The link below shows all of the body measurements, including thigh size of elite sprinters who
run between 10.29 and 1.20 seconds for 100 meters. even shoulder width, ankles, chest, waist - etc…
It shows 60.90 cm as the average thigh circumferance. (24.5inches.)
average sprint time = 10.52 seconds
length of leg = 102.28cm
body weight = 80.98kg
body hieght = 180.78 cm
shank circumferqnce (calves?) = 40.73 cm.
shoulder diameter = 40.9 cm.
pelvic diameter = 28.14 cm
knee diameter = 9.58cm
ankle diameter = 7.68
It sais the rectus femoris plays a key role in withstanding peak ground reaction forces,
as it ensures proper stiffness at the knee joint.