An update on my trials.
I wasn’t signed but the coach recommended me to another team for trials (at a lower level) and there I did receive an offer. However, I decided it was in my best interest instead to sign for the semi-pro team where I played last spring/summer and hopefully transition from there to somewhere bigger.
I played well at the trials and was easily the best physically- was the fastest and could run forever
I have to report to my club this week but I’ve been training pretty consistently so I feel ready. I have acquired a sled (a tire ) as well so I have been utilizing that a little bit in my training.
Yesterday morning I did 4x4x10m (each time I would do 2 reps with the sled and then 2 reps without). The sled was very light.
Then yesterday afternoon I lifted
Today I plan on just doing tempo maybe 2x10x100