400m Training

Former D2 track athlete here with PR’s of 21.83 in the 200m and 49.45 in the 400m. I graduated college in 2019 and competed once in the summer and set a long jump PR of 21’10 and 3/4 but spent the next couple years dealing with inconsistent training due to knee pain that ended up being arthritis (due to my knee caps angling out, which eroded my cartilage over time). I had arthroscopic surgery in June of 2022, and it took the rest of the year to get back to sprinting again. I spent the first half of 2023 training 2-3x a week and finally got back to competition in July. I ran 11.79 in the 100m, 23.50 in the 200m, and long jumped 21’ 8 and 2/3 (also ran a 4x1 with my brother and a couple buddies). I decided to ramp up the training in August in preparation of competing at the same meet in 2024. I convinced my fiancée to train with me, with a goal of hitting some solid individual times and running a mixed 4x4 with a couple other friends. The plan was to follow KitKats 400m training outline, allowing for modifications where we needed to make them. I followed the 2x6 week block of gpp pretty closely, then for the transition I modified it to fit my schedule. I tracked every running workout AND any type of recreational sport activity (volleyball and flag football)or jump workout. Attached will be a breakdown of the weeks of training and times I hit in the workouts (hand timed).

Week 1:
-3x4x150m (23-25)
-2x2 Long Hills (54-58)
-5x200 (26-29)
-2x2 Long Hills (54-58)

Week 2:
-350 (47.75), 300 (41.5), 250 (34.66), 200 (26.66), 150 (19), 100 (12.19), 60, 50, 40, 30
-2x(300+150) (1:01.49, 1:01.69)
-5x200 (27-29)

Week 3:
-2x2 Long Hills (53-57)
-3x3x300m (49-50)
-300+4x60 (40.56@300), 250+3x60 (33.4@250), 200+2x60 (26@200), 150+60 (19.05@150)

Week 4:
-300+60, 50, 40, 30 (39.12@300), 200+60, 50, 40, 30 (24.30@200), 150+60, 50, 40, 30 (18.22@150)
-300+150 (1:01.59), 150+150 (39.12), 100+80 (22.55), 80+60 (18.11), 60+60 (15.55)

Week 5:
-6x110-130m buildups, 3x60m walkback sprints
-350 (48.5), 300 (41.01), 250 (34.26), 200 (26.69),
150 (20), 100 (12.86), 60, 50, 40, 30

Week 6:
-300+60,50,40,30 (39.8 @300), 200+60,50,40,30 (25.10 @200), 150+60,50,40,30 (18.86 @150)
-300+150 (1:02.63), 150+150 (38.42), 100+80 (22.02), 80+60 (17.3), 60+60 (14.95)

Time Trials:
-300m and 150m (38.01, 16.98)
-200m and 80m (24.44, 9.27)


Week 1:
-3x4x150m (21-23)
-3x2 Long Hills (54-58)
-5x200 (27-29)
-2x2 Long Hills (53-57)

Week 2:
-350 (46.69), 300 (39.47), 250 (33.72), 200 (25.44), 150 (17.90), 100 (12.36), 60, 50, 40, 30
-2x(300+150) (1:00.25, 59.92)
-5x200 (26.3-27.9)

Week 3:
-2x2 Long Hills (52-56)
-3x3x300m (42-45)
-300+4x60 (38.88@300m), 250+3x60 (33.24@250m), 200+2x60 (25.1@200m), 150+60 (18.27@150m)

Week 4:
-300+60, 50, 40, 30 (39.19@300m), 200+60, 50, 40, 30 (24.16@200m), 150+60, 50, 40, 30 (17.91@150m)
-300+150 (1:00.78), 150+150 (38.44), 100+80 (22.14), 80+60 (17.46), 60+60 (15.48)
-2x4x200m (27-28)

Week 5:
-300+60, 50, 40, 30 (39.58@300m), 200+60, 50, 40, 30 (24.24@200m), 150+60, 50, 40, 30 (18.09 @150m)
-300+150 (1:03.30), 150+150 (42.33), 100+80 (23.57). Super fatigued :weary:

Time Trials:
-300m and 150m (37.67, 17.76)


Week 1:
-2x2x80m sprint-float-sprint, 1xfly 40m, 50m, 60m
-9x150m w/60 seconds rest (22.9-23.76)
-2x2x65m sprint-float-sprint, 1xflying 300m, 250m, 180m, 150m, 120m (37.45, 33.35, 22.50, 18.32, 14.27)

