400m S-L questions

blending is definatly what i’m doing. right now the thursday workout is 2x400+400 with 1 min rest btwn reps and 15 minutes btwn sets, or splits 800s, whatever you want to call them. i avoid running the straight 800 since i am more of a 2/4 guy. i did this last year and it worked out well with a smooth transition into the 2x600 (using your other L-S program).

Right now i am doing short hills on tuesday and long hills (KitKat’s workout from LT thread) on Saturday. i plan on going into 700s for the first week or two of spp and then going into the 600s. although last year i did the 2x600s for like 7 weeks in a row with improvemnet each week, went from 1:36 to 1:29, so i would not be hesistant in doing that again as well and not even doing 700s, 600 is the farthest i like to go.