46 New Olympic videos at my video site

I have just uploaded 46 new Olympic videos to my site, Track and Field Video Zone. First of all, let me thank TMSSF for sending me two Olympic Documentaries, I cut the videos from those so none of this would be possible without that kind gesture.

The only setback is that you have to download one (1) video at a time i.e. a video has to be completely downloaded before you can start another download, but that only applies to each user, there is no limit to how many people can simaltaneously download a file (so that means there are no waiting lines or any crap like that)

Here is the Link to my site (its all free don’t worry, lol):


If you want to go straight to the Olympic Section, here is the link:


Here is the list of all the Olympic Videos at the site:

Filename Size (Kb)
Olympics 1912 Stockholm 200m 21.7.wmv 486.44
Olympics 1924 Paris 400m 47.6.wmv 1267.83
Olympics 1932 Los Angeles 100m WR 10.3 Tolan.wmv 721.98
Olympics 1932 Los Angeles 200m 21.2.wmv 1012.54
Olympics 1936 Berlin 100m 10.36.rm 8165.24
Olympics 1936 Berlin 200m 20.7.wmv 767.11
Olympics 1936 Berlin 400m 46.5.wmv 445.53
Olympics 1936 Berlin 4x100m WR 39.8 USA.wmv 1437.08
Olympics 1936 Berlin Long Jump OR 8.06 Owens.wmv 1050.62
Olympics 1948 London 400m 46.2.wmv 1219.86
Olympics 1948 London 4x400m 3;10.2 USA.wmv 1239.62
Olympics 1952 Helsinki 100m 10.4.wmv 1044.97
Olympics 1952 Helsinki 400m 45.9.wmv 878.54
Olympics 1952 Helsinki 4x400m WR 3;03.9 JAM.wmv 2363.75
Olympics 1956 Melbourne 100m 10.5.mpg 5854
Olympics 1956 Melbourne 100mW 11.5.wmv 512
Olympics 1956 Melbourne 200mW 23.4.wmv 630.3
Olympics 1960 Rome 100mW 11.0.wmv 2156.42
Olympics 1960 Rome 200mW 24.0.wmv 751.6
Olympics 1960 Rome 400m WR 44.9 Davis.wmv 981.5
Olympics 1960 Rome 4x100mW WR 44.4 USA.wmv 537.2
Olympics 1964 Tokyo 100m 10.06.mpg 1864.97
Olympics 1964 Tokyo 4x100m 39.0.MPG 9624.01
Olympics 1964 Tokyo Long JumpW.wmv 485.02
Olympics 1968 Mexico 100mW WR 11.0 Tyus.wmv 1081.65
Olympics 1968 Mexico 200mW WR 22.5.wmv 477.97
Olympics 1968 Mexico 400m WR 43.8 Evans.wmv 690.95
Olympics 1968 Mexico 400mW OR 52.0.wmv 1358.1
Olympics 1968 Mexico High Jump.wmv 272.05
Olympics 1972 Munich 100mW WR 11.07 Stecher.wmv 389.11
Olympics 1976 Montreal 100m 10.06.wmv 435.66
Olympics 1976 Montreal 200m 20.23.wmv 490.67
Olympics 1976 Montreal 200mW 22.37.wmv 939.19
Olympics 1976 Montreal 400m 44.26.wmv 741.72
Olympics 1976 Montreal 400mW WR 49.29.wmv 750.19
Olympics 1980 Moscow 100mW 11.06.wmv 699.41
Olympics 1980 Moscow 400mW 48.88.wmv 884.18
Olympics 1984 Los Angeles 200m 19.80.mpg 10274
Olympics 1984 Los Angeles 200mW 21.81.wmv 482.2
Olympics 1984 Los Angeles 400mW 48.83.wmv 497.72
Olympics 1984 Los Angeles Long Jump 8.54.wmv 899.7
Olympics 1988 Seoule 100m QF 10.12.mpg 9072
Olympics 1988 Seoule 400m 43.87.wmv 826.34
Olympics 1992 Barcelona 100m Ht 6.mpg 3266
Olympics 1992 Barcelona 100m SF.mpg 3404
Olympics 1992 Barcelona 100mH 12.64.wmv 4480.83
Olympics 1992 Barcelona 100mW 10.82.wmv 3219.88
Olympics 1992 Barcelona 110mH 13.12.wmv 2166.28
Olympics 1992 Barcelona 200m 20.01.wmv 2116.92
Olympics 1992 Barcelona 200m SF 19.73.MPG 7302
Olympics 1992 Barcelona 200mW 21.81.wmv 4665.59
Olympics 1992 Barcelona 400m OR 43.5 Watts.wmv 2946.27
Olympics 1992 Barcelona 400mW 48.83.wmv 3111.28
Olympics 1992 Barcelona 4x100mW OR 42.11.wmv 7645.89
Olympics 1992 Barcelona 4x400m WR 2;55.74.wmv 6272.09
Olympics 2000 Sydney 100m 9.87.AVI 15343.57
Olympics 2000 Sydney 4x100m 37.61.wmv 34636.37

Look out for two Olympic Documentaries soon.

Enjoy :smiley:

Lovely. THANKS!

cheers dude, well done.

hey daniel: i send you an email bc of the HSI-docu from 2000 before Sydney Olympics. I thought sending via MSN would be fine…

That’s graeat stuf for your site…

And THX for uploading, there are some new things i havent seen so far…

Thanks alot Bro, just got your mail, I sent back one with some available times.

Awesome, awesome work and contribution.

Well done bro

great great work man
your efforts are greatly appreciated

Job well done! :slight_smile: