uuhhhhh woke up at 4:30 this morning and couldnt fall back to sleep, then swimming at 7am…arg…just relaxed the rest of the day though, studied it up at the beach.
Soccer Try-outs
Today i was not really impressed. It might have been that i had an intense training session last night, it might have been the lack of sleep last night, it might have been the beach today, but during the soccer try-out this evening, our coach ran the team into the ground, and i was tired as is… im just ganna keep doing proper warm ups/warm downs, eating post meals and finishing with recovery methods.
Recovery & Regeneration
o post supp
o contrast shower
o self massage
o ganna be icing for sure tomorrow, im just waiting to see what hurts though…
David Lee Pong Workout (week 7)
straight outa bed :eek:
o 3x[(30 x Push-ups) + (30 x Hyperextensions)+ (30 x Crunches)]
no rest in //
Might just take the day off tomorrow, ganna see how i feel in the morning.
yes sir, you get a big part in a movie or somthing!? im pretty sure only ren would come today anyways, but ill phone ren, ben, ashley…and all the SFU guys are gone.
Woohoo! finally had a wicked sleep last night! 9+hours! with no rude/random awakenings early in the morning.
mid-right back and outside right quad were a little sore today from last night, so i iced that down today while in class (last class of the summer!:D) ill be good for tomorrow.
Tempo stuff
o played some beach volleyball today. didnt warm up as much as i would’ve liked, but it was pretty mild volleyball.
o then home for some core work
11 exercises w/ 6min break in // & stretching
Recovery & Regeneration
o post meal (salad from wendy’s)
o contrast shower
o EMS throughout the day
David Lee Pong Workout (week 7)
straight outa bed
o 3x[(30 x Push-ups) + (30 x Hyperextensions)+ (30 x Crunches)]
Well i missed week 23 all together, and here i am coming on to week 24:)
Although, this past week, I had to have my appendix removed due to appendicitis, which was really painful and lame;) Not a fun experience at all, very abbrupt, and very painful.
The ol’ appendix almost burst on me, but the surgeons got it out just in time :eek: so i have pretty much been detraining as of late, not eating as much (due to lack of appetite) but its coming around now. lost of few pounds in the progress.
But I can’t really do anything anyways, b/c any movement that involves your abdominals (pretty much everything - which is where my staples/scar is) causes a lot of pain. So hopefully i can start doing some ems work to help slow the detraining down.
heres some pics of the staples (trying to still look strong of course;))
Well today was my first day back to training since the the surgery. I got my staples out just before training as well! which was much more comfortable.
had a descent warm up on the eliptical, then lots of stretching, followed by more stretching
did lots of low weights and high reps today. Kept it to my upper body with isolated movements that didnt involved my abdomnials very much.
it felt good to back in the gym, andrea came along as well, it was her first time back too. she was doing more than mE! lol.
had a contrast shower, stretched, iced, post supplemented, then had a feast at my coaches house!
lately, ive been stretching more, and doing more self-massages, cause theres not much else i can do, i also go on hotornot.com… :o
not doing anything all day kinda sucks! can’t wait for second year of university to start!
University started today, and we delve right into it! Lots of notes, lots of work:D The first week is always fun w/ the new ppl, music, give-aways, sun!
Since I’m not playing soccer this year due to my appendicitis, I’ll be tutoring first year calc for the school! so things worked out well anyways.
Warm up
o two laps in bare feet - first jog since sugery, felt great
static stretching
o 5x50m tempo @ 60% - these also felt great
static stretching
thats all for now!
Weights (apple pie)
o bicep curls
3x20x20lbs in each arm
o triceps
o shoulder shrugs
o also did some dead lifts with the 15lb bar just to see how things felt, and it felt fine. Recovery & Regeneration
o contrast shower
o protein drink (22g)
o stretching
o water
so with 5 courses and tutoring this semester, my goal for now is to maintain one intense training day and hopefully one or two tempo days. its not much, physically, but now its time to train my mind.
well, its been 3 weeks since my surgery. I’ve done hardly any training, and am currently de-training, and have managed to slightly open the end of my cut two times. Otherwise, the wound is healing nicely, and i have no more pain.
I was doing a bit of tempo and small isolated weights, but am no longer doing anything until the damn wound heals, which could take a while with all the moving around i get myself into each day.
it kind of sucks, i feel useless not training at all. i feel guilty. Although, im rediculously busy with school work, which is good. I officially got back into the school groove just this week, there was just this feeling…followed by a 5 hour study session. so im back in gear, but out of my trianing gear…for now. Hopefully in another 3 weeks, ill be ready to start sprinting and lifting again, and switching from gear to gear.
Been almost 5 weeks since the surgery! Still havent dont much, but my wound is nicely healed over now and will not re-open anymore I was also sick last week, so i wasnt feeling up to doing anything anyways. but i am all better now.
I started my 10 week sports massage last week again, so that will be a perfect way to get back into training!
