench and then leg curl-if you need those.
On your circuit do your split squats first then the chins then the db mil press and finally the rows. I might even flip the first two as I’ve felt that even if you can knock out quite a few reps in one set that one should fairly fresh for bodyweight exercises like chins but most likely I’d do the SS first since it is likely going to affect more total muscle mass though it might be close. Next I’d prefer to do the db mil. press so that you are spreading the workload around the body in consecutive exercises. That is, you are doing a lower body ex. then an upper body pull and then an upper body press. I’d like to split the chins and rows up since I feel that you might get less from them if you followed up a back ex. with another back ex.-just a personal choice.
1)split squats 2)chins 3)db mil press 4)seated rows.
I could see, a case for switching 3 and 2 also but I’d still choose this order. Perhaps what you need more of at any given point in the training career would dictate such choices.