5-3-1 template

Just trying to help my friend.

I know, what did I say?

Nuttin, I am curious to see what James says because I have only done jump circuit on low int as far as I can remember.

Say about what? He already said he does them on high intensity days after speed work…

I see. I missed his reply.


Based upon the training setup you are currently employing, does the H/L/Off set up allow you to be more liberal in terms of the distribution of of HI elements over the course of the training week compared to a H/L setup?

Furthermore, do you believe that this is actually required in order to maintain the stimulus over the extended time period between HI sessions as compared to a H/L/H/L/H/L setup? Is a significant dispersion even more necessary during GPP where the magnitude of the cumulative stimulus for a given HI training day is by definition lower?

Along those lines, due to the many training components required in team sports (both general and specific), are your GPP phases actually of fairly high intensity relative to an olympic sport discipline in that the HI means change over the course of training, yet most are performed at high intensity (i.e. linear speed vs. position specific speed, etc…)?



What are your opinions on including hill/sled work close to a testing period? I’m speaking more in terms of extensive work such as the 4x4x30 workout you mentioned rather than a potentiating load prior to a session.

We are limited by the NCAA in how many hours per week we may train the players. Thus, the current split is executed out of necessity. Having 2 opportunities for intensive sessions obviously necessitates that a greater volume of this type of work be executed per session as opposed to having 3 intensive sessions which provides for greater workload distribution. In either case, however, we have 2 low intensive sessions (because we’re not counting on anything being done over the weekend).

So, because we don’t train on Wednesdays I’m able to take slightly greater liberties on the Tuesday (extensive) session because they have the next day off; and this also obviously applies to the extensive Friday session which precedes the two day weekend recovery opportunity.

The greater distribution of the weekly workload across all training sessions is highly compatible with GPP (as Charlie explained extensively). By definition, the CNS intensive work conducted during GPP is less intensive in its form then it will be later; thus it’s only logical to disperse the workload across more training sessions in order to lessen the stress of each individual session.

As to your last question, rather than thinking in terms team sport vs Olympic sport, it is more wise to think physiologically and compare the GPP of multi-motor regime disciplines vs that of more singular/less complicated motor regime disciplines. In so doing, one will observe that there are more considerations to make when planning the training of the multi-motor regime athlete as the demands of the less complex motor regime disciplines typically represent just one component of the necessary abilities of the multi-motor regime athlete.

As to the approach taken in constructing the GPP, we’d have to compare specific disciplines to do justice to the conversation; however, in general I’d probably characterize the differences in the GPP to come more in the shape of breadth versus height.

It’s also important to note that there is a good argument against the need for a true GPP period for athletes of certain qualification who compete in certain disciplines. Wolfgang Ritzdorf and Ivan Abadjiev are two esteemed coaches who have presented very interested arguments in this regard.

By testing, if you’re referring to sprint, jump and so on testing I would recommend against performing resisted sprints in close proximity to the test day. It is my feeling that all intensive training must be of the highest quality and, for taper reasons, obviously be reduced in volume as test day approaches.

The resisted sprints are far more extensive, as you noted, in their training impact, thus, I’d say it would be contraindicated to substitute them for true speed work nearing the test day.

Hi guys. I have come up with a summer training program that Im really excited about. I play football and am mainly training for the 40 yard dash.

Ok so i cant get the file to attach to my post, so i’ll try and describe it on here.

5x40m or so on Mondays
followed by a squat variation and possible bench variation if necessary. 1 or 2 accessory exercises

Tuesdays and thursdays Tempo, Abs/Core

Speed endurance 5x70m
Cleans, HexBar DL, Military Press, Pull Ups

Acceleration work… 5x20m or so
squats, bench, one or two accessories

Accessories: Glute Ham Raise, SLDL, Lunges, Dips… not including curls, shrugs, etc.

All days including saturday are finished with stretching. Warm up is a BFS dot drill and dynamic flexibilty stuff

Goals: 40 time from 4.75/4.8 down to 4.60
Vertical jump to 35"

This program is fits extremely well with Kelley Baggett’s Vertical Jump Bible program, so I will try to smash them together as I see fit.

