2010-2011 55m Training

fri feb 11

cf bike workout warm up (except on elliptical)
stretch checks
light stretch on tight spots (r. shoulder, l. pcl, l. hip)

-district championship meet tomorrow. goals are:
-> 55m 6.79 (three rounds, I’d like to go 6.8x, 6.84, 6.7x)
-> 4x200m 24.5h split

sat feb 12

district meet:
-55m -> 6.96,6.92,6.89
-4x200m -> 25.6h split

1 min erg
jump rope
a. 3x1 bench@225*,220*,215
a. 2x2x7,8 llrr hops r: wb, benching
b. 3x2 snatch@105
b. 2x100 medball twist throws
light stretch

-kind of disappointing today. after talking to my teammates, and looking in retrospect i think all the handoffs my coach had us do probably harmed my unloading because it added HI work to even my LI days
-great starts in all three rounds, poor middles, and moving up near the finish. seems to be my typical race now
-was very far behind in the 4x2. first 100m or so looked very fast according to teammates, but with the tight turns and lack of motivation i think i really died out
-still feel very locked up after accel in terms of my stride. doesnt really feel like my flys do which looked so good on camera earlier this week
-my heels took a pounding today and are tender. i think the tight turns making me slow down and having to stop quickly after the dash is whats doing it, because i do not think my heels are hitting the ground so hard during my actually sprinting

sun feb 13

weigh in -> 146

ice (l. pcl, heels)

-no noticiable DOMS. but can tell that trying to sprint today wouldnt go well so i got a good workout yesterday
-heels are sore, but no longer hurt, so hopefully by monday theyre all good

mon feb 14

800m jog
activation stuff
stretch checks
a. 3x2 bench@195,210,185
a. 3x5 wide-grip pull ups
b. supplemental strength stuff (1 each human flag, handstand push ups, gymnast holds)
c. hip ROM stuff (hurdle, stretching, drills)
light stretch

-heel soreness much better today
-was planning on doing 2x5x150m tempo, but decided to reduce to 1000m volume as opposed to 1500m
-meant to do some marching a’s and ankling today, but i will do it tomorrow since both are low int anyways and im doing even less tempo tomorrow

tues feb 15

800m jog
activation stuff
stretch checks
marching a’s
25 each xband
2 min abs circuit
2x10 stomach vacuums
hip stretching
light stretch
pcl and hip self-massage

wrist flicks to gun

tues feb 15

800m jog
activation stuff
stretch checks
marching a’s
25 each xband
2 min abs circuit
2x10 stomach vacuums
hip stretching
light stretch
pcl and hip self-massage

wrist flicks to gun

wed feb 16

5’ elliptical
pcl ROM stuff
wrist flicks to gun
hip stretch
light stretch
microstretch checks
ice l. pcl

thurs feb 17

800m jog
activation stuff
stretch checks
4x2 handoffs
2 blast outs, 1x30m blocks
1 top speed fly
hip and pcl stretch
light stretch circuit
hip and pcl self-massage

-feels weird not working out for a week, hopefully this peaking thing works. im gonna really need a huge pr to get into the finals round tomorrow and to move onto next week. the 8th ranked person is at a 6.70 so i imagine ill have to run low 6.7x’s to get in *though last year the cut off was 6.80). with spikes and the better track i will be very disappointed if i dont at least get a 6.6h equivalent (6.75-6.84) but would love to stretch my season another week
-made sure to elevate off the track and have posterior tilt in my hips during the fly. i think i have anterior hip tilt at top speed now (from watching in race tapes and how it feels) and i think that it is harming my top speed
-running the 55 and 4x2 tomorrow, ill set some modest goals, and some reach goals:
55m: 6.84 - 6.7x
4x200m split: 23.0h - 22.5h

fri feb 18

55m -> 6.90
4x200m -> 24.1h split

-disappointing meet. after my 55 my heart was kind of out of it so that was probably a factor in my 4x2 split being so slow
-in the dash i got out at the start with the kids running 6.7x but then just fell behind as that anterior hip tilt, tightening up, overstriding type of thing happened again. jeez habits are hard to break. my stride feels very forward and back instead of up and down during top speed

this is the end of the season so i guess ill do a reflection type of thing:

-kind of disappointing to work so hard and gain so little (6.98 as a soph before knowing any cf stuff to 6.89 as a sr after 2 years of learning and trying to train with the philosophy). guess i didnt find what works for me (though i do think i may have overtrained this fall, and concentrated too much on things is shouldve put less emphasis on ie weights)
-i think i may have actually gotten slower because my start got so good now, and in my 4x2 i maintain my speed far better now, but barely split faster. there is a mechnaical difference i think may be contributing to this because my hips have far less posterior tilt, my hip height is lower and my knees do not come up nearly as high. once i race it feels like a forward and back motion with my legs instead of up and down like it should
-i am taking this coming week totally off (i’ll start training again on sat feb 26) but now that ive had such a disappointing season (my 55 managed to only drop .03 from jr to sr year even with bench going up 35 lbs, parallel squat up 75+ and vertical jump some inches) ill need to think about what i want to do for the spring season (baseball or track). ill start a journal for the 100m if i decide to do outdoor and will concentrate more on top speed mechanics, running and flexbility

Rough man. I feel bad for you. Really do. If u were working one on one with Charlie these last 6 months, what or how do u think he would have trained you differently? …(Aside from the overtaining) … Seemed like you have a lot of talent.

