What IS best way to put meat on my hamstrings?


there you go :wink:

Mine measures 27inches in the middle of the thigh :slight_smile:

how do you measure them? Flexed sitting down with you leg straight out? also how high up do you go?

Originally posted by QUIKAZHELL
how do you measure them? Flexed sitting down with you leg straight out? also how high up do you go?

I just stand and put a tape around the centre of the upper thigh. There isn’t much of a difference between relaxed and flexed in mine. Largest it measures 27.75 inches at the top of the thigh, and 27 at the centre.

im 5-7 150 and my thighs are 22.25 and my calfs are 14.

How about others?

Originally posted by QUIKAZHELL
im 5-7 150 and my things are 22.25 and my calfs are 14.

How about others?

They’re some pretty big things!! LOL

lol. typo. i changed it… thas what happens when i post 30 times a day and i am member of the day;)


i’m 15, 5’8" and 125 pounds, my calves are 14" and my thighs are 20" my legs are not proportianate to my scrawny upper body at all.

To anwser your questions. I am a competitive bodybuilder. I used to play Football at D2 school. Back at 220lbs, thighs about 29". Ran mid to high 4.5"s for 40 dash. Don’t do too much sprint work anymore. Teach lots but little self application. I would say I have good genetics for putting on muscle. More of an endo-mesomorph. My hams used to lag until I put one year of solid work in. Higher volume than normal in relation to sets and exercises. I did anywhere between 1-16 sets for hams. Then suddenly, my hams looked like they hung off the backs of my legs. I don’t know how far you want to go before you may possibly affect performance, but I guarantee that if you do what I wrote in an earlier post, provided your form is solid, you will get great results from hypertrophy standpoint quickly.

A couple of articles by Charles Poliquin:


26.5 inch thighs, little fat on them and they are all but untrained now. I am going to have to go on a serious diet one day :frowning: