40 yard dash time

I dont play football but everybody talks about the 40 yard dash so I did it and my friend clock me in 4.51…I really dont know if its good because I dont have time of anybody…is it good or do I have a lot of improvment to do?

That depends on how good of a friend he is :slight_smile:

But seriously, you need to get that down to around a 2.8.

Really though, what I’m saying is that handtimed 40 yard dashes have many variables and the times you hear could vary by as much as half a second depending on who’s timing it.

Provided it’s anywhere near accurate plus adding on reaction time for electronic timing, you’re doing good. Age/training age/focus?

Being that its one of the first times you’ve measured, that’s probably a good starting point.

my friend is really a good timer …thats why I ask him…the last time he time my run…he had a difference of 0.1 with the electronic time…

you said that I have to get down this time around 2.8?2.8 sec for a 40 yard dash?:expressionless:

P.s for my age and my training…I’m 15 and I train 2 time a week in sprinting and I dont do musculation

2.8 seconds was a joke…

I hope so…

So…can I improve to…like…4.2? or somthing like that

Ben Johnson ran a 4.38 in his WR 9.79 100m sprint(?). Do you think you could beat Ben Johnson by 0.18+/-?

he surely does, cause he’s the greatwhitehope, but thats gotta be 4.38 for 40m not for 40yd, because it was on a track, in spikes, in the olympics, during a WR.

ps, Ben Johnson ran a 4.66-40m in Rome in 87.

yeah d-nasty you understand…its a 40 yd…not a 40m…I’m not saying I can beat ben johnson…(one day surely but…:P)lol

I know my fault, I miss understood the thread. Us basketball players in england don’t run a 40 yard dash.

haaaa thats allright my friend!

isnt a yard basically equal to a metre?

No, yards are longer than meters. 40 yards = 36.5 meters (about).

If you don’t have access to electronic timing, the next best option is to have 2 or 3 people time you from first movement, then take the average of those times to get your 40 yard time. That’s what we do when we time our 40’s for spring football. If you really did run a 4.51, thats a pretty good time. But then again, most 40’s are over-exaggerated and/or false or mistimed. Like others said, alot of variables come into play (surface you ran on, head/tail wind, timer, etc)

I trust my friend he’s a great timer…and for the condition I ran this on a swet road(I’m in Quebec(canada) and…we have a lot of snow…)

Ok, well, if he’s a good timer then that is a decent time.

All the Ben Johnson comments are critiques of how poor and exaggerated american footballer 40 y numbers usually are.

I’d use this time as a baseline for yourself and try to improve from there. At 15, there’s a good amount of room for improvement and it shows you have some natural ability. So contratulations, now get working on a program to shave a tenth off that 4.51 :slight_smile: Then another program, adjust, redesign, reattack. If your friend can really be consistent, you can use his periodic measurements to gauge your progress.

The averaging of a couple times is a good idea for a better idea of how you would compare when being timed by scouts though.

really nice:) ! do you have any program I can do to improve it…because im sure my school would appreciate a guy who run the 40 yd dash in 4.30:Plol

Search around in the football thread. There have been discussions on this I’m almost positive in the past. Football is mainly acceleration and change of direction, so that should be of emphasis.