where did you pick it up? must have been very expensive
I got an injury the first day of my unload micro, si joint irritation (not wearing my lift during hill sprints)
went to my usual ART guy an did some soft tissue work & it felt much worse the next day!
…went to a diffrent PT & he did some tests & manual maipulation & it felt 50% better that night!
This past mon 1 week after the injury i did a full workout with no pain or discomfort
mon accel/hill sprints
omegawave: CNS 4/normal
hormonal/3 hypofunction (not sure why this is, i do have adrenal issues) I thought for suree this would be higher since i did less work during this unload micro due to injury
foam roll tfl, piriformis
static stretch TFL, glutes, piriformis
power plate static squat, hip bridge 2x30sec
dynmaic warmup
1 leg hip bridge
new hill not as steep 20degrees maybe
3x10m warmup
1x40m should i have structured it diffrently? then 4,4,1?
hammer throw MB 3x5, soccerthrow 1x5
power plate 1 leg floor bridge 1x30sec
high pulls 3x2 120lbs
squat 195 4x4
ileg rev hypers 3x6+6
hanging leg raise 2x6
mckenzie press up 7 x10sec
drink my shake while staic stretching hips
ice bath for legs 20min
pm massage & contrast baths
foam roll tfl, piriformis
static stretch TFL, glutes, piriformis
power plate static squat, hip bridge 2x30sec
dynmaic warmup
1 leg hip bridge
tempo runs 100m x6 “felt good”
seated low pulley rows 3x6
weighted vest pushups, feet high 3x6
dead bug stabilisation abs excersise 3x30sec
mckenzie press up 1x6r/10sc hold
drink shake while static stretching hips
wed: off contarst baths