4th and Long

I thought it would be interesting to start some discussion on the show 4th and Long that comes on Mondays on Spike.

In the most recent episode, did anybody see where the players do 5hrs straight of conditioning?! Is this even physically possible?

The Navy Seals do that type of stuff, from what I’ve heard their training is even worse. It’s designed to push not only physical but mostly mental limits.

My question is, as much as he talks would Michael Irvin have been able to pass those same tests back in the day?

I’ve been wondering about the same thing. He makes it sound like he’s been through what they are doing. Michael Irvin was known as a very hard worker according to his teammates though.

I’m thinking Hawkins from Toledo will win this thing. He seems like he would be a great fit in the Cowboys system as a slot receiver.

disappointed hawk didnt win! He was a teammate of mine in high school. He said that the ending was edited. He did fumble earlier in the show but it was recovered by the recieving team and there was no run back. I guess thats national TV for you!

No way! That’s terrible… I enjoyed watching every minute of that show though. I wonder if those guys really did 5hrs straight of conditioning drills then? I bet not.

I couldn’t believe Hawk didn’t get it. The Cowboys could’ve used him as a Slot WR/Return man. He perfected almost every drill! Holley does have the same physical characteristics/style of play as Irvin does though. He was probably favored by Irvin.