Week 2:
-2x2x80m sprint-float-sprint, 1x fly 40m, 50m, 60m
-3x3x300m (44-46)
-2x2x65m sprint-float-sprint, 1x flying 300m, 250m, 180m, 150m, 120m (37.64, 33.05, 21.57, 18.14, 14.67)

Week 3:
-2x2x80m sprint-float-sprint, 1xfly 40m, 50m, 60m+3x10 alternate leg bounding w/ 10 yard run in (36 yards)
-2x60s, 40s, 30s
-2x2x65m sprint-float-sprint, 1x flying 300m, 250m, 180m, 150m, 120m (37.85, 31.73, 22.07, NT, 13.99)

Week 4:
-5x45m Flys w/20m run in, 4x10 bounces
-3x65m sprint-float-sprint, 1x flying 260m, 180m, 160m, 140m (32.49, 21.67, 19.30, NT)

Week 5:
-4x65-70m sprint-float-sprint, 4x45m Flys w/20m run in, 3x35m vertical bounds+2x10 alternate bounds w/10m run in
-6x300m (47-49), untimed rest (go whenever you can repeat effort)
-3x65m sprint-float-sprint, 1x flying 260m 180m, 160m, 140m, 120m (31.97, 21.63, 19.04, 16.71, 14.09)

Week 6:
-Flag Football and Sand Volleyball

Week 7:
-Sand Volleyball
-6x120m sprint-float-sprint (14.19-14.47)
-2x2+1x1 Long Hills (54-57)
-Flag football+4x60-65 yard sprints afterwards

Week 8:
-4x120m sprint-float-sprint (13.89-14.15) and Sand Volleyball
-4x40m fly, 1x flying 250m (30.18)

Week 9:
-4x120m sprint-float-sprint (14.03, 13.88, 13.68, 13.71) and Sand Volleyball
-2x2 Long Hills (52.07-56.79)
-3x30-35m flys, 1x flying 260m, 180m, 160m, 150m, 140m (NT, 21.68, 19.01, 17.98, 16.63)+4x8 RSI bounces

Week 10:
-4x100m sprint-float-sprint w/15m run in (11.35, 11.47, 11.21, 11.27) and Sand Volleyball
-2x2+1x1 Hills (53-59)
-Flag Football

Week 11:
-4x100m sprint-float-sprint w/15m run in (11.23, 11.20, 10.95, 11.05)
-5x40m hill sprints +2x3x150m w/250m walk rest (55.03 total time, 17.76 fastest) (55.74, 18.13 fastest)
-3x4x150m hills (untimed)+Take-offs and depth jumps

Week 12:
-5x100m sprint-float-sprint w/15m run in (10.94, 10.98, 10.80, 10.89, NT)
-300m, 200m (39.62, 25.86)

Week 13:
-1x4x75m sprint-float-sprint, 1x3x75m float-sprint-float, 2x100m fly w/15m run in (11.02, 11.00)
-9x300m w/2-3min rest (48-49)

Week 14:
-Flag Football

Week 15:
-300+80,60 (39.53 @300)
-Flag Football

Week 16:
-2x2+1x1 Long Hills (54-58)
-350, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100, 60, 50, 40, 30
-Flag Football and volleyball

Week 17:
-3x3x300m (47-49)
-300+3x60, 300+4x60
-2x(300+150) (1:00.71 on both)
-Flag Football

Week 18:
-2x(60 second, 40 second, 30 second runs)
-6x200m incline sprints w/2:30-3:00 rest (28-30)
-Flag Football
-300m-200m-200m (38.59, NT, 24.51)

Week 19:
-10x150m tempo incline w/ jog back rest (26)
-2x(300+4x60) (38.91 @300)
-Flag Football and volleyball

Week 20:
-2x2+1x1 Hills (52-59)
-2x(300+80, 60) (39.85 @300m)
-Flag Football and Volleyball

Week 21:
-7x40 second runs w/2:00 rest
-5x120m (~13.6-13.9)
-Flag Football
-2x320m (NT)+4x10 alternate leg bounds w/10m run in (110ft)

Week 22:
-10x200m incline tempo w/ 1:45 rest (31-32)
-5x100m w/5-6 min rest (11.56)
-Flag Football and volleyball

Week 23:
-Sand Volleyball
-8x45 second runs w/ 2:00 rest
-300+4x60 (41.15 off 2 curves)

