this could be the mantra of Masters athletes!
I think so!!
Sunday Afternoon - 2pm - Cool
Warmup 500m slow jogging pace then
5 x 120m hills (12degs) jog back
1km slow jog
300m fast relaxed
300m walk
60m flat out
200 walk to cooldown
Quite a hard session
Monday Morning - 6.15am - Cool
5kms - 32:58 that is all
Saturday - 7.30pm - Cool
Treadmill Session
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
1 x 70m strides
60m - 6mins - 60m - 6mins - 60m
run at 95% TM set at 12degs incline
First training session of any kind since
Monday morning. Have been very
tired possibly caused by several 5km
runs recently.
Monday Evening - 6.30pm - Cool
Tempo Session
Warmup 400m slow jogging followed by
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
run at 75% ++ = 60s
Monday Morning - 6.25am - Cool
3km around local street course - 16:28
Sunday Evening - 6pm - Cool
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
1 x 70m strides
run at approx 70% +++ = 90s
Wednesday Evening - 7pm - Very Warm
Warmup 800m slow jogging followed by
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
3 x 40m strides
600m - 3rd in 1:51
2.13km - 11:21 as part of a relay
Tuesday Evening - 8pm - Cool
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
1 x 70m strides
60m - 6mins - 60m - 6mins - 60m
run at 95%
Tuesday Morning - 6.25 - Cool
3km run local street course - 15:50
Pleased with that - slowly improving!
Monday Morning - 6.30am - cool
3kms in 16:17 (first bit a struggle!)
Friday Morning - 6.30am - cool
3kms in 16:25
Tuesday Morning - 6.30am - Cool
20min run on the TM with a few hills
added here and there.
Monday Evening - 7pm - Mild
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
1 x 70m strides
60m - 7mins - 60m - 7mins - 60m
run at 95%
Medball Abs - 5mins various
Wednesday Morning - 6.30am - Cold
3km around usual course - 15:37 and
felt strong - best time for 3 or 4 years.
Tuesday Evening - 7pm - Cool
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
Run at approx 70% ++ = 60s
Wednesday Evening - 7pm - Warm
Knox Masters
Warmup 800m slow jogging followed by
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
2 x 30m strides
2 x 15m practice starts
90m race - 3rd in 11.79 - ordinary!
400m race - 66 - a shocker!
3km - 18:49 - a shocker!
Of course i should expect this after such
a good 3km run in the morning.
Thursday will be a rest day.
Monday Morning - 6.25am - Cool
3kms usual course - 16:25
no training Mon night due to my son’s
Grade 6 Graduation.
Saturday Afternoon - 5pm - Mild
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
1 x 70m strides
300m - 30secs - 100m
17mins break including 5mins various
medball abs
300m - 30secs - 100m
Friday Morning - 6.30am - Indoors
20mins of running on the TM not too
strenuous mostly for recovery.
Tuesday Evening - 7pm - Warm
Warmup 400m slow jogging followed by
1 x 70m strides
Run at approx 70% - ++ = 60secs
Tuesday Morning - 6.25am - Cool
3km in 15:16 which is 1sec outside my best
for this course set in 2005. Pushed quite hard
early and it showed in the latter stages.
Wednesday Evening - 7pm - Very Warm
Knox Masters
Warmup 400m slow jogging followed by
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
4 x 25m strides
3 x 15m practice starts
60m - 8.17 (3rd)
200m - 27.29 (4th)
400m - quick relaxed last 200m in 32
Particular focus is on 400m at the moment
Saturday Evening - 8pm - Mild
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
1 x 70m strides
60m - 6mins - 60m - 6mins - 60m
Run at 95%
Medball Abs - 5mins various
Saturday Morning - 8.30am - Indoors
25mins of running on the TM with various
speeds and inclines.
Monday Evening - 7.20pm - Warm
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
1 x 70m strides
300m - 30s - 100m
20mins including Medball abs 5mins
300m - 30s - 100m
fast relaxed then very fast
Monday Morning - 6.25am - Cool
3km run usual course - 15:45
Sunday Evening - 7pm - Mild
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
1 x 70m strides
run at 70% - ++ = 60secs
Wednesday Evening - 7pm - Very Hot
Knox Masters - in 39C heat!!!
Warmup 400m slow jogging followed by
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
2 x 30m strides
3 x 15m practice starts
400m - 2nd in 62.37 (fastest 400m in
four an a half years !!!)
Then ran around 2kms as part of a
relay and struggled a bit in the very
very hot conditions.
Tuesday Morning - 6.25am - Cool
3km run around the usual course pushing
a little harder - 15.21
Saturday Evening - Boxing Day
Speed Session
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
1 x 70m strides
60m - 6mins - 60m - 6mins - 60m
run at 95%
Medball Abs - 5mins various
Friday Evening - 7pm - Indoors
Upper Body Workout
Various Dips/Pullups/Pushups and
Medball Abs - 3 sets of each
Quite low numbers as i have not
done these for a while and have
lost a lot of upper body strength.
Friday Morning - Christmas Day
A slow TM run for time - 25mins at
various speeds and inclines
Thursday - Rest
Sunday Evening - 7.30pm - Mild
Tempo Session
2 x 70m strides
Run at approx 70% - ++ = 60s
Monday Evening - 6.30pm - Mild/Warm
Split Run Session
3 sets of bum kicks and high knees
1 x 70m strides
300m - 30s - 100m
Quick relaxed/Fast
20mins rest which included Medball Abs
300m - 30s - 100m
Quick relaxed/fast
Monday Morning - 11am - Mild
25mins run for time including some hills
and various speed changes etc