The Only Difference Between Try and Triumph Is A Little Umph!

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Today was a Clean & Jerk + Squats day. All went well, but the session did take quite a bit longer then expected. I have no problem with that though. I had nothing better to do today.

The workout looked like:

Hang Clean & Jerk
Warm Up 45x4 55x4 65x4 85x4
Work Sets [ul]
[li]3x4 (95)
[/li][li] 2x4 (105)
Hang Cleans
[li]5x3 (115)
Hang Clean Pulls
[li]8x3 (135)
Full Squats
Warm Up 45x6 95x3 135x3 155x3
Work Sets [ul]
[li]6x3 (180)
[li]20 Min. Static Stretching
[/li][li] 2x10 for 2 Rotator Cuff exercises (w/ light dumbbell)
[li]I started pretty light with most of the lifts today except for the Squats.
[/li][li]I alternated the leading leg on every rep for the C&Js.
[/li][li]The Clean Pulls were a little tough by the time I got to them.
[/li][li]Happy with the workout overall.
[li]I will be taking a contrast shower after I post this and finish my last meal.
[li]4 Egg Omelet- (Deli Turkey, cheese, variety of veggies)
[/li][/ul] [ul]
[/li][li] Mashed Potatoes
[/li][li] Carrots
[/li][li] Apple
[/li][li] Pre Workout 1 Scoop Protein Shake
[li]Post Workout 2 Scoop Protein Shake
[li]2 Turkey Burgers
[/li][li] Salad
[/li][li] Potatoes
Good day… The workout ended up being pretty grueling. I feel really good now though. Tomorrow will be a relatively easy day. I have some presses and light front squats. Then work… Yay.