Week 24:
-3x300m w/15 minute rest (41.44, 38.87, 39.16) and Sand Volleyball
-Flag Football and low rim dunks

Week 25:
-7x300m w/3 min rest (46-49) and Sand Volleyball
-3x150m w/8 min rest (17.88, 17.94, 18.16)
-Flag Football and Volleyball

Week 26:
-4x150m w/8 min rest (17.59, 17.47, 17.50, 17.65) and Sand Volleyball
-8x300m w/3 min rest (47-48)
-2x320m w/20 min rest (40.50, 40.60)+LJ takeoffs (~20ft jump)

Week 27:
-4x150m w/8 min rest (17.28, 17.16, 17.12, 17.31) and Sand Volleyball
-10x300m w/3 min rest (45.9-47.8)
-3x150m tempo (18.88, 19.13, 19.97)+LJ takeoffs

Week 28:
-4x60m sprint-float-sprint w/20m accel (6.84, 6.69, 6.46, 6.50)+ 1xflying 120m w/20m accel (13.28)
-Flag Football and Volleyball

Week 29:
-3x200m w/15-20 min rest (23.97, 23.78, 23.88)+hop circuit

Week 30:
-2x150m (18.06, 17.97), 1x220m (26.47)
-Sand Volleyball
-350m, 300m w/25 min rest (45.25, 37.44)+10x100m tempo
-3x70m build-sprint-float, 1x250m+150m (49.50=30.53+18.97) and Volleyball

Week 31:
-Sand Volleyball playoffs
-3x50m, 350m and 300m w/25-30min rest (45.13, 37.13)+10x100m tempo
-3x70m build-sprint-float, 1x250m+150m (48.94=29.63+19.31) and volleyball playoffs (Champions!)

Week 32:
-10x50 second grass runs w/2:30 rest
-Dunk Session on 9’7 rim
-3x40m fly off curve, 1x300m+100m (50.12=36.72+13.4)

Week 33:
-3x60m fly w/20m accel (6.60, 6.53, 6.56), 3x120m fly w/20m accel (13.03, 12.94, 13.37>started watch early)
-10x50 second grass runs w/2:30-3:00 rest
-2x80m accelerations off curve, 2x325m w/25 min rest (42.22, 41.82)
-3x70m build-sprint-float, 1x300m+100m (49.37= 37.03+12.34) and Flag football

Nice to meet you CNS29
How did you hear about Charlie?

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Probably first discovered him at some point during high school. I’ve read through books, forum posts, and purchased some CF products over the years. He’s definitely one of the more influential coaches in the T&F community, especially for people researching on their own.

Which products do you have and which one’s did or do you find most helpful?
I’ve been guiding a young person lately from the site and recently advised on a request regarding products.
I see you doing some accels 2 x 80m off the curve as one example.
Charlie limited non straight line running as it can be hard on the body.
If and when you sprint on the grass, make sure it’s like the grass in OZ or similar and or make sure you are ULTRA relaxed. Grass is good but it’s often not flat.

I have read the CFTS book, lactic acid tolerance book, as well as the GPP explanation video/graphs. These have been super useful for me on how to structure my training, and the 400m short to long graphs have also proven to be very informative.

Regarding the accelerations off the curve I perform them from time to time to get the feeling of aggressively coming out of the turn. But I try to keep my volumes at a manageable level. Also for the grass runs I keep them at extensive tempo pace for the most part (or run on turf). I’ll sometimes do them barefoot to get a strong lower leg response.

Good work CNS29 :star_struck:

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Week 34:
-Sand Volleyball and 2x40 yard accelerations, 3x100m fly w/20m accel (11.22, 11.12, 11.15)
-3x70m build-sprint-float, 1x320m+100m (53.38= 40.44+12.94)

you might know that sand sucks the life out of your legs.
So if you want to do sand stuff you can make speed and land training a priority and then hang out on sand.
If you are from the USA, I know it was a holiday.
Performance usually does not take holidays aka I get it and I would not advise missing your sisters wedding because of it but just making sure those reading this at least understand what I was taught and learned from learning on my own vs having Charlie guide me.
What is build sprint float?

I play as part of a rec league sand volleyball team on Tuesdays, so I try to sprint beforehand if I can. However, if the game is right after work I get my sprints in afterwards. It’s definitely not optimal but I enjoy the recreational aspect of playing on a limited basis, so it’s a tradeoff I’m willing to make.

Build sprint float in this set is a 30m accel- 20m top speed phase- 20m float phase