30m dash

check it out.


i know its bad quality, sun was right in my cameramans face, he didnt have a clue.

the run is around 3.7-3.8

what can i do to improve my technique?

im the guy without a shirt on.

i think my hips are too low.

Your hip angles when the swing leg comes down is too horizontal. This causes your hips to be in a low position. Your running with bent leg’s, you should try and reduce flexion at your knee joint on landing. This bent leg running style originates from whats happening at hip extension.

how can i fix this?

Get your hips stronger and get them firing properly

get them stronger?
how do u measure hip strength?
im proficient for my build in the OLs…

how do u work on firing the hips??

What do your lifting numbers look like? Also, what is your height and weight?

To get the hips firing there are a number of drills. I need to get to bed though, so I’ll help you out a bit more tomorrow.

It’s a strength issue IMO so I wouldn’t worry about your technique till you work a bit more on strength, such as hills, explosive medicine ball work and some basic weight work- prob in that order

squat: 395
bench 310
hang clean: 270

180 lbs

yea, i havent been doing too much explosive work, because my shin splints have been creeping on me again, but i need to get back.