Huh? Did you just start up training again after some time off? I hope that what you meant here was that they were a teeny tiny bit sore, and not a lot sore. Ja? Nein?
If they were over a 5 out of 10 for soreness then you probably did too much work yesterday, or you didn’t cool down properly, or you went drinking or you didn’t eat properly afterwards. Which do you think it was?
No, they were definately not over a 5…, the thing is my hamstrings always feel a tiny bit sore, and yesterday was a bit more than normal, and all that walking didn’t help.
I would give them a 4/10 for soreness.
Reasons for soreness out of all the ones that you mentioned:
I don’t think I did too much work, although our lifting session was a bit more intense than normal.
I DID NOT cool down properly (so that’s one).
Did not go drinking afterwards (last time I drank was this past summer, next time will probably be on New Years).
Did NOT eat very properly afterwards (that’s two).
Stefanie, about the Tobasco sauce…Great day, I can’t believe you’ve never had that! You’re the first person I know who hasn’t tried the stuff . As for the Greek food, I have had some, but I don’t think it was the real thing like you’d get over there. Where can I get authentic Greek food? Anyway, enjoy you’re training day off.
“Them boys are trapped like two foxes in a hen house with a sack fulla eggs.”
Well I’ve never been down south where you are… so I don’t think I can help you there.
The best Greek authentic food is in Greece, indeed …
Or find a first generation Greek mom in the U.S. and ask her to cook for you, that is usually pretty successful as well.
Sunday I took off.
Monday track: WU, some dynamic stretching and drills,
6*200m at a comfortable pace, with 2min recoveries (jogging), they were done at 33 not too much effort.
This week is active recovery in the weight room, so I’m trying to do the same with track workouts too. Although I do feel like I need some speed and plyos…should I jsut wait till next week? Hmmmmmmmm
Tuesday we ran a mile to the hill, then did only 4*50m hills with 1 min recoveries, then ran back one mile.
Today morning I skipped 6:30 practice to catch up on sleep, I also skipped my morning class. THe workout was 4*300 but I’m not making that up…if I do anything after my classes it will be an extensive warm up with lots of drills, some plyos and maybe some short accelarations. We’ll see…
I have a question for you?
Where could i get good info/descriptions on the drills like A’s B’s etc.
Its kind of hard to seach this forum for things like A’s
Thanks you
Stefanie, I would wait till next week for speed and plyometrics. Rest up, study up, heal whatever ails you, then hit it hard next week. I think it’s a good idea to have an easy week every once in awhile. If you are going to do something with a little more intensity, then I would do a few medium effort hills. Take this for what it’s worth, because, lord know, I’m no expert on training.
“I’ve been to Georgia on a fast train, honey…I wudn’t born no yesterday…Got a good Christian raisin’ and an eighth grade education…Ain’t no need in y’all a treatin’ me this way.”
I’m not sure about info on drills…I tried doing a quick search for you with no luck…your best bet is posting your questions on the “sprint training” section of the forum. I’m sure people will help you out there.
I’m glad you like my journal
Sounds good It really makes no sense to do an easy week and then go do plyos and speed…
We did medium intensity hills on Tuesday, so that’s that!
Today I didn’t do the extensive warm up I was planning cause it started raining when my classes were out.
So I went to the gym, dragged myself on the treadmill (borrrriinnngggggg… ) and ran as follows:
5min warm up at 6.5mph
steady 13min run at 7.5mph
1min at 8mph
1min at 9mph
1min at 8mph and then cool down:
1min at 7mph
1min at 6mph
1min at 5mph
1min walk at 4mph
then done…
I didn’t even know what I was doing…or what the point of this was, but I broke a sweat, my heart rate was going, I was concentrating on running with good form (which is something I need to work on) so there was some good out of it
I feel kinda bad cause the sprint coach sent me this big email explaining what I need to do to make up the morning workout that I missed (4*250s), he went over the warm up, the pace of the workout, how the form should be, how they should feel, my rest periods, he explained what kind of cool down I should do… And he wants me to get back to him and let him know how the workout went.
Did a 1.7mile run around campus, which was a “race” to win a turkey (first two places won it)… first place was a soccer girl, second place were about 6 cross country girls who all crossed the line together (they could have won if they wanted, but I gues they were being generous to the public :o ) and then it was me…I could have stayed with the soccer gild (who was only 50m ahead the wholeee time) if I wasn’t socializing with my strength trainer for the first half of the race… :rolleyes:
There goes the turkey… :o
I’m not running again till SUnday, so I can say that at least I attempted an active recovery week.
