4 day workout

Right now I’m focusing on track but need a program for the summer so I came up with this one below. It’s a four day program so i get the most out of my money at the gym. My goals are strength and explosiveness for football. While lifting I plan on taking CEE as well as a whey protein. Here’s the program how does it look? thanks

Power Clean (4x6)
Deadlift (3x8)
Bent Over Barbell Rows (3x8)
Bent-over dumbbell rear delt flyes (3x12)

Bench Press (4x6)
DB Incline Bench (3x8)
Push Press (3x8)
Skull Crushers (3x8)
Neck (2x20)

Squat (4x6)
Walking Lunges (3x8)
Stiff Leg Deadlift (3x8)
Calf Raises (4x12)

Bench Press (4x6)
DB Decline Bench (3x8)
Push Press (3x8)
DB Curls (3x8)
Neck (2x20)

Try to rework this so that you get in what you need in 3 workouts instead of 4, and schedule them for after your speed work at the track.

Looks pretty good but unless you show the %'s and rep schemes you will use each week to periodize your program I cant give you a definitive answer.
I think the exercise setup and selection looks good. However depending on how long you plan on using this program I think you can add some exercise variation. For example one week do the SDL’s as you have listed and another week you can do RDL’s or Glute Ham raises. Same for Squats or Pushpress. Why not change it up to Front Squats or Box Squats and HangCleans instead of Pushpress? I think you can also add Pulldowns, Pullups, or Seated Rows on one of those days along with some additional grip work.

How exactly could I incorporate olympic lifts in a four day program because that’s the main problem I have with structuring one for the summer. I really dont want to make it a 3 day workout because i would love to get the most out of my money at the gym.