vitamin B 12 injections

I’m curious about trying these out, unfortunately I’m not very knowledgeable about them.
Has anyone ordered B-12 shots online and self administered them? If so, what are the reputable websites?
Do I have to go to a doctor for this?

not difficult. I use them when I am training really hard and feeling drained. Its easy to administer. A famous coach told me to get B12,9,6 from vet supply online. Cheap and high grade.

I found this online:

Would I be better off with B-complex or just B-12?
There are some outstanding products on the above website, a large variety of injectable vits, minerals & amino acids for animals. I’m curious if these would be safe/legal for humans?
Thanks for your help.


GMP standards. I have used them for years without issue. B 12 is B12. If you can get it isolated, great, if not use the complex. It is made to high quality, just not paying the human pharm price

I did. I got mine from a veterinarian suppy store online. The ones that come up when you google are fine. Vallvet and such…

The thing is, 1., the first shot I gave myself was great because I was clearly deficient as I felt a boost of energy and well being, however, all subsequent injections I have felt NOTHING. That’s ok because I’m moving on to other things.

  1. I injected myself in the quad and I injured the muscle tissue from being inexperienced with needles. The injury got worse when I decided sprint on it.

See the body was not designed to be punchered with needles (any size), let alone injecting a substance into it that tears the muscle even more. (I’m still injured by the way as I’m sprinting at about 90% and I feel a sharp pain when it’s my injected quads turn to fire. After a good warm up, the pain does subdue but it’s not 100% healed.)

So my advice: use a small gauge needle, inject right under the skin instead of intramuscular if you can, and use a site that does not see all the violent forces of sprinting.

Yes, that’s EXACTLY what I got. As far as a injectable vits, well I thought it was great too because it’s cheap, but the danger of injecting myself to get vitamin results makes me reconsider the benefit in the long run. I’m now taking herbs/Amino Acids and got much better results in weight room (bench now at 285) and track recovery then injecting myself with b12.

I recall a doctor saying that the body (liver?) has enough b12 to supply the whole system for 4 years if the body ever stopped making it. Is this true?

People can suffer from pernicious anemia. I am not sure it is the end all be all, but Charlie said they used to use it with inosine dissolved into it. Its all a matter of personal preference. By pass digestion, so likely a more available form. Water soluble so little worry about toxicity. Insulin gauge should avoid any pain.

Thanks for all the helpful replies! I think I will at least try it once to see if I feel anything as it’s only $20 (and be cautious with the needles:cool:).

I trialled it for a while (injecting into the glutes). Personally I did not find much of an effect from this but thats me.