T-Slow's Training Journal: Indoor Race Season

Hi John,

Interesting that he keeps the long hills in during the SPP. I liked those runs a lot, they get you fit in a hurry, and they don’t seem to tax the muscular or CNS systems much seeing as perceived effort is high, but actual speed is low. I like the idea of keeping that day in throughout the season if possible. I am finding that going to a more or less short speed oriented program after the GPP / transition results in somewhat of a loss of overall fitness, with body fat creeping back up a bit.

I have a race coming up this Sunday, 60m and 200m. I was planning to run the 400m as well, but it comes before the 200, so I’m not terribly keen on that idea. I will of course keep everyone posted on the results. I got some new spikes (Nike Zoom Superfly) with the stiffest of stiff plates, and my accels feel MUCH better. It will be interesting to see if the shoe change has an impact on my results. It feels like it might!