Sunday we’re doing this fund raising thing where we’re going to break the world marathon records (for men and women) as a team relay (105 laps around the track) …so Sunday I will be running a bunch of 400s… and maybe some 200s.
It should be fun
Sunday we did a team relay marathon to beat the world record, and WE DID…yessss!!!
It was tons of fun, I ran 3 or 4 200s and about a million 100s with my potential 4*100 team…
I felt good, and surpisingly, people were commenting on my “perfect form”…goodness gracious…what has this world come to…
Legs hurt after that marathon workout…today was off, tomorrow I will do a track workout depending on how much it will be raining…( :mad: )
Well I went on the track while it was raining…I did a warm up, dynamic stretching, drills… then 2 accelerations, I wish the grass wasn’t all slimy and wet cause I would have done some short hills, so I decided to do short sprints instead, but believe it or not…my legs are still kinda tired from Sunday (in fact most of the team is sore, so I don’t feel all that bad about it :o ), and since had started raining even harder, I decided to remain happy with a good warm up and a good stretch…
But I went to the gym anyways and hopped on teh bike and did one big set of 10* 30sec resistancy 5 at a fast pace, then 30sec rest at resistancy 2, after a 5 min easy warm up.
And then since I had more time until my lifting session, I also hopped on the elliptical for 15 minutes and took out some energy there too…
I felt kinda weak at lifting, probably cause of no breakfast, except for some honey before the track and half a banana after…
Bench press we were supposed to reach 12 reps, but at 100lbs I could only do 10 (which is my 100lb pr anyways, so I guess it’s not all that bad…) My second set I did only 6 reps at 100, third set 7 reps of 95…
MR seated rows, 12, 10reps
2max clap push ups (hate these…)…I felt lighter doing them, but my arms were just tired…(breakfast it IS next time…), got 22 reps on the first set, and then a pathetic 12 on the second… :rolleyes:
10 MR floor flies paired with 10 MR military press (in invert order actually)
2shrugs (50lb DB’s)
Warm up, stretch, drills, 1100m strider
2300m with 100m jog in between, done at 58 and 60, concentrating on form and staying relaxed.
“shake offs”: 2butt kicks, 2high knees, 2skipping, 270m fast striders, then immediately back to
2*300m with 100m jog in between done at 56 and 60.
“shake offs” (same as mid-way)
Striders are when you try to “float” - it’s not as fast as a sprint, but you go fast while trying to stay as relaxed as possible and there is not too much effort put into it…you just concentrate on having long strides and using the right sprinting form, only in slower motion.
We usually do them right before a workout to get the legs going (remind them how to move fast without putting any stress).
In Greece, we call them “openers”, cause they are meant to open up your stride
All right, cool, I’m going to have to add some of that into my mix. I think I actually do these anyway, when I’m doing a 400 to cap off a workout; I get to the point in the backstretch where I can’t really accelerate any faster, so I kinda put myself on “auto pilot” and try to just think about striding, holding the form, and running in a straight line. This may be a good warm up drill also, or something to loosen me up for the faster reps.
“Oh, Susanna, oh don’t you cry for me, for I come from Alabama With my banjo on my knee”
quick warm up jog, some static stretching (inside)
then outside: dynamic stretching, good 40m drills (added more to the usual every day routine),
plyos: 2altitude skips (about 50m)
260m alternate leg bounds
3* skip-step (13 each leg)
150m stride
4 10-15m accelerations (didn’t really measure the distance, I think I might have gone for 15m…)
1)squats: 5135lbs, 15185lbs, 15190lbs (15 reps are “ouch” and make my heart rate go up like I feel after doing a hard sprint…is there something wrong with me? :rolleyes: )
2)RDL: 1595lbs (being careful on my lower back there, which was hurting way back, but since those felt FINE, I then did 15115lbs
3)2(max push ups+max pull ups): 30+20, 20+15
4)larimore lunges, 12 each leg w/ 10lb plates
5)220calf raises each calf
6))MR leg curls, 112
7)MR hip abductions, 1*12
some abs on my own
Random treadmill tempo in the morning (threw some faster intervals during a 21min run.
Then straight to lifting, where we did:
(if you want the exact order of these, look at Tyziskben’s journal…he probably has it right.
abs, 14 pull ups
abs, static push ups
abs, military press
abs, single leg squats
abs, [curl-up-back-up-curl down (w/ 10lb plate), push ups] 2
abs, “quick feet” with rubber wheel
abs, single leg reaction exercises with agility ladder
abs, 2 1min overhead claps
(I probably forgot something…but oh well )
Tomorrow we’re doing 10*50m flying sprints I think… Yay