Well, you can join the club of under achievers in high school… that doesn’t have to affect te future tho man… best of Luck to you…

-i think trying to train myself essentially without a coach’s watching eye, really hurt because its so difficult to tell while running yourself if mechanical things are falling apart. its tough because the coach at my hs runs an exclusively int tempo program, so i really doubt following that instead of what i did wouldve helped me at all in the dash since i already think i concentrated too much on the wrong side of the force-time curve (too much slow work, not enough full speed)

-if charlie would have been with me, i think he wouldve replaced weights with just medball stuff as he did with his high school kids, especially this year where i could rep over 2x my bw to parallel in the squat. weights get kind of addicting because you can see visual changes, but those changes arent necessarily the only thing going into being fast. i think its a case where backwards logic doesnt work (fast sprinters tend to be muscular, but becoming muscular doesnt necessarily make you a fast sprinter). essentially the way i trained i became probably one of the fastest in ma to 10m, but ruined the other 45m which make up so much more of the race. I think though i always went in the order, run, plyos, lift the importance in my mind all fall was lift, plyos, sprint, just because i saw ready gains in that order. i shouldve taped more runs in order to see if my times werent continually improving, esp over fly stuff

at least if i do outdoor ive had this as a wake up call to know what to concentrate on, and itd be nice not to have to sit every team workout since (earlier in the season) i think some int tempo isnt such a bad idea, but then ill def switch to pure SE work. esp if it was overtraining, at least i have a huge base to work from and maybe ill see my potential in the 100 since as a longer race it may even help my anterior tilt issue because i wont feel like i need to rush the race since its so much longer

so heres the deal:

-i think im leaning towards outdoor track. baseball was my sport as a child growing up, but as of now i feel like i really enjoy competing in track better and in baseball the things i liked (throwing and bp) i get to do only a couple times a game
-im taking 10 days off totally from exercise beyond what the normal day requires of me. then ill do 20’ cardio three days a week just to keep in shape til im at two weeks off. from there i will begin doing pcl therapy stuff and stretching and ab circuits. i will monitor my vertical in this period and until it begins to decrease, or im getting my hand well above the rim again (i could mid fall but have seen it decrease, a sign of overtaining) i will not resume full blown training
-once i begin training again i will start with bw stuff, then heavy weights, then power weights, and finally plyo and running with small emphasis on weights as i get into the season. outdoor track is really just a 10 week season, so my periodization will need to go faster, a much shorter gpp, a small spp then maintenance for the rest of the season concentrating on actually RUNNING FAST as the main part of my program as opposed to fitness, plyos or weights

tues feb 22

weigh in -> 146

sun feb 20-thurs feb 24

taught snowboarding (job)

-only marked this down because a 7.5 hour shift is very tolling and im sore from it so i thought it applied under physical activity, though none of it is HI and its probably good to just keep me active

fri feb 25

weigh in -> 145

-arm size actually looks quite the same, though i can notice some bulk dissapating in other muscles on my body. granted, i dont think has been my issue with running fast so im not too worried, 145 is still probably 5-10 lbs over my natural weight

mon feb 28:

5 min bike warm up
20 min bike@~110 rpm
100 LI plyos
some pcl therapy stuff
6 min abs circuit
stretching (hip mobility concentration)

5 min elliptical cool down

-nice and easy today, i just want to get back into the swing of things and i feel like crap when i do no exercise so im trying to refrain from being dormant, but am not really considering ding HI work for at least til next week to ensure full CNS recovery, then from there ill monitor my vertical and how i feel as to when i should begin my shortened gpp to make sure ive gotten rid of the overtraining i believe i accumulated but never unloaded
-tomorrow off, ill do a similar thing wed and fri

wed mar 2

5 min erg warm up
20 min jump rope
5 min erg cool down
pcl therapy exercises
6 min abs circuit
light stretch
hip flexibility

-man, i realized i never do cardio thats not running, its incredibly hard for me to get my heart rate up, because my muscles are exhuasted by even something like jump roping before i can even get my heart rate into the “training zone”. cant tell whether i have a strong heart or just muscles with little work capacity
-im thinking about starting training next weekend. i cant train the 17th through the 20th and i was planning on starting with bw work, so its not HI which will let me overcome any overtraining i might still have after three weeks of lying low, and that break will give me plenty of time to get over soreness if i have any. after i come back from the trip, ill start my progression (assuming that i see my vertical go up during next week from unloading lifting and training 6x a week for months at a time, then going into a full blast hs season. im willing to risk undertraining and some detraining because whatever i did either didnt make me faster, or the only way ill see it is if i let myself unload. its a risk im willing to take because ive never even done outdoor track and im a sr in hs, so if it doesnt work out the way i hope i can get over it)

so your definatley doing out door track?

idk for sure yet, im signed up for baseball but since its a cut sport i can transfer to track anytime during tryouts if i want. i still need to talk to the coaches

either way, my best part of baseball is my speed so id do speed training anyways

though im probably not training until after hell week, and if anything i may just start some upper body and core work if i notice im dropping too much mass

my legs need the recovery, and by taking all HI work off im really letting my CNS rest too

i dont think taking the time off will make me any worse, but if im overtrained it could really aid in me being much better by the end of spring