April 3, 2009, 8:32pm
That’s what I’m wondering, and apparently, Franno cuts the short hills out starting in January, to do heavy sled 2X/wk.
Some specific questions for Charlie:
(1) Would you do any of this in s-l, or does the weight emphasis take care of the power development (In all the talk about Asafa’s hip development, there is no comparison to Ben)?
(2) In the Vanc s-l, does replacing the efe, fef (for people already in shape) with Franno’s hills or sleds make sense?
(3) Or, would you do hills/sleds in place of some of the 30m starts?
I can see doing some of what Franno is doing in l-s as the speed emphasis is missing early.
He already stated you could do sleds in place for some 30m block starts etc. Why would you want to drop efe or fef for more hill/sled work, dont make sense.