Friday May 26th (week 10)
Woke up super early cause i got called into work. BUt it turned out to be a really good day at work. Got a few stretching sessions in while doing fire watch:D
Tempo - Short Circuit
o two laps jog
-static stretching
1 = 100m tempo at 70%
2 = 200m tempo at 70%
- = 50m walk
^ = 100m walk
Total = 2200m
Core Workout
o 8 exercises ~ 40sec each
Recovery & Regeneration
o chocolate
o stretching
o water
o ZMA (been taking these for about a month)
David Lee Pong Workout (week 6)
- straight outa bed :eek:
o 3[(23 x Push-ups) + (28 x Hyperextensions) + (28 x Sit-ups)]
-no break in //
Saturday May 27th (week 10)
6.5 hours sleep
drank a good amount of water
ate a variety of food
162 pounds this morning (im 6 feet btw)
So Im going to try and weigh myself every morning and record my weight for a couple weeks, just to have some fun.
My legs feel great today, no more soreness, the stetching, icing, and ZMA-ing really hurried the process along.
Woke up too early this morning, so i was ganna go and do my solo sprint session. It was raining pretty heavy though, so i decided to stay home. It cleared up, but I didnt have enough time before work.
Instead I warmed up by playing some DDR. did some stretching in // dances:D After about 20 minutes of warming up, I went to do some power clean technique
o I split up the movements, starting from Dead lifts to Hang cleans to Jerks and then Squats
- did 4 sets x 6 reps x 85lbs and felt pretty fatigued, so I finished with one more set of 6 reps x 75 lbs.
- not the greatest weight session, so I wont warm up with DDR prior to power cleans anymore. I was also kind of rushed this morning due to work, and the lack of sleep didnt help either. It was still decent though.
GOt some good stretching in as well. I can now touch both toes while doing the hamstring stretch on the ground.
Core workout
o 10 exercises ~ 40sec each
- havent actually done these yet, but im on my way right after this
Recovery & Regeneration
o Post supp (this morning after weights)
o contrast shower (this morning, after weights)
o stretching
o water
David Lee Pong Workout (week 6)
- straight outa bed :eek:
o 3[(23 x Push-ups) + (28 x Hyperextensions) + (28 x Sit-ups)]
-no break in //