I’ve started stretching more again, and yesterday i did a core workout. 7 exercises 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off. It went really well, no pain at all, except for today, due to not doing abs in SO LONG!
Tomorrow morning before class, and im going to do a tempo run and stretch session. Then tuesday i will have my massage. and either wednesday or thursday ill be in the weightroom again:D!
dynamic stretching
o 3x60m progressive accels (4mri)
static stretching
off to statistics
Recovery & Regeneration
o contrast shower
o water
o stretching
o sure didnt eat enough post meal food today
Really nice easy training day today. Really loosened the ol’ muscles and got the blood flowing. I need to start taking multivitamins again! and possibly ZMA as well. SPorts MAssage tomorrow, then I’de like to hit the gym on thursday!
David Lee Pong Workout
straight outa bed
o 3x[(15 x Push-ups) + (15 x Hyperextensions)+ (15 x Crunches)]
Been getting lots of sleep over the last few weeks, having my courses at like 10:30am is really nice. My eating patterns are way off though, its tough to keep myself full moving from class to class throughout the day. Still drinking lots of water, and starting to stretch two times a day.
My quads were a little sore from the previous day, which means i was probably using my quads too much during my runs? So I took the day off, plus i have my sports massage on tuesdays, which is another good reason to have an easy day.
The massage was awesome! It really loosened up a lot of the adhesions in my quads and adductors. The inside of my quad/thigh (adductors) were pretty tight, so we worked on those a lot and loosened things up, I also have new stretch to help as well that I will be incorperating into my daily stretching routine.
Core work
o 5 exercises
1min on, 1min off w/ homemade med ball
Recovery & Regeneration
o stretching
o drinking more water
o icing legs [15min on/15min]*3
David Lee Pong Workout
straight outa bed
o 3x[(15 x Push-ups) + (15 x Hyperextensions)+ (15 x Crunches)]
I kept this tempo short, i was startin to feel it in the end. Had a good warm down, and ate a good meal, then went to class.
Tuesday Oct 3rd
Massage! worked on my glutes, hams, and adductors again. Loosened up lots of adhesions and worked on some awesome stretches. Im going to stretch my adductors as much as i can this week, and then were really ganna focus on them next week cause they’re pretty tight and sore
Thursday Oct 5
Warm upo two laps in bare feet
static stretching
o 2x50m tempo then dynamic leg swings
o power cleans
warm up with bar
Complex with 105lbs (dead lifts, hang cleans, squats, and the jerk)
5sets x 4 reps at 105lbs w/ 2mri
these felt really good again
o Bench press
o Core
4 exercises with med ball 30sec on/ 30 off
Recovery & Regeneration
o contrast shower
o chicken ceasar wrap
o stretching
o water
really quick workout today, had to get to class! and now i have to study! aahhh
After my first session back to actually sprinting and doing some explosive med ball stuff, i was a bit sore the next day, but sore in a good way, so it was all good. I had a massage the next day, which really helped. We have found that my addectors are really tight, and need to be worked on.
During the massage we did some contract release therapy. eerrrrr, i think thats the name, but its kind of the opposite of normal massages. Instead of stretching the muscle out, you find where its sore, then position the body in a such a way that its comfortable to the client, and such that the muscle itself is shortening vs contracting. you hold that for 1.5min, and it just feels awesome afterwords!
next week we are gonig to focus just on my adductors so as to loosen the adhesions which will help out my hamstrings as well.
Tempo - Swimming
-warm up in hot tub for 10 min w/ stretching
6x15m water running
5 mri w/ stretching
6 more runs
hot tub for 10 min, then cool down in the pool for 5 minutes.
dynamic leg swings
o 3x60m progressive accels w/ 3mri
o Sprints
o Power Cleans
warm up with 40kg
o oh bunk yea, sure was intense cleaning again!
so our intense coach was here to guide ren and I along in our sprint and weight session today, and theres two things for now that i can work on. one for sprinting, one for cleaning.
not so much back leg mechanics while sprinting. Instead kick heel to butt, step over knee, and power foot down. BOOM!
while sliding the bar up my quads ( end of deadlift - start of hang clean) thrust waist out while fully extending to get that added boost to increase the momentum of the bar.
no time for bench or apple pie…or core . had to get home to study
Recovery and Regeneration
o post supp
o contrast shower
o water
o stretching
lol, reading some of these threads a year later is funny, does anyone remember me?
I’ve been lightly training throughout the university year. Usually swimming/water-running a couple times a week, and one intense day of power cleans and core work once a week.
Its basically enough to maintain some kind of physique!
schools just been brilliant, almost done second year!:D! infact, its out in 2 weeks, and finals are done in less than a month!
Then my goal is to become a MACHINE! this summer, all of my time and effort will be geared towards training, nutrition, recovery, studying, and all that jazz!
I am planning on breaking the 100kg barrier for power cleans near the beginning of summer, and I will enter the Jack Brow track meet here in the Okanagan for the 100m sprint.
Ill be back to keeping a regular journal soon here, just thought ide swing by and catch up seeing as its been more than half a year!