5x5 in the Max phase

Hi Rob!

Well, these aren’t the only exercises I will do.
In the GPP I will be doing Glute Ham Raises, Power Cleans, Chins, Reverse Hyper and Military along with Deads or Box Squats and Benchpress. This range will be 4x8 @ 80% of 8RM to build some muscles.

While in the Accume and Max phase I’ll be aiming at Cleans, Bench and Squats and maybe some Glute Hams and Chins + sprint and medicine ball work. But I’m not really sure what rep ranges these should be in. Obviously, I’m not that experienced with lifting. So how about 3w accum with 6x4 @ 80% of 6RM and a bit shorter rest than the Max phase, while Max phase will be aiming at 5x5@ 80% of 5RM with a little longer rest. I’m a bit confused about where to put these 2phases in the sets and rep ranges for the 12w Vertical Integretation. Thoughts? :slight_smile: