100 meter dash - technique flawed

Hay guys I finally got a video clip of my start in a real race. It wasn’t taken on a very good camera.

I am in the First Lane. It hurts me to watch the technique of the guy in the 2nd land although he beat me. check out my race at the youtube link and tell me what you think are the technical flaws.

From what I notice I don’t bring my support leg past my knee before I bring it down, my arms are to far away from my body, my shoulders are moving to much, and my arm is straighting out when i bring it back as opposed to staying 90 degrees bent.


Head position in set could perhaps be down slightly so it’s more in line with your body.

it appears as if your arms are straight as they pass by your hips! you should attempt to keep them at 90deg, your thumb should flick pass your hip bone - yours look like they are passing your knees!! practice infront of a mirror with your arms to get good arm swing.

Sorry if it was tough watching the video on youtube.

How is my start, I got a faster start then the other guys in my heat, but I wonder if that hurt me in the long run.

pretty descent… only arms are way to low, but
whats good about your start is you do not drop heels in the acceleration phaze.

work on the arms…stay upwright
