5x5 in the Max phase

This is Upper body, I do Clean Pulls, which is a Hang Power Clean without the catch phase on Lower Body days (Monday,Thursday).

I’m planning on doing Accum phase after like this:

Med ball throws

  1. Good Mornings 4x8@70%
  2. Clean Pulls 3x6
  3. Legcurl 4x8
  4. Benchpress 4x8@80%
  5. Short Circuit:
    a)DB Military Press 2x8
    b)Seated Rows 2x8
    c)Split Squat 2x8
    d)Chins 2x5


The reason why I’m not doing squats for main lift and why I prioritize Leg Curl high is because I’m Quadriceps Dominant and Anterior Pelvic Tilt. So I need to fix the ratio between Ham and Quads before I start doing Squats alot again. So I’m NOT gonna remove Leg Curl or Good Mornings. Though I was thinking about your opionon on the Circuit, do you think I could include it for the Accumulation Phase? Will drop it under the Max Phase.