What do you guys think? :slight_smile:

I plan on timing myself sometime in the next week in the 10, 20 and 40 to see where Im at. I know you guys aren’t big fans of HIT programs, but this is basically a HIT program. Lifting heavy on the squats, and when i need to on the bench.

I use the “money” set theory where I do basically 4 sets on the core lifts. One set easy, the next medium, the next tough and then one balls out set.

Last fall I made tremendous strength focused progress following a somewhat similar program. I took 2 months off from august 5th or so to the end of september. I hadn’t squatted in a year or so and my bench was suffering. I quickly turned myself around and set new PRs on all of my lifts in a mere 7 weeks.

squat 265x5
bench 235x5

then i took from thanksgiving to around the first of the year off. i didn’t want to, but i had final exams and then over christmas break, i didn’t have access to a gym. I focused a little more on speed development, and the transition went great as well.

I’ve been getting going again, but I had to take a few steps back of course. Bench and squat have now surpassed where they were before. And I feel fast as ever. :slight_smile: Things going great!

Backed up by electromyography, I find squats to be the most overrated exercise around. Even though Charlie stated ‘sprinting was a back dominant sport’, he still employed/favoured squats highly, which from my research are quad dominant (right? or wrong?), both front or regular & don’t hit much glute neither. Wouldn’t deadlifts/barbell hip thrusts/reverse hypers etc (ham/hip dominant) be favoured options?.

Anyway a bench/squat variation?. What does everyone make of these below, (opinions) please?. You don’t see many people performing this any more. A forgotten strongman’s exercise, great for overall body strength development.

I think there right up there IMO, anyone into really strengthening the core in particular, increasing your plank time etc should be hitting on these. According to electromyography, great for glutes, hams, delts etc.

Yes? or No?. Performed dynamically or isometrically?. All opinions appreciated.

You might find this link interesting, regarding vertical jump training.

adarq.org - Dedicated to athletic performance enhancement : Vertical jump, speed, power, strength, endurance, & sport.

Original Link: http://www.adarq.org/forum/index.php

I like the carpet!


the link you posted sent me to the homepage of that website. Is there a particular thread/topic/URL you could direct me to?


This goes to the heart of Charlie’s approach to weight training, which was to provide a general stimulus and rely on crossover adaptations. As the sprinters got faster there was a general trend away from heavy pulling movements like deadlifts and more emphasis on pushing movements such as bench and squats in order to shift the workload off the specific motor units that were doing most of the work during the sprints.

What EMG work woul that be? Bret Contreras’? Because if so, the man has no clue what he’s doing.

Even though Charlie stated ‘sprinting was a back dominant sport’, he still employed/favoured squats highly, which from my research are quad dominant (right? or wrong?),

Depends on how they are done. A high bar Ol style squat is different than a lower bar power or PL style squat.

both front or regular & don’t hit much glute neither.

Horseshit. If you think squats do not work the glutes, explain why all PL’s and OL’ers have monster glutes.

Why speed endurance work? What about medball throws, jumps, powerspeed drills? Your accel volumes are very low. Do you have a progression planned?
Have you considered hills? Are you jumping right into 40 meter sprints?

Many questions left to be answered

Race Radio: Charlie used other exercises other than the squat including deadlifts reverse hypers, reverse leg presses, etc…

And like lyle mentioned, it depends on how the squat is performed with regards to glute vs quad emphasis

Race, I have to go with Lyle on this one. I don’t get this attempt to rid the world of squats by academic and anecdotal trash. I would love to see the EMG that shows squat not being effective at all over activation of the lower body. I have been training athletes for close to 20 yrs and it has been a staple. I can promise you that if you have athletes who don’t squat, when they play those who do, they will manhandle your athletes. This field is becoming ludicrous with ll this Johnny come lately attempts at paradigm shifting. It reminds of of rehab. It used to be they rehabbed ACL injuries on leg extension and they said squats weere bad for your knees. Now, don’t do extensions due to shear force, just squat. Makes no sense. I will continue to have my kids squat and I will continue to put athletes on scholarship as I have always done. Not going to throw the baby out with the bath water.