Tempo question

Well - you need to also take in consideration your work.
If your on your feet like 12hr days, then you do what you can. But also realize at the same time, don’t expect miracles when your working 12hr days and training part time.
Anywhere between 10.50 - and 11 flat would be great times on that schedule.

i have worked 12hr days before also - and once was 7days wk for 10wks! Only did 20min workouts every 2nd day. No good for speed, but gym strength still went up.

If your doing 1000m now
Recovery could be say on a 2min 30cycle - ie every 2min 30sec the next rep starts.
wk 1 - Mon - 10x 100m
Thur - 10 x 110m
wk 2 - Mon - 10 x 120m
Thur - 10 x 130m
wk 3 Mon - 10 x 140m
Thur - 10 x 150m
wk 4 Deload
Mon - 10 x 130m
Thur - 10 x 140m
Wk 5 Mon - 10 x 150m
Thur - 10 x 160m
wk 6 Mon - 10 x 170m
Thur - 10 x 180m
Wk 7 Mon - 10 x 190m
Thur - 10 x 200m (2000m)
wk 8 Deload
Mon - 8 x 200m
Thur - 9 x 200m

I would hold that for about 4wks and then slowly start adding in push ups, sit ups, squats, burpee’s etc between the reps.

Depending on your work roster, ie, 4 days on 4 days off 12 hr days?? You could do 1000m on work days, and work up to 2000m on non days.
So instead of 8wks to get there, it might take 12wks?

The Q. you have to believe in is - Is it worth it? How much time do you have available and how much Better / Faster do you want to get? The answer to these Q’s will decide your volume

My small skill guys handle 2000yds of tempo very routinely 2x/week whether it’s 2x10x100yd with pushups or abs + 30-45sec btwn reps or 2x5x200yd with 2min btwn reps.

In both cases they’ll walk around the field 1 or 2 times between sets

As far as the 100s go, we’ll begin post season and post spring ball with:
wk-1 2x6
wk-2 2x8
wk-3 onward 2x10

This is not to state that we must perform this volume to be successful; however, this has historically proven to be very manageable as well as highly beneficial and hasn’t shown any sign of taking away from subsequent speed sessions.

Your guys don’t work either. How much tempo are you doing per wk?

What’s the difference with your plan vs my setup.

mb throws 600x

Weight circuit A/C 30 on/30 off

I didn’t post that as an instruction for you or for those who are on their feet for many hours a day. If what you are doing is working then by all means, continue. You might even benefit from performing more tempo work on a bicycle or in the pool.

We perform tempo 2x/week during the off-seasons unless we have a team run on Fridays.

Do you do much tempo in-season? Or speed work for that matter?

Read the forum.

Yes we perform tempo during the season; in much smaller volumes, however.

We’ll perform it the day after our games as well as after practice in certain cases.

We do not perform speed work; however, it could be used for redshirts who are inactive during practice.

I would get sick of answering the same questions, more patience then me.

No worries. Though I explain much of this, and more, in detail on my lecture dvds so for those who are reading I would direct you to those.

so i assume 100m guys would tend to use lower tempo volume? and what about when someone opens the season with a 400 and is working their way down to a 100, would they use higher tempo volume for the beginning 400 or would they do lower volumes as if they are a pure 100 guy?

I know, you just stated that answer less then one week ago.

If you are a 100m guy I would use less tempo volume but if are following a l2s spp the tempo volume would have to be higher to prepare for the 2x600 etc. If you were following a s2l spp I would keep tempo volume at 3000m per week.

makes sense, thanks for the input

I was referring to the comment made about 1000mtr’s of Tempo, not your set up.

I do Both!:cool:

For real? No wonder you come off aggressive (good thing).

And I agree, tempo only seems to help me up to a point… Anything more I might as well be a distance runner. The real key in sprinting is high speed SE runs.

Me too, I use to work in a bakery and they made all the bread for a major fast food chain, and so, the plant ran around the clock 7 days a week and sometimes I had to work like 13-14 hours around peak periods. And so, when you work like that for 3-4 days a week you need 1-2 days just to get back to normal (sleep). I use to feel sorry for my buds because they had GF/babies and so when they got home they had to say up to watch the kids as the GF went to work.

Anyhow, around this time I found Joe Defranco (and through him I found Charlie) and started doing Westside, and so, the gym work was ok, I was able to manage, but there would have been no way I could have done high speed runs, AND lift weights, AND tempo, AND med ball work, while working 12+ hour shits, especially since most of the time I worked at night.

Anyhow, I don’t know why they work people like this (hire more people or something), it’s why I quit. I was only 25 and would get home and see bags under my eyes. Cops, nurses and other people work shifts like this…

It was a joke, I’m a strength and conditioning coach.