Friday July 7th (week 16)
Today was my day off, it was kind of a small tempo day, but I still didnt do much. Did a bit of yard work, then had a good stretch session, ate lots of food, drank a fair amount of water, and had volleyball later in the evening.
o went for a full body massage today:D was hoping for a hot female massage therapist, you know, like a supermodel or somthing, i had my fingers crossed. I ended up with this dude instead…just like Seinfeld…i hate that show.
o but it was fine anyways, im not uncomfortable with that kinda stuff, so it didnt phase me, although, the glutes, chest, and hip were off limits.
o it was really nice getting my back and shoulders done for a change, along with my traps (which were tight) and my neck. Next time, ill request a female therapist…i found out afterwords you could do that… :rolleyes:
Had some easy going beach volleyball right after the massage, so i was pretty well warmed up already. Home > dinner, stretching, water, ZMA, and sleep!
David Lee Pong Workout (week 1) - starting over
- straight outa bed
o 3x[(5 x Push-ups) + (5 x Hyperextensions)] - no rest in //
Tomorrow, im on my own, here is what my schedule (as advised by my intense coach) looks like.
- 8am
- warm up
- [(20m, 2 min rest, 20m)then 4 min rest]x7 inclined sprints
- med ball throw, 3 exercises, 12 reps each, always staying crisp and relaxed
- plyos, various jumps, ~40 foot contacts
- core
- post supp
- stretching
- work
*note: Hip feels awesome today! hamstring feels better from all the icing, and the massage, Im sure it will be fine tomorrow. as well, upper quads and groin all feel much better.