
Not gonna say one word, watch the video!!!

haha, classic.
I’ll pick just ONE.
Notice the right leg on every dude doing the Cleans! The right legs were all going out a lot further than their lefts - wonder if the floor was even…

Forget the cleans, I give them some credit because they were lifting some major loads. I didn’t like the 2in squats???

yeah - 2inch squats rule… :slight_smile:

“go heavy or go home” …i think i would have GONE HOME! what a load of BS

Never cease to amaze how stupid football coaches are…I can understand 1/3 of squats, but why those shitty cleans?they gonna injure themselves.
Anyone has an Idea of how much you can gain with a shitty football clean compared to a regular power clean?Is that worth the risk?

I got tired of watching the video. I was waiting on one of them to break a leg.

is anyone else having trouble getting the video to play? when i load it i see an advertisement for about 15 sec, but then the actual vid never loads…

the video appears in a pop up, pop up blockers prevent the video from playing, i few clicks in the right places should solve your problem

How can you understand 1/3 squats??

I suppose they do not use it the way I use 1/4 squats for example, but high squat is not evil in itself, provided you do other posteriorchain exercises…still, not the smartest move, but you can live withouth squatting…those cleans have no place .

Those 400lbs cleans are more impressive then 600lbs 2in squats.

That’s sure…still, I would like to know how can add to a proper clean a couple of rebounds, straps, tounghing shoulders instead of catching…

Crappy technique but at least they’re strong. I am surprised at how many people can catch 400lbs in ‘wrist breaking position’ and be fine.