WestsideWrestler Training Log

-Box Squat(1inch below parallel)405lbsx5reps NO BELT!!..absolutely great session today. I felt incredibly explosive off the box and i don’t know if what was from the plyo work the day before(i doubt) but man everything just felt so light and explosive, if only every squat session could be like that!
-Hyperextensions 3x12
-Grippers x multiple sets
-Ab Pulldowns 2x10
-Trunk Twists 2x10

Did some Tempo and some abs bright and early this morning.

8/2/2007 Starts + Plyometrics
-Weighted Box Jump 16lbsx3x2,20lbsx3x2
-Box Jumps 6x3

-Med Ball Chest Pass into Plyo Pushup 4x3
-Med Ball Slams 3x3
-One Arm Med Ball Shot Put 3x3

-Standing Rollouts 5x10, 4x6
-Trunk Twists 3x6

Been a real hectic past two weeks, so today was nice to get back started in a set routine.

Day1-RE Upper
A)DB Bench Press 3setsxmax reps
B)Rope Pushdowns 3setsx10reps
C)Lat Pulldown 3setsx12reps
D)Rope Pulls to Throat 3setsx10reps
E)DB Alt Curls 3setsx10,10,9reps
F1)Med Ball VUPs 3setsx20reps
F2)Med Ball Russian Twists 3setsx20reps

FINALLY back to getting to the weight room consistently.
-Box Jumps 5x2
A)Box Squat 285lbsx6setsx6reps
B)Hyperextensions 3setsx12reps
C)Manual GHR 3setsx5reps
D1)Pulldown Abs 3setsx15reps
D2)Trunk Twists 3setsx10reps

Bodyweight=190lbs and going up!

Day2-Recovery work, neck and abs
-15x80m…VERY slow jog
-Neck Harness Extension 3x12,12,15
-VUPs 3x15, Crunches 3x25

-Med Ball Throws 5x2
A)Bench Press 220x6x6
B)Skullcrushers 3x10,10,8
C)Chin Ups 4x5
D)Iso-Hold Shrugs 3x10
-Crunches 2x20,Rope Pulldowns 2x20, Leg Raises 2x15,12


Well my manuals finally came in the mail, i started yesterday.

8/23/2007 Day1
Dynamic Effort Upper
A)Dynamic Bench Press 8x3
B)2Board Press 3x3
C)DB Bench Press 3x15
D)DB Bent Over Rows 3x12
E)Triceps Pushdowns 4x12
F)Plate Pinching 2xF

8/24/2007 Day2
Max Effort Lower
A)Close Stance Low Box Squats(Volume Progression) 315x5, 350x5, No Belt
B)GHR x30reps
C)DB Lunges 3x10
D)Weighted Back Extensions 3x10
E)Standing Ab Rollouts 3x10

BW=194lbs, man, i am blowing up right now…i love it…i am hoping to hit 200lbs by next wednesday if all goes as planned.

-Sled Dragging(Forward/Backward)x10-12minutes straight
-IYTA 2x8
-Poor Man Shoulder Horn 2x10
-Pushups 2x10
-Stability Ball Crunches 3x25
-Burpees 15secON/30secOFF, repeated 10times
-Band Neck Flexions 4x25

Max Effort Upper
A)2Board Bench Press(Volume Progression)300x5
B)Pull Ups 5x6
C)3 Way Shoulder Raises 3x20
D)DB Extensions 3x10

-Burpees x15secON/30secOFF, repeated 12times
-Neck Harness Extension 3x20

Dynamic Effort Lower
A)Speed Squats of parallel box w/choked mini’s 10x2x245lbs
B)Speed Deadlifts 10x1x275lbs
C)Pull Throughs w/Band 3x15
D)Band Twists 3x10
E)Standing Ab Rollouts 3x10

Dynamic Effort Upper
A)Speed Bench 190x8x3
B)Close Grip 2board press 275x3x3
C)DB Bench Press 4x12
D)DB Bent Over Rows 4x10
E)Rope Tricep Pushdowns 4x12
F)Plate Pinching 2xf
G)VUPs 3x15

Max Effort Lower
A)Close Stance Low Box Squats 385lbsx5reps…NO BELT
C)Walking Lunges x80total reps(40per leg)
D)Weighted Back Extensions 4x10
E)Standing Ab Rollouts 4x10

-IYTA 2x8
-Poor Man Shoulder Horn 2x10
-Pushups 2x10
-Stability Ball Crunches 2x20
-Band Neck Flexions 4x30
-Burpees 15secON/30secOFF, repeated 14times

Max Effort Upper
A)2Board Bench Press 320lbsx5reps
B)Pull Ups 6x6
C)3Way Shoulder Raises 3x20
D)DB Triceps Extensions 4x10
E)Pulldown Abs 4x15

BW=198lbs, i didn’t hit my goal of 200lbs last wednesday, but i fully expect to hit it and even more next friday. Very pleased with the 2board press today, felt very strong.

Lower Body
Was supposed to perform DE squat and deadlift but my knees were very sore so i scrapped it.

-Burpees 15secON/30secOFF, repeated 16times
-Band Pull Throughs 4x12
-Band Rotations 4x10
-Standing Ab Rollouts 4x10

Monday September 17th 2007
-Doing a 4 week cycle of sheiko

1)Bench Press 50%x5x1, 60%x4x2, 70%x3x2, 75%x3x5
2)Full Squat 50%x5x1, 60%x5x2, 70%x5x5
3)Bench Press 50%x6x1, 60%x6x2, 65%x6x4
4)Chin Ups 10setsx5reps
5)GHR 5setsx5reps

Your log is the only one I ever read (other than EFTS sometimes)

Thanks man, that’s cool!

Tuesday September 18th 2007
Recovery Work

-BW Squat 4x25
-Band Pull Aparts 3x25
-Band Up Rows 3x25
-Poor Man Shoulder Horn 2x10
-Pushups 2x25
-Neck Harness Extension 3x25
1A)Med Ball VUPs 3x15
1B)Med Ball Russian Twists 3x15

Kinda sore today in my pecs and hamstrings/glutes…