200 time - 26.7 ... wanna improve by june

I ran my first track meet 2 days ago. I ran 12.7 in the 100 and 26.7 in the 200. I want to improve both times, but mainly the 200. I would like to get my 200 time down 2 23.5-24 by june if possible. Can someone point me in the right direction 2 reach these goals?

I have no idea because I don’t know anything about you, but I’d assume you could probably drop a second off of that 200 by basic conditioning.

Well is there n e thing I can tell you 2 help out?

Also I was thinkin some kind of weight training might help.

How old are you? How long have you been working out?

I am 16. Started track 3 weeks ago. This is my first year on track.

i run in my first season 25,0.
For the 200m you can do a lot in points of speed endurance. CFTS can be a help in terms of example-sessions.

But i am quite sure with a 12,7 you wont be able for sub 24 in terms of speed

as 14yr old I did 11.38 & 23.23 so I think it would be best if you improve your speed first (don’t think it’s possible to run 23.5 with your 100m time at the moment) and then later on improving your speed endurance. This is not something you can do in 3-4 months. Try to improve as much as possible until then and then use that progress as base to build on for your next season. This is only your first year, don’t expect too much from it but use it as a jump for your next season.

If I look at the results from some meetings here,
one guy had 12.80 & 25.67 one other 12.26 & 24.87 both ~16 yr old. With some good work I think you can improve to around 25.00.