Stormbikes' Training

Saturday Evening - 7pm - Indoors
Treadmill Session
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
1 x 70m strides

60m - 6mins - 60m - 6mins - 60m

Medball Abs - 5mins various
Air Squats 3 x 30

Monday Evening - 5.45pm - Cool
Speed Session at Knox Track
Warmup 400m slow jogging followed by
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
1 set of goosesteps
3 x 30 strides

3 x 10m 4pt starts
2 x 20m 4pt starts
1 x 30m 4pt start
1 x 50m 4pt start
1 x 60m 4pt start

Then at home -
Medball Abs - 5mins various
Air Squats 3 x 30

Wednesday Evening - 7pm - Cool
Knox Masters
Warmup 400m slow jogging followed by
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
3 x 30m strides
2 x 15m 4pt starts

60m - 3rd in 8.03
about 20mins later
300m Hcp (284m) 3rd in 41.83

30m @ 85%
40m @ 95%

Not quite up there with last week but you
can’t blitz every week!!

Thursday Evening - 7pm - Indoors
Medball Abs - 5 x 60s various
Air Squats w/weighted vest + dumbbells
5 x 25

Saturday Evening - 7pm - Indoors
Treadmill Session
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
1 x 70m strides

60m - 6mins - 60m - 6mins - 60m
Run @ 95% @ 12degs incline

Medball Abs - 5mins various
Weighted Vest Air Squats 2 x 25/
1 x 30

Friday - Rest Day

Monday Evening - 7pm - Indoors
Medball Abs - 5mins various
Air Squats - 3 x 30

I’m having an unload week this week
gotta do it every now and then.

good call :cool:

Thursday Evening - 7pm - Indoors
Medball Abs - 5mins various
Air Squats - 5 x 30

Wednesday - Rest Day
Decided against going to Masters for
a change. That’s about only the 3rd
time i’ve missed it in 6 years!!

Tuesday - Rest Day

:eek: impressive.

Monday Evening - 6pm - Cool
Speed Session - Knox Aths Track
Warmup 400m slow jogging followed by
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
3 x 30m strides

4 x 10m 4pt starts
4 x 20m 4pt starts
3 x 30m 4pt starts
2 x 40m 4pt starts

Then home for -
Medball Abs - 5mins various
Air Squats 3 x 30

Friday Saturday Sunday - Rest

Wednesday Evening - 7pm - Cold
Knox Masters
Warmup 400m slow jogging followed by
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
1 set of goosesteps
3 x 30m strides
3 x 15m practice starts

100m - DNF - another runner broke at
the start causing me to hesitate and miss
it by about 2 metres (race wasn’t pulled
up) so i ran to about 60m and pulled out
due to lack of interest.

300m - 44.85 felt awful and was very slow

I ran a fairly easy 90s 400m for something
to to a little later but overall a very crap
night of running. Had a headache that
came on from around 4pm and try as i did,
couldn’t get rid of it.

Saturday Evening - 7pm - Indoors
Tempo Session
Warmup 400m slow jogging followed by
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks

Fast relaxed pace with ++ = 60s

Friday Evening - 7pm - Indoors
Treadmill Session
7Dips/4DHPullups/18Pushups (see how
much strength i lose when i don’t do
these for a while!)
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
1 x 70m strides

60m - 6mins - 60m - 6mins - 60m
Reps done at 95%

Medball Abs - 5mins various
Air Squats 2 x 25/1 x 30

Tuesday Evening - 7pm - Indoors
Treadmill Tempo Session
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
1 x 70m strides

fast relaxed with 60s rests

Monday Evening - 7pm - Indoors
Treadmill Speed Session
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
1 x 70m strides

60m - 6mins - 60m - 6mins - 60m
run at 95%

Didn’t do anything else due to
amount of time available.

Thursday Evening - 6.30pm - Indoors
Treadmill Tempo Session
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
1 x 70m strides

Run at 75% w/60s rests

Medball Abs - 5mins various
Deadlifts 2 x 3 x 70kgs (5mins rest)

Wednesday Evening - 7pm - Cold
Knox Masters
Warmup 400m slow jogging followed by
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
3 x 30m strides
2 x 15m 4pt practice starts

120m Hcp - 1st in 15.32e (114m)

A little later -
6 laps (2400m) slow jogging pace.

Saturday Evening - 7pm - Cool
3km of pretty slow jogging around the
local streets in a rather pedestrian 18:13

Friday Evening - 7pm - Indoors
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
1 x 70m strides

60m - 6mins - 60m - 6mins - 60m

Medball Abs - 5mins various
Deadlifts 1 x 3 x 70/1 x 4 x 70kgs

Sunday Evening - 7.30pm - Mild
3kms of slow jogging around the local
streets again tonight - 18:03

Medball Abs - 5mins various

Monday Evening - 7.30pm - Warm
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
1 x 70m strides

60m - 6mins - 60m - 6mins - 60m

Medball Abs - 5mins various
Air Squats - 3 x 25

Thursday Evening - 7.30pm - Cool
3km run - lake course - 18:10 was a bit
of a struggle tonight.

Wednesday Evening - 7pm - Cool
Warmup 400m slow jogging followed by
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
3 x 30m strides
2 x 15m practice starts

60m - 2nd in 8.17 - slight headwind
about 30mins later -
4 x 200m relay - ran the anchor leg and
chased home the winning team making up
a lot of ground. I’m very pleased with the
about 5mins later -
2kms - 13mins so pretty slow!

A very good night’s work.

Tuesday Evening - 7pm - Indoors
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
1 x 70m strides

run at 75% - ++ = 60secs

Saturday Evening - 7pm - Indoors
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
1 x 70m strides

Run at 75% ++ = 60s

Medball Abs - 5mins various
Deadlifts 1 x 3 x 70/1 x 4 x 70kgs

Sunday Evening - 7pm - Cool
A 3km run tonight - a little better 17:46