4x100m Canada - Atlanta

Amazing !!!


BTW, who´s the Huge white guy with long strides running beside Donovan ?

I know is one of Ukraine team but can’t remember the name…

WOW. What a run. They would have broken the world record if Bailey didn’t lift his arm 20 METERS before the line! 20 meters. Geeez.

Which would drive me nuts if I were a teammate. Or a coach. In what other sport do athletes throw away WRs?

carl lewis nearly threw the 4x1 WR away by wanting to celebrate before the line but carl being carl he went for the win and the WR and got it.left LC for dead

Wow! They were flying on that relay. I know its been said already but I still cant believe that he pumped his arm way before the finish line. I wouldve been pissed if I had been on that relay team. But still, awesome run.

I remember the name of a guy you were asking for:Vladimir Dologodin.

Thank you Tuco !!

actually I think his name is Vladislav Dologodin

yes you’re right it’s actually Vladislav not Vladimir.Thx

I did a research about this guy at Google but i didn´t find nothing !!

PB 10.02/20.38 - he sprinted in Linford Cristie’s days.

Actually the two fastest Europeans in 1996 were Ukrainians:
Dologodin 10.02 and Rurak 10.03…but these guys don’t get too famous.

Well, i´ll try to find him in some Linford races.
Tks Garanhão Italiano.