100 v 200 which WR is more impressive?

Both of Bolt’s runs were amazing can you decide which was more impressive?

Personally I will go ever so slightly for the 200m.

I voted for the 100M because of both how he did it (while celebrating and with no wind) and because of his height. No man should have a start like that, especially not at 6’5". And what’s even more amazing is that he has sub 9.6 in him with the right conditions. I can’t wait to see that race.

Very hard to decide but Im going with the 100 simply because he left room for improvement in his race execution (no celeberating, no dip at the finish line, bad RT) and the wind was 0m/s and not something like 1.7m/s which were used to seeing world records be set in.

guys i must admitt the 100 was awesome.simply by the way he ran it till 80.


I already told you- 9.69 shutting down will get you 19.04- so that’s a hint!

100m because it was so effortless. You just can’t do that!!!

correct and if 2 separate people had set the records I would definitely go with the 100m.

The reasons I chose the 200m were

  1. after setting the 100m record Bolt ran another 4 races and set the 200m into the wind. Charlie you always say about the recovery taken after a run like Bolt had so to do the 200m so close after the 100m has to be a factor.

2.there was soooo much more pressure on him to win the 200m

  1. for so long people were talking about the 200m as being out of reach for a long long time (which it was)

200 was more impressive. i was proud to see him gut one out.

100m. To run 9.69 while shutting down, with no wind, not to mention in an Olympic final (although certain things apply to both records) may be the greatest single athletic feat that I have ever seen. It is also far more unprecedented.

Even now this run seems unfathomable.

Yes, 100m for me too. That midrace speed was breathtaking. Nothing to beat the searing simplicity of the dash.

100, just because it got me and my friends rehearsing sprinting with our arms down the next day … :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m going with the 200m as he is the only one
that could possibly have broken that longstanding
record. In the 100m there was and still is 3 and
maybe more guys who could have done it if they
had run to their full potential.

I feel the 100m is the “icing on the cake” when it comes to the Olympics. Everything is on the table, it doesn’t get better.


Bolt’s dancing was more impressive than any of those records.