Tempo question

Your guys donā€™t work either. How much tempo are you doing per wk?

Whatā€™s the difference with your plan vs my setup.

mb throws 600x

Weight circuit A/C 30 on/30 off

I didnā€™t post that as an instruction for you or for those who are on their feet for many hours a day. If what you are doing is working then by all means, continue. You might even benefit from performing more tempo work on a bicycle or in the pool.

We perform tempo 2x/week during the off-seasons unless we have a team run on Fridays.

Do you do much tempo in-season? Or speed work for that matter?

Read the forum.

Yes we perform tempo during the season; in much smaller volumes, however.

Weā€™ll perform it the day after our games as well as after practice in certain cases.

We do not perform speed work; however, it could be used for redshirts who are inactive during practice.

I would get sick of answering the same questions, more patience then me.

No worries. Though I explain much of this, and more, in detail on my lecture dvds so for those who are reading I would direct you to those.

so i assume 100m guys would tend to use lower tempo volume? and what about when someone opens the season with a 400 and is working their way down to a 100, would they use higher tempo volume for the beginning 400 or would they do lower volumes as if they are a pure 100 guy?

I know, you just stated that answer less then one week ago.

If you are a 100m guy I would use less tempo volume but if are following a l2s spp the tempo volume would have to be higher to prepare for the 2x600 etc. If you were following a s2l spp I would keep tempo volume at 3000m per week.

makes sense, thanks for the input

I was referring to the comment made about 1000mtrā€™s of Tempo, not your set up.

I do Both!:cool:

For real? No wonder you come off aggressive (good thing).

And I agree, tempo only seems to help me up to a pointā€¦ Anything more I might as well be a distance runner. The real key in sprinting is high speed SE runs.

Me too, I use to work in a bakery and they made all the bread for a major fast food chain, and so, the plant ran around the clock 7 days a week and sometimes I had to work like 13-14 hours around peak periods. And so, when you work like that for 3-4 days a week you need 1-2 days just to get back to normal (sleep). I use to feel sorry for my buds because they had GF/babies and so when they got home they had to say up to watch the kids as the GF went to work.

Anyhow, around this time I found Joe Defranco (and through him I found Charlie) and started doing Westside, and so, the gym work was ok, I was able to manage, but there would have been no way I could have done high speed runs, AND lift weights, AND tempo, AND med ball work, while working 12+ hour shits, especially since most of the time I worked at night.

Anyhow, I donā€™t know why they work people like this (hire more people or something), itā€™s why I quit. I was only 25 and would get home and see bags under my eyes. Cops, nurses and other people work shifts like thisā€¦

It was a joke, Iā€™m a strength and conditioning coach.

Oh, but still, no wonder you come off the way you do. You seem like a natural leader.

Try the 3 day rotation itā€™s great when working tons of hours.

Thanks, but Iā€™m ok now, Iā€™m self employed so it works out great for recovery.