08 JA Olympic Trials-19.97-200m(extensive coverage)

08 JA Olympic Trials-19.97-200m(extensive coverage): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDzhxBq_Rlw

seemed like he shutdown at 150-160 and coasted in. Was hard to count the strides cause the video kept on skipping back.

more videos with extensive coverage from same guy:

9.85men 100m final: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkEu-tElLZc
10.80women 100m final: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2jJYf47FnM
21.94women 200m final: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BImXaqt3npA

One of the easiest sub-20s I’ve ever seen, perhaps the easiest. I can only think of Shawn Crawford running 19.95 in Athens quarter-final. Tyson’s 20.00 into -1.7 a month ago was easy, not a sub 20 though :cool:

Wow! That was one easy looking 200 by Bolt!

1.7m/s wind in this race. Definitely the effortless 200 ever that wuz sub 20.

I think Mike Marsh’s 1992 Barcelona semi-19.73 into a 0.2-would also be among the easiest ever. Not as completely shutdown/effortless as Bolt’s though.


easiest 200 ive seen :smiley:

It’s official man. Bolt is breaking that 19.3 easy.

Hell, he’s gonna go for 9.6 for the 100 also.