4 min jog
stretch checks
body kinesthetics
marching a’s 5x1min R: wb
a. clean 5x5,4,3,3,3@170,180,175
a. bench 5x8,6,4,4,4@150,160,165#
a. seated row 5x8,6,4,4,4@100,110,115#
b. squat 4x8,6,4,4@250,260,265
b. rdl 3x10,8,8@135
b. side cable pull downs 3x10,8,8@30
b. med ball throws 2x20@8
c. Light stretch
-after the first superset i started to yawn a lot for some reason. i decided to cut the workout short because lifting while my bodys trying to fall asleep seemed a bad idea
-form broke down on my sets of 3 in the cleans so i dropped weight