UK athletics: Loren Seagrave on warm up and starts

what do you guys think of this video i.e. methods and cues he is using?

Not everyone can view/listen to those-depends on what region you live in. I think it was back last fall where access was restricted to the UK only.

I did listen to two audio interviews with LS before the restriction was imposed. I don’t think they had any videos at that time, only audio.

oh thats a shame :frowning: basically he covered different core activation exercises for the start of the warm up variations of planks, variations of leg thrusts, leg raises on your back, scorpions…and a few others…

he then went onto drills to help with proper acceleration mechanics where he emphasised “popping the thigh forward” on wall drills and keeping the toe infront of the knee. he then done drills based around this idea of popping the thigh forward rather than bringing the knee up.

when they started on blocks he also went on to cue the lead arm coming up out the blocks to bring the thigh forward and to actually forcefully increase the ROM of the hip flexion as the athletes wern’t getting their foot far out infront enough to get a good “grab”

What do people think about this idea of forcing the range of motion to achieve proper mechanics?

i’m confused about this part, this is kind of what i did when my start was awful because i was overstriding and while i was getting a good grab and had a big ROM i was having my foot land in front of my COG so my start was very slow

yeah these were my thoughts too, but it was only on the first two steps he mentioned this, then after he said just let your mechanics happen naturally.

i guess he thought they were understriding the first step or two…

hmmm if there are any uk people who can watch this video maybe they can explain it better than me as i think i might be a bit confusing :confused: lol?