1 Month Results from Clemson's Cocktail

After using Clemson’s Cocktail for one month, I have noticed drastic improvements in strength with a decrease in bodyfat. All of my lifts are significantly higher than they were earlier this summer. My track workouts have been getting easier with better recovery times as well. I have also been taking the BCAA’s during workouts which seem to help me when I get tired. My bodyfat seems lower, although I haven’t got it tested, and I have gained around 5 pounds. I will post more later, but that is where i’m at after 4 weeks.

Cool I just ordered mine from BSL. What BCAAs are you taking?

How many times are you lifting and running during the week?


I’m lifting 4 days per week and running 5-6 days. I’m taking Blackstar Labs BCAA’s (Ice if I remember correctly). Let us know how it works for you.

i have been using a modified version of the anticatabolic cocktail (with what i can gather and afford here in australia)

been having around 2 per day every day now for the last month, my weight has dropped a few kilos 99kg to 97 or so… my weight tends to move up and down qhite a bit anyway, but what i am noticing is my face is thinning out ALOT!, ive always had a chubbier face, and even when lean it tends to stay with me, but now its melting away. My strength hasnt improved but it hasnt got any worse (whats a month anyway?)

but i am very pleased about the unexpected aesthetic results!

You guys are [i]not[/i] going to love me for this.. I'm a little green

What is ‘Clemson’s Cocktail’? or at lease which one are you talking about.
Also, what are BCAA’s


It took me 2 years to finally listen to Charlie Francis about taking BCAA’s since their was no research on power athletes with Branch Chain Amino Acids. He mentioned to me at the SWIS conference years ago but I thought he was stuck in the 80’s. The blood brain barrier allows various nutrients to pass through and it seems that tryptophan tends to tire out athletes, so by taking the other three aminos and blocking tryptophan, athletes can remove fatigue. I like extremeformulation’s ICE product.

My cocktail (named after me, and my membership is named after the college Charlie sent his sprinters) is based on the following.

Micellar casein helps prevent tissue breakdown and catabolism.

Micellar casein helps with body composition by buring fat.

Immunogrow helps rebuild the mucosal lining to help absorb more nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, protein, healthy fats, and even phytochemicals. Add the fact it helps absorb supplements better, it makes what you are taking more effective. I like ISS research or Biotest ZMA.

Glutamine helps balance the ph of the body and support the immune system greatly. The immune system is the first part of repair. I don’t consider it a muscle building protein, but indirectly it helps with heavy training.

HMB helps with athletes that are involved with huge eccentric loads…mj runs fast enough (under 20.7) to be taking it. I don’t think HMB is a good value but at elite levels I find it important.

Coconut milk helps with the immunesystem and metabolic system to prevent illness and help burn fat. It also makes the coctail a P and F combo from John Berardi.

It is used twice a day in additon to a great diet and training program. I have found it vital for multiple sessions.

another point…it took me so long to try the BCAAs in training I figured that any athlete that orders ICE can get my Regeneration Template for free. I think we need to use BCAAs again since they fell out of popularity near the mid 90’s. I want speed and power athlete to try Charlie’s protocols and not sipping a recovery formula during workouts. So give it a try!

I’m in the same boat as you.

So what is your hybird cocktail?

this is what i make

100ml of coconut milk
30g Calcium Caseinate (from www.myopure.com.au)
2g cinnamon powder (i buy the bark and grind it myself)
tablespoon of Psyllium Husks (for the night time one)
1g of ascorbic acid
ZMA equivilent (my own mix using seperate components night time only)

the hmb and immunogrow etc are all way out of my price range, shipping from the US is ridiculous. although ICE looks reasonable if you only use it on traing days

so i think what i have is probably the best i can get on my budget. myopure have some more quality products in the pipe line though at affordable prices (bcaas in bulk etc) so maybe we aussies can match it with the yanks.

take the ZMA seperately…

I try and maintain that rule as much as possible … I thought at first it was just hype, but I sleep like baby …

I just wash mine down with 5grms of Glutamine 30 mins before bed

Which brand do you use for ZMA?

I think it’s the Optimum Nutrition one (which ever is SNAC approved) - I buy the big 180 cap tubs - better value - and this does me for 3 months

Optimum is a good source…remember not to take it with a casein blend.

I like Biotest also.

I take it on an empty stomach 30min before bed. Can I take the ZMA and the cassein on the same day at seperate times?

Oh yeh baby - just not in the same 60 mins period

45-60 minutes…and optimum contained not spores or mold!

MJ - of course Biotest are SNAC approved too, however Optimum are the only ones doing a 90 cap tub and since Biotest are a little dear with most things - I’d say best value is go with ON.

But as for quality, once is SNAC go with it.

I’m out of ZMA right now, but usually I get leaner and stronger from that alone. I can’t wait to take